Search for something random. Share the first result.
Bing image search: bloated tampon.
Search for something random. Share the first result.
Bing image search: bloated tampon.
So now they are just dirt-covered English people in fur pelts with credit cards.
Google image search: a donkey and a penguin
So now they are just dirt-covered English people in fur pelts with credit cards.
Google image search: Buffy's potato nose
So now they are just dirt-covered English people in fur pelts with credit cards.
GIS: hamface pirate.
Oh, hamface pirate is quite lovely.
So now they are just dirt-covered English people in fur pelts with credit cards.
GIS: love that maffun
So now they are just dirt-covered English people in fur pelts with credit cards.
ankle cardboard on Google Images:
It's lame.
I tried again with "cheating at Parcheesi" and lo and behold there is flickr photo with that name:
Oh, I really like this game. Here is 'scary taxi driver':
"toasted retard"
"You laugh at me because I'm different; I laugh at you because I'm on nitrous."
find me at Goodreads
GIS: death star turnip
So now they are just dirt-covered English people in fur pelts with credit cards.
GIS: cats have aspergers
Whoa. Did not expect that.
So now they are just dirt-covered English people in fur pelts with credit cards.
Here's an odd one:
Google image search: "I love zuul"
First result:
GIS - disturbing welcome
nm ... image doesn't work, it's a bmp
Last edited by Hatshepsut; 10 Nov 2011 at 07:48 PM.
GIS: precocious jerk
So now they are just dirt-covered English people in fur pelts with credit cards.
GIS: rosalino jalapeno
So now they are just dirt-covered English people in fur pelts with credit cards.
GIS: dumbo rat is cute
So now they are just dirt-covered English people in fur pelts with credit cards.
GIS: chate for fun and profit
So now they are just dirt-covered English people in fur pelts with credit cards.
GIS - my armpit is elegant
GIS - decapitated paperclips (yes, I was a little afraid to look but it was okay)
(last one for today, I promise) .... GIS - skanky accordion
GIS: Virgin Mary had a hot dog
So now they are just dirt-covered English people in fur pelts with credit cards.
GIS: dumbest movie ever
"You laugh at me because I'm different; I laugh at you because I'm on nitrous."
find me at Goodreads
GIS: spam and peach balls
So now they are just dirt-covered English people in fur pelts with credit cards.
GIS: malevolent gyros
I'm scared.
GIS: tiny brained man
So now they are just dirt-covered English people in fur pelts with credit cards.
OK, this one has me stumped:
GIS -- "spanking scrambled eggs"
I...really don't know. And I'm a little frightened of figuring it out.
So now they are just dirt-covered English people in fur pelts with credit cards.
Courtesy of this disturbing thread on GB, I present "chicken sex boulder."
So now they are just dirt-covered English people in fur pelts with credit cards.
Looks like your pic is gone.
"Gone pic."
Aw. It was a coffin. Oddly appropriate.
So now they are just dirt-covered English people in fur pelts with credit cards.
GIS: suicidal snake
So now they are just dirt-covered English people in fur pelts with credit cards.
"Scary Perry" - not the Governor of Texas, as I expected:
From Bing, while genuinely trying to find a recipe I remembered: Alton Brown pork chop
So now they are just dirt-covered English people in fur pelts with credit cards.
"Happy dromedary" - who knew there was a book? Not I!
GIS: altruistic cummerbund.
Figure that one out, I dare you.
Trying to figure out how that came from "altruistic cummerbund" just broke my brain.
So now they are just dirt-covered English people in fur pelts with credit cards.
GIS: exanimate fairy tale.
... why ... ?
GIS: Denver club shroom
So now they are just dirt-covered English people in fur pelts with credit cards.
"Gruntled archbishop"
Dunno. He doesn't look especially gruntled to me.
GIS: fearsome LARPer
"You laugh at me because I'm different; I laugh at you because I'm on nitrous."
find me at Goodreads