A place for factual questions and Ask the Expert threads.
In the spirit of other threads with questions about countries, I hereby offer to answer questions about England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. I will add I know plenty about England and Wales, some about Scotland and very little about...
:aussie: Carn! 'Avago, ya mug!
Since Spitz' thread was popular I thought I'd start this thread in homage. I had threads about Ireland before but if anyone has any questions about anything in on or around this island don't hesitate to post.
I'm starting this thread at Zuul's suggestion! I don't hold a degree in anything animal related, but for the full 24 years of my life animals have been a hobby and passion for me. I currently teach (in a non-certificated position) animal science...
I had a bit of a conversation in chat about some music theory stuff, and Inner Stickler suggested I make a thread. So here it is. Disclaimer: my training is in performance, not music theory. so I don't have the knowledge base of a PhD in music...
If you have a question on the books, I will try to answer it for you.
For the past four years I've worked in personal banking. I started as a regular customer service representative in the call center and, after a month and a half with no previous banking experience, was promoted to supervisor. I know my 90's...
Anyone interested in starting an Ask the Expert thread is welcome to do so in Questions and Answers. When starting a new Ask the Expert thread report your OP to have the thread made a sticky. Ask the Expert threads will remain stickies until a...
Hi, longtime occasional lurker here, some of you may remember me from The Geeb (which I got kicked off of at least twice!) &/or The Unaboard (where I'm a Silver member in good standing, afaik). And typing of The Unaboard, does anybody know what's...
There's the vampire, there's the devil, and I've recently discovered the basilisk. Any other?
What's the main use for your phone given that current models seem to have as much processing power as your average PC nowadays. Do you use it for phoning people? Sending off texts or tweets? Updating Facebook? Playing games or anything else......
I know the first number indicates the level/intended student, but what about the rest of the number?
How would it have changed things if: 1) Italy stayed neutral/were always an Ally? 2) Spain and/or Portugal joined the Axis? I believe #1 would have shortened the war, due to less Axis manpower/1 fewer enemy for the Allies to beat.
I like to vanity Google search the Dope. Found old FLOTUS/POTUS trivia thread. Left one question unanswered: when was the last time the Presidential couples were united (either both dead or both living)? I initially thought it was 11/21/63, but I...
Google talks about the myth that hair growth thickness is effected by shaving (which I knew). So does that mean that a woman who never shaved her pits vs a woman who stopped when she got college would eventually (how quickly) have equally thick hair?
Wasn't that TREASON?! Why weren't they executed? (Assuming treason was a capital crime in the Weimar Republic)
For Example: What was going on in Europe on 12/7/41 or during any major battle What was happening in the Pacific on D-Day
If a woman is simultaneously planning her wedding and applying to grad school, should she use her maiden or married name on the application? (Wedding before classes start, but possibly after knowing she's accepted)
Is it possible to convert the audio from an ultrasound to an MP3 file? (IOW: putting the heartbeat on MP3)
Yeah, so as should be clear, I'm not seeking legal advice, nor, for that matter, do I require any. I'm having a very hard time digging up (using just regular google and known keyboards like "revised statutes" for things that are...
Yeah, so, in my state, viz., Oregon, the laws and statutes are incredible vague. Mine hasn't arrived yet, but i think I've a huge mistake. I should have just bought a bigger umbrella. I have no intention of carrying it concealed -- but rather...
Seeing as the government is changing the details on what knowledge is required to move to Britain, here is a brief quiz to determine your Britishness. Citizenship test I scored 7 out of 15. I'll find my emigration papers in the post. :fail:
Yes I'm aware that so far most if not all of my posts so far have been about lava. I write and I'm kinda a pyro. Dx And while most of the events/processes in my story would still fall under "magic", which I just define as shit our limited human...
Yeah I know people use phones -- I have a new tablet that uses the Android OS, and I want to know what the best way/app to do like those youtube videos of me playing piano/organ + sound is. Obviously there's a way, I just can't easily find a good...
Does anyone know if a 2000 degree flame is an adequate way to test how quickly and badly different substances would burn in 2000 degree lava? If not, how quickly would leather, cotton, wood, and human (or hypothetically elf) flesh burn in both lava...
What does it mean if someone has this on his Deloitte business card? Partner Transaction Services Is that high up? Middle Management? A dime-a-dozen? Or what?
Which European currency was in use the longest? Is it possible to compare value over long times? (Century+)
Other than Thaddeus Stevens, did any white leaders have racial views compatible with 21st c. America?
What can I use to get rid of it???
I was pointed at this the other day, a challenge to see how good your colour vision is. There is a challenge at xrite.com where all you have to do is drag and drop the boxes to make continuous colour bands. Have fun, see how well you do.
For one floor, most people will take the stairs, and for at least three floors, most people will take the elevator. Both for two floors, I've known people do either. Which is it for you, Walk or Elevator?
