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Thread: Fashion: umbrellas.

  1. #1
    Oliphaunt Jizzelbin's avatar
    Jul 2013
    in a mouth

    Default Fashion: umbrellas.

    Yeah, so it seems after searching google for a few seconds, some "people" do the fashion thing. This. Whatever.

    I prefer function, liking my long umbrella for when it might seriously rain, but always having my shorter Totes in my shoulder/messenger/whatever bag when it is just cloudy and humid out.

    Advantages to the shorter collapsible umbrella? It works. When held casually it serves to keep automobilists at length without me having to waste my energy using my arm to signal that "Hey, I'm walking here!" Also, you can dramatically lengthen it, while it still remaining folded, to expose the glint of steel (OK, fine, aluminum or whatever it is) and point with longer reach. Also, it's shorter when folded and retracted and easier to carry. Also, one could conceal a collapsible baton in the shorter umbrella, and, with a flick of the wrist, Dr. Jimmy comes out.

    Advantages to the longer, straight-handled umbrella? It's bigger, sturdier. HOWEVER, I can't really carry it without, from a distance, it looking like I'm carrying a pipe of whup-ass. And the shoulder strap is dorky, but may attract unwanted attention from the police.

    ETA Holy fucking shit. Those pig-fucking swine are real

    EETA How exactly IS one supposed to carry an umbrella -- a big one? I've tried the walking stick style, and I like the rhythmic taps on the pavement, but I think it's dorkier than just carrying it in your hand. Also, I don't want to wear out the tip unnecessarily. Maybe paint it red, like one of those guns kids play with. Well, I don't think kids play cowboys and indians or whatever, but that used to be a thing. This probably goes in the category of: "How does one smoke a pipe while on a nice walk without getting accosted by needle-dick cops?" Accosted is fine, some street kids like "Hey love that Sherlock Holmes pipe, man!" But I mean regular law-abiding, rat-fucking citizens.
    Last edited by Jizzelbin; 24 Oct 2015 at 01:53 PM.

  2. #2
    Oliphaunt Jizzelbin's avatar
    Jul 2013
    in a mouth


    How could I have not happened on the Al Capone until today? A little aggressive for daily use, but it's available.

  3. #3
    Member Elendil's Heir's avatar
    Sep 2009
    The North Coast


    I always thought the illuminated-shaft umbrellas in Blade Runner were cool: http://www.filmbuffonline.com/FBOLNe...rumbrella2.jpg

  4. #4
    Oliphaunt Jizzelbin's avatar
    Jul 2013
    in a mouth


    Those are kind of cool. Never noticed those in the movie.

    What other movies have umbrellas in them? Obviously, Burgess Meredith as The Penguin (no, I don't always resist the urge to do an imitation of him/it when I'm sure I'm alone with my umbrella).

    *Clockwork Orange*
    *Umbrellas of Cherbourg* (a strange movie -- it's movies like that that make people hate foreign movies).
    ETA the line in that book by that famous guy *Lightness of Being* about ladies crashing umbrellas into each other in the streets of Prague, or something. Don't know if that made it into the movie with La Binoche.
    EETA *Caddyshack*
    Last edited by Jizzelbin; 31 Oct 2015 at 04:02 PM.

  5. #5
    Member Elendil's Heir's avatar
    Sep 2009
    The North Coast


    Helen of Troy in the movie Troy had a parasol that, I remember, was noted as being anachronistic.

  6. #6
    Oliphaunt Jizzelbin's avatar
    Jul 2013
    in a mouth


    I think I saw that. Obviously, must have been anachronistic -- so much documentary evidence from Troy.

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