Is it possible to write a scary story in under 140 characters? We're about to find out.
Inspired by a discussion in chat last night, I decided to run a little Halloween writing contest. Write microfiction that's short enough to be a tweet and post it here. I'll stop accepting entries at 12:00 AM EDT Saturday, October 30th, at which point I'll pick my favorite entries for everyone to vote on. From that, you guys get to pick the top five that will go on the front page on Halloween.
If you decide to post your microfiction on Twitter, put the tag #nottd on it for Night of the Tweeting Dead so we can keep track. If you don't have a Twitter account, you can still play and just post your story in the thread.
You can enter as many times as you like.
2) Newsflash November 10th 2011: President Elect Sarah Palin plans to appoint Carl Rove as Secretary of state.
3) Thump Thump THUMP! What is that knocking at my door? Something in the attic? Something in the crawlspace? But this is a slab! DARKNESS
AG, that sounds intensely creepy.