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Thread: Recording audio+video on Android

  1. #1
    Oliphaunt Jizzelbin's avatar
    Jul 2013
    in a mouth

    Default Recording audio+video on Android

    Yeah I know people use phones -- I have a new tablet that uses the Android OS, and I want to know what the best way/app to do like those youtube videos of me playing piano/organ + sound is.

    Obviously there's a way, I just can't easily find a good way.

    I know how to "do" microphones and stuff, and all that -- I just want an easy way to use the camera and micrphone to do like those youtube people do.

    Essentially a 7-inch tablet is just a bigger android phone, FYI -- I'm puzzled that I can't find an easy solution.

  2. #2
    Oliphaunt Jizzelbin's avatar
    Jul 2013
    in a mouth


    OK, figured it out. There's a bunch of "app"s that require you to root your device (laugh it up, monkey boy), but it looks like the built-in camera does the trick on my 7" Android tablet. I don't want to have to root this little tablet -- I have enough headaches dealing with the stock user-"friendly" interface, and I just don't want to deal with fiddling around with the monkey innards of a computer.

    Has anyone thought about using Android as the OS on a spare laptop? I'm still not sure what Android is good for -- it makes commutes seem faster (as in, I look up and see my desired next stop is ... well ... next) by playing chess and 2048.

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