Lest We Forget?
by Published on 11 Nov 2011 06:06 AM

It seems special this year somehow. Although it is not a 100 years since the great war ended on Flanders fields, this time round it is 11/11/11 and given the time that has passed so few of those who survived have remained.
Over time as the memories fade and all that are left are clippings, somehow the reasoning behind what happened is questioned and modern ideas are being applied to a situation that should be considered in context.
Regardless of how you feel, what happened led to the deaths of many million people and what should never be forgotten is that they did sacrifice their lives in that war. What should be argued over was the reasoning of the politicians and why they went to war.
The only sadness is not only that so few of them from the Great War, but that over the years the Fallen have been joined by others and will continue to be so. All those who have gone to fight should not be forgotten.
The only hope is that at some point in the future their sacrifice was worth it.