A place for discussion of all games, sports and recreational activities.
The Forum for Long Running Games with set player rosters. Also a good place for Chess games or Mafia.
Star Trek RPG - Setup thread
Yesterday 11:01 PM
A group is picked every two weeks or so and their top songs do battle.
Song Battle - R.E.M (Final Round Open)
20 Sep 2017 05:17 AM
Give the first word that pops into your mind when I say... Red
...lives within 500 miles of his or her birthplace.
Yeah, so I was reading *Daniel Deronda* by the notoriously ugly George Eliot (according to Virginia Woolf and Henry James). James was not far off when, I think he applied the words "loose baggy monsters" to Eliot's novels. And he was such a bitchy...
OK, I had a brainwave and chose to try it out. I'll start with a partial sentence (a question), which can be completed by the next poster. Said poster answers the question they just completed, then supplies their own partial sentence... hopefully,...
The rules: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Botticelli_(game) A previous SDMB thread, so you can see how it goes: http://boards.straightdope.com/sdmb/showthread.php?t=626545 House rules: Please label indirect questions "IQ," and when you've...
A B - June 2012, July 2012 C - July 2012 D - June 2012 E - May 2012
OK, when chate flatlines, we sometimes get into this thing where one person posts a random (usually) 4-letter word, the the next poster changes one letter (and one letter only) to create a new word. This thread might sink like a stone, but eh. ...
The words have to start with the letters, in the order they are given. Post the sentence, and give another 5-letter challenge. Here's the first one: E P N T L
5 stranded castaways...
What should her code name be?
I'll write a haiku, Use the previous haiku's Last line to start yours. --------------------------------- That one's hard to start with, so I'll make an easier one. Mellophant haiku
I'll get us started. grin
SHAMELESSLY ripped off from a board that shall not be named. Looked fun, though, so here we go! Name a category that includes at least 5 items. Next person has to name 5 things in the category (NO GOOGLING, PEOPLE), and then post another...
In this game: come up with an answer, to which the next person names the category said answer might plausibly be from. After which they give their own answer, and so on.
Besides "nigger", name an offensive term for black people
This is like mastermind or whatever with words. I have chosen a word and replaced all the letters with blanks. Look, there it is! -------- You have to find out what the word is. In order to do that you must post a word with the same number...
I like these kind of games. To start us off: letter
Well, why not? Let's start off with.... maple
I'll start us off kneecap
So for opening day and beyond while we await the season, a list of movies to tide of over? Bull Durham Eight Men Out Field of Dreams A League of their Own Major League Pride of the Yankees Bad News Bears (original) Sand Lot
And off we go.... dope
If a guy is a 3-sport athlete, would he plausibility play these positions: Cornerback Shooting Guard Third Baseman
I'm sure there's one like this already, but I don't see it. Someone can add to my current repertoire of: (i) pretending to get my 100 good-form pushup/presssups in -- meh, my biceps and pecs get enough. It's not that many, but I need them to...
"You're goddamned right you fat pig, and if you look at my window one more time with your disgusting neighbors, I'm going to make scrapple out of your white ass."
Of these 2 women, who's lifting ability is more impressive: Stephanie (6'5, 250 lbs) Benchpress: 265 lbs for 35 reps Squat: 470 for 15 Deadlift: 700 for 5 Legpress: 950 for 5 Amanda (5'4, 140)
Generally the Main Event gets about 7000 entrants, and looking at the structure: 3 days before the "bubble" bursts (about 1000 players get money), and 7 to get to a final table. They play 5 blind levels a day, so I'm curious: what day would someone...
In a sports league with 8 games, how many different ways can their home and road games be distributed? I think it's (2^8)/2
If someone lifted weights, did calisthenics and yoga (Vinyasa if it matters). How would you split them up? I'm inclined to JUST lift on one set of days, and the other activities the opposite days.
What time of day do most teams hold practice? I'm especially curious about non-revenue sports.
What would this stadium look like? IOW: how drastic a hitter or pitcher park is it? Distance to outfield line (ft) 327/356/391/440 (foul line/straight to corner outfield/alley/dead center) Distance to back of stadium (ft) 355/423/493/572...
I understand why soccer is so popular in the 3rd World, due to lack of resources for more complicated games. But why does its popularity persist in the 1st World? I assume it started because they brought the game back from their colonial possessions.
Suppose that the Conference Championship games went the other way, and the Super Bowl went the other way (if the NFC won in RL, the AFC wins the counter factual SB). How are legacies changed? I know: Brady wins late in his career, not early,...
I thought it would be funny to think up the most upsetting "personal ads" -- like for Tinder or whatever the hell people do to sell themselves off like prostitutes. I guess there could be real ones that are funny also. I'm kind of tired of...
How much longer would it take to recover from tearing all 4 cruciate ligaments v. Both tendons and menisci?
If they moved to the SEC or ACC, or even Big 10, what realignment dominoes would that set off?
Congrats to Piazza and Griffey! Griffey broke Seaver's % record. (3 votes shy of 100%)
I once saw a chart showing a progression of the way players would change positions. Anyone else ever see it? I believe it starts with 3B or LF, ending w/1B.
There was a team that had consecutive road games, both on East Coast I believe. The team, the Raiders I believe, stayed on East Coast to prepare for second game. Why don't more teams do this?
I'm you knew many 3 sport athletes in HS, and maybe even college if you were at at smaller school. Can you think of any athlete who played 3 sports? (X-country and the two seasons of track are 1 sport)
Says it all, motherfuckers! I can't really start this by myself, but it seems amusing enough. At least more than this Frodo Donolvan shit I don't know anything about, to me. Truth or dare motherfuckers!
I'm still trying to figure out the rules of this game. I'm not ashamed to be thinking of Rachel Weisz in the movie *Chain Reaction* with that dude. Action: Lock one of the sliding glass doors on a condo common area, when someone is outside...
I think it would be better for baseball's draft to be more like other sports, with it's draft in the off-season. In this case, the college off-season. Would moving the draft back three weeks really be detrimental to MLB? The only bad side I see is...
If I realigned the NBA before this season, the 1st rd matchups would've been: ATL/NO HOU/WASH TOR/MEM SA/DAL GS/PHO CLEV/MILW POR/OKC
If you wanted to set parameters for a search on their sites, how would you go about that?
Let's say ESPN wanted to try the following schedule rules for 2016 1.Every stadium visited 2.Every team gets a road game 3.No match ups duplicated Are there enough Sundays and Wednesdays to pull it off?
When teams move catchers to new defensive positions, which foul line do they move hi up, and how far? IOW- 3B or 1B, or corner OF.
According to a trade calculator I found, the #1 pick is worth 3,000 points. How much are: the starting, back-up and #3 QB worth? To make the trades I tried worth it, the values needed are: 525 for the #3 1683 for the backup 2256 for the...
Would this be a reasonable strategy: For each round, have two positional priorities, the lesser 1st rd priority is the higher 2nd round priority, etc.
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