Applies, I think equally well to natural as artificial languages, I suppose. Oh and BTW isn't that the main difference, anyway? One has telos with an artificial language, where natural languages have some constraints that are mostly alogical (NB I...
You can use teeth whiteners if you want to have a brighter smile. Given all the available options, it can be hard to choose. This article can give you lots of advice for all kinds of dental care needs. dental association
God this people are making me sick with their bullshit sweatshirts and crap in their faces and ears and shit. Why don't they shut the fuck up, and get the fuck out of my business and off my grill. Dude, I want a slice, I don't want some...
Seeing as I spend my time playing Candy Crush Saga and trying to complete it without spending anything, I don't download many games onto my phone at all. I also appear to have completely missed the fun and games over Flappy bird. And now, as the...
Every hotel I've ever stayed in has smelt the same. I don't think I can describe the smell, yet anybody who has ever stayed in a hotel will have smelt it. What is the cause of this smell? I've only ever smelt it in commercial buildings, never in...
I'm not shy :woowoo:
Seeing as I'm sure all those stateside are recovering from yesterday, it occurred to me, that several holidays come with specific set of traditions, whether they be food or activity related, and I was wondering what traditions, apart from fireworks,...
Ever wondered what social strata you would fit into should you be British? Well, never fear, good old Auntie Beeb has come up with this handy calculator to help you find your natural level. No longer be just Upper, Middle and Lower class, pick...
Programmers, game designers would it be workable to have a game install its own OS? When you want to play your PC would reboot into a bare bones OS without all the bloat of windows. The game OS could link to all the DLL's and such already on your C:...
Hasbro have called time on one of the pieces in a Monopoly set, with the idea of adding a brand new up-to-date one instead. They are running a large poll to find out which one should be permanently removed from the game. So which one would you...
Not the New Order song, but apparently today is the most miserable day of the year. The Monday after which all the Christmas goodwill has evaporated, work has settled in thoroughly, the credit card bills all roll in and the days are still too...
As in the fire diamond. Such a substance would have to be extremely poisonous, with a low flashpoint and likely to explode. Is it possible for such a substance to exist, or are these properties mutually exclusive? If so, what are some examples of...
A wonderful term for America coming to a grinding halt should it happen. With certain republicans refusing to negotiate and John Boehner's Plan B being rejected, it seems the USA is going to hit problems on 1st January. Given there are only a few...
OK, always keeping up with what's hot, I've just developed an interest in eBay. And, I'm puzzled. Mostly it makes sense, but some of it, not so much. Thirty year old skin mags for 25 bucks (and nobody famous naked). Nice ties for a quarter, and...
I was placed under a 5150 (California involuntary psychiatric hold) and I believe it was illegal. I want to sue if the statute of limitations is not up (it was just over 12 months ago) and if it is indeed illegal what happened. So the facts: I...
Its going to be the biggest IPO going, making a lot of people millionaires. It's been heavily oversubscribed, so I would imagine a lot of companies and people are trying to buy the initial shares befoer they hit the stock market. I was wondering...
Headline says it, have there been any professional, world-class sports figures recently who had not employed a personal coach for extended periods of time?
You nice guys in the USA are hosting our PM and being really nice to him giving him flights on Air Force One and a state dinner? How's it going down over there, because we can't get away from the constant coverage of it.
I have yet to see a top level bodybuilder who isn't a shade of teak or mahagony? Why do they do it? Does it show of the musculature better than being a paler colour, or is it one of those ideals that they just have to be heavily, heavily,...
Hi there. As you may have guessed, I'm a sock! Just for medical privacy purposes, though. No troublemaking here. Here's the background. I'm 26 years old. My memory's never been amazing, but used to be pretty normal, to my knowledge. Lately,...
My enjoyment of the 60-degree day we had here yesterday was dampened considerably when I heard the warm front caused devastating tornadoes across 4 states. It got me to thinking how great it would be if we could find a way to prevent tornadoes,...
Sarah posted a thread earlier (in chate) from another message board. In it, a young lady was complaining that her boss had taken her aside and told her that she smells foul. She admits that she has a "natural body smell", I imagine because she does...
Waterstone's, the largest British book chain that was founded by Tim Waterstone is now changing it's name to drop the apostrophe. It will now be known as Waterstones, which is probably how most people would remember it anyway. It will also make it...
With the NORAD Santa tracker of course. It also has a full FAQ on Santa as well. I'm suddenly feeling all Christmassy :dumbo:
People always keep saying that a minute is nothing, that it is really quick and that things always take longer. But a minute can be a long time and many things can be accomplished in less than a minute. What can you do, in less than a minute...
Is this an event which has become really popular over the last decade or so, or has it been around for a while. For those in the USA, do you take wanton advantage of all the sales and offers on the day?
Why not just say - "most successful"? "Winningest" sounds like a marketing catchphrase used to make someone feel better about themselves. Where did this travesty of a word come from?
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