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Thread: An Absence of Abortion

  1. #1
    Administrator CatInASuit's avatar
    Feb 2009
    Coulsdon Cat Basket

    Default An Absence of Abortion

    A pro-life group is putting forward the idea that abortion should not be a "right" granted to women as part of law. Part of the reasoning about it is the number of abortions carried out each year is too high and that women are using it as a contreceptive method instead of realising they are taking a life.

    Ok, we can get into the difficulty of trying to work out what the rights and wrongs of it some other time and what point a foetus becomes a life, whether at conception, viability or when its born.

    However, part of their argument, is along the lines that there is effectively a lost generation of 100,000 British or a million Americans lost each year due to abortion. The same applies to other countries which have legalised abortion. That is still large amount of people who have never been born for one reason or another.

    So, the question is, not whether abortion is legal or not, but what would be the repercussions be if abortion was absent and if each of the women had tried to bring each of those pregancies to term?

    One of the arguments is that because of this, a generation of good people has been lost? Does this still hold.
    I would also expect a much higher rate of female mortality and I would guess that women's rights still be set further back.

    What do you think? Can abortion be justified not just as a right for women, but as something that is beneficial to society in general?
    In the land of the blind, the one-arm man is king.

  2. #2
    Feb 2009


    Forcing women to have kids they don't want or can't support not going to produce a generation of happy, productive citizens. It always boggles my mind that people can ignore this so completely.

    As long as this 'generation' of aborted fetuses remains hypothetical, they're a legion of geniuses, whereas if they were actually running around, the same people would be decrying them as welfare brats whose parents are sponging off the system.

  3. #3
    A Groupie Marsilia's avatar
    Mar 2009


    Quote Originally posted by Orual View post
    As long as this 'generation' of aborted fetuses remains hypothetical, they're a legion of geniuses, whereas if they were actually running around, the same people would be decrying them as welfare brats whose parents are sponging off the system.
    This, a thousand times over. We're not talking about women who are going to look into the eyes of that precious baby and have their worlds changed. Abortion, generally, isn't something a woman does on a whim (no matter what the anti-choicers want to tell you).

    To take away a woman's abortion rights is to, as CIAS suggested, see a much higher rate in infant and female mortality rates due to the number of abortions performed to save the mother's life or spare her baby a painful death. It's to see more children abandoned, more mothers suffering from post-partum depression, more families who can't afford to pay for necessities, more children raising themselves and acting out in order to get attention.

    I've ben thinking about this a lot, since the state of Mississippi has a constitutional amendment defining personhood as starting at conception going on the November ballot. I actually have had to stop and convince myself that taking a marker to their little pink signs so "Vote Yes To Life" becomes "Vote No To Women" would be unhelpful and probably illegal.
    So, I'll whisper in the dark, hoping you'll hear me.

  4. #4
    Member Elendil's Heir's avatar
    Sep 2009
    The North Coast


    Quote Originally posted by Orual View post
    Forcing women to have kids they don't want or can't support not going to produce a generation of happy, productive citizens. It always boggles my mind that people can ignore this so completely.

    As long as this 'generation' of aborted fetuses remains hypothetical, they're a legion of geniuses, whereas if they were actually running around, the same people would be decrying them as welfare brats whose parents are sponging off the system.
    Couldn't have said it better myself. Why do those who so denounce the government for telling them what to do (buy health insurance, wear seatbelts, pay taxes) tend to be those who most want to have the government intrude into so profoundly personal a matter as abortion?

  5. #5
    Administrator CatInASuit's avatar
    Feb 2009
    Coulsdon Cat Basket


    Quote Originally posted by Elendil's Heir View post
    Couldn't have said it better myself. Why do those who so denounce the government for telling them what to do (buy health insurance, wear seatbelts, pay taxes) tend to be those who most want to have the government intrude into so profoundly personal a matter as abortion?
    Probably because most of them aren't directly affected, but think their opinion should count as much as those directly affected.

    Would those newborns who were now alive more likely to be good people or more likely to sink in life. Somehow I doubt the rate of people using abortion for selfish reasons is as high as sometimes made it, and it is mainly used for fairly obvious health and economic reasons.

    If all those babies were born, the effect on the population would be quite large. An extra 100k people in Britain each year since abortion was legalised adds up, not to mention that given the situations most would find themselves born into, would mean more on welfare and their own kids following on. The extra strain on the health and social service would be large, not to mention a shift in class structure. In America, adding another million to the population each year for the last twenty or thirty years is likely to have the same impact.
    In the land of the blind, the one-arm man is king.

  6. #6
    A Groupie Marsilia's avatar
    Mar 2009


    Quote Originally posted by CatInASuit View post
    Quote Originally posted by Elendil's Heir View post
    Couldn't have said it better myself. Why do those who so denounce the government for telling them what to do (buy health insurance, wear seatbelts, pay taxes) tend to be those who most want to have the government intrude into so profoundly personal a matter as abortion?
    Probably because most of them aren't directly affected, but think their opinion should count as much as those directly affected.
    Oh, good golly, there is such truth to that right there! "Keep the government out of my life! My neighbor's life? Be my guest! Just, don't tell me what to do!"
    So, I'll whisper in the dark, hoping you'll hear me.

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