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Thread: Countdown to Upgrade (I hope)

  1. #1
    Administrator choie's avatar
    Mar 2012
    New York, NY

    Default Countdown to Upgrade (I hope)

    Well, today was a hell of a day. The forum went through a little trauma that left it dead and seemingly irretrievable. Our ancient server died, and our new server spat on us for being too old. Which, okay, we are, softwarewise. Still, ageism is cruel, and though I had managed to save a few threads before the site died, I couldn't secure a full archive.

    It's back by a miracle of our webhost's tech savvy--and my annoying the crap out of them, most likely. But it's a wake-up call. I must get this board up to date, either with vBulletin or something comparable (or better).

    One thing I suggest for everyone here is that if you've any PMs that you want to keep safe, go to your inboxes, scroll down to the bottom of the page, and select the "Download PMs" option of your choice. And if there's anything else you want to save for yourself, do that too.

    Mind, I don't intend to do anything that will make all these things disappear, but sometimes an upgrade comes with sacrifices, and this software may not be compatible with current specs. So better safe than sorry.

  2. #2
    Member Elendil's Heir's avatar
    Sep 2009
    The North Coast


    Understood, and many thanks, choie! As I PM'd you earlier this month, the Straight Dope Message Board made the move to Discourse a couple of years ago without too much trouble. Something to consider, perhaps.

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