I'm sure there's one like this already, but I don't see it.
Someone can add to my current repertoire of:
(i) pretending to get my 100 good-form pushup/presssups in -- meh, my biceps and pecs get enough. It's not that many, but I need them to be good, and after my job I'm just fucked, not doing it.
(ii) meticulously, carefully extending and retracting my fingers.
(iii) I will never do a crunch/sit-up, so forget it
(iv) thinking about drilling some pilot holes in my roof beams, acquiring some hooks, and some pipe length, and doing it
(v) ............. ?
[yeah, I used to have a free-weight set I cobbled together, but that was in another town, and I don't do that again -- only body-weght stuff for me, just the basics]