Don't know if anybody will be commenting, but here's the thread.
So, looks like Dean's gonna get out of Purgatory. Who knew.
And, I gather, the boys are going to re-unite after a year. Again.
Somehow I'm not optimistic. But we'll see.
We'll see.
Don't know if anybody will be commenting, but here's the thread.
So, looks like Dean's gonna get out of Purgatory. Who knew.
And, I gather, the boys are going to re-unite after a year. Again.
Somehow I'm not optimistic. But we'll see.
We'll see.
At this point, it's a show that I still enjoy for the experience of watching. I just don't rhink about it too much.
So, I'll whisper in the dark, hoping you'll hear me.
Well, I'm cautiously optimistic. The guys only mildly lied to each other about their time apart, and the show seems to be trying to remember its own mythology a bit. Some good bits left open for further episodes.
Still wish they would get other the idea that Crowley is a great character.
Wife and I had to rewind and rehear the Sasha Grey joke a few times -- not very familiar with her no doubt very fine work.
Both gasped when Sam was eating and Dean had no appetite.
We'll give it a chance.
Remain cautiously optimistic. There were some fairly good bits, like "Where did you get 5/8 of a virgin?"
Seeing hot little Lauren Tom play the mother of a teenager made me feel very old. That Lauren Tom can't act any better than she could when she was hot little Lauren Tom made me feel a little sad.
When are people on TV going to figure out that leaving people alone for five minutes means those people are going to escape?
They've both gotten very callous about using the knife to kill people who are being possessed. Dean was just extending it to someone they know a bit. After all those years in Hell and Purgatory, I suppose I'd be a little battle-hardened too, though.
ETA: 1. Apparently hot little Lauren Tom is the same age I am. I feel even older.
2. Since last week, I've learned more about Sasha Grey. I now understand why her going legit is a good joke.
Last edited by Rube E. Tewesday; 16 Oct 2012 at 03:35 PM.
Well, just watched the first monster of the week of the season. Not bad. I always tend to like them a bit better than the arc episodes.
Sam thinking of going back to school was a nice touch. It definitely suits his character.
I don't know why Sam never responds to Dean's self-righteousness by pointing out that Dean took a year off to play golf and have regular sex when he thought Sam was in Hell.
I thought it was a bit odd when Dean immediately thought of Sugar Ray Robinson instead of Sugar Ray Leonard, when the subject was boxing. Robinson was probably a better fighter, but Leonard's still on TV sometimes, and probably better known to someone of Dean's generation.
Ok, playing a bit of catch up:
The one where Dean goes running off to help his vampire buddy was probably the most boring episode of the series I've ever seen. Really generic vampire angst, I thought. (OK, I admit how none of the vampirates realized they were vampirates was kind of funny.)
The return of Garth was pretty awesome. I love how Garth is a competent hunter, but gets no props because he doesn't act the way a hunter's "supposed" to. (Nice that Dean finally gave his some respect at the end.)
The flashbacks about Sam falling for an obnoxious bitch are really starting to wear on me. Is that going anywhere? And what's the attraction? Does Sam know he looks like Sam? Why would he be with that see-you-next-Tuesday?