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Thread: Monday Wut Wut: Remembering Remembrance day

  1. #1
    Administrator CatInASuit's avatar
    Feb 2009
    Coulsdon Cat Basket

    Default Monday Wut Wut: Remembering Remembrance day

    Always one on the British calendar and yet it is one of the few dates that has no religious significance behind it. The other holidays and festivals all really appear to have come a religious source at some point and are merely carried on in some form or another. This one is specifically aimed at those we lost and in some way reminding ourselves about it.

    In some ways the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan have only served further to remind us of what it means. They may not be World Wars, but a lot of countries have contributed forces and lost lives in the actions.

    Maybe that is the reason that this was one of the first years where both silences, on the Friday and Sunday, were impeccably observed. Normally, someone doesn't see the point and continues to chatter or decides to phone someone and then complains loudly that they don't get an answer.

    This year...silence and respect.

    If only governments could remember that respcting and honouring soldiers, both the infirm and the dead was not just for a day, but for a lifetime.
    In the land of the blind, the one-arm man is king.

  2. #2
    Oliphaunt Rube E. Tewesday's avatar
    Feb 2009


    Canada seems to be remembering its military history more and more the past few years, maybe because of our actual combat role in Afghanistan.

    We only do a silence on the actual day, though, as far as I know.

  3. #3
    The Queen Zuul's avatar
    Mar 2009


    It seems as though the most visible observances of the day here were all of the restaurants offering free dinner to veterans. I made some comments about how we owe so much more to our veterans than things like that and was given a litany of all of the free things that are offered on the day. It...wasn't quite what I meant.

    A free steak dinner and two minutes of silence is nothing compared to taking better care of our returning vets and doing our best to keep those in active duty out of further danger.
    So now they are just dirt-covered English people in fur pelts with credit cards.

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