"On a Bruised Road" Is Pepper Espinoza's Best Yet
by Published on 16 Oct 2009 03:03 PM
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"On a Bruised Road" Is Pepper Espinoza's Best Yet

When I was a teenager, I picked up a novel about a girl falling in love with a ghost. It was an interesting premise, but I was disappointed quickly as it turned out the boy wasn't really a ghost. He was simply disembodied while in a coma and the story ended with an all too predictable awakening and true love was found.
On a Bruised Road is about a ghost, too. There is very little predictable about it.
Edwin Masters has been obsessed with a car for decades, a 1962 Alfa Romeo Spider 2600. It's not the type of vehicle car buffs obsess over, but Edwin isn't himself a car buff. His reasons for wanting that particular car aren't revealed right away, but from the moment he slips behind the wheel of the one he's buying his life will never be the same again.