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I'll submit that any 500-foot shot that is caught is likely to be pretty damned exciting, hang time be damned, but you've got a good point, in defense of which I'll add that I'm not wedded to the 600-fence figure. If 550 feet or 500 feet would yield more exciting results--more plays at the plate, more willingness to risk a diving catch, etc.--then that's the figure I would go with. I derived that 600 foot figure from the research institute I've been using for years now, otherwise known as "my ass." If 500 feet--or 700 feet--work better, then that's what I'm proposing.
The larger point is to re-think some "givens" of the game that may serve to make for a better game. Underlying this point (and I'll need to make this explicitly at some point here) is the fact that I am--or was--a genuine traditionalist. I first followed baseball when it was a 16-team, 2-league deal, played exclusively in St Louis and points east, and I would like to see that preserved today. But it ain't happening. So many values contrary to that historically stable construct--the same 16 teams, the same 154-game schedule--have been introduced in my lifetime, that the notion of radicalizing the game has long since occurred, only it's happened so slowly over the past 60 years that some traditionalists objecting to nutty ideas such as I'm proposing in this column actually believe that they are defending some time-honored principles. But if you look at the game now--all these new-fangled divisions, all this Wild Card nonsense, this crazy DH rule --it bears little resemblence to the game I grew up loving anyway. So this series of nutty ideas is basically "Off with their heads!" You can't come up with an idea so radical (and some of my anti-Wild Card, anti-league, anti-schedule, anti-stadium, anti-everything proposals to come in future columns are certainly that) that will outrage me any more than what I put up with today. There is, in other words, no more "traditional" MLB anyway, so why not re-examine the game and introduce changes that make sense, or at least stimulate thinking, however radical? In this series of radical proposals, I aim to propose some notions that will change the game so much you couldn't recognize it as "baseball" perhaps, and if none of my ideas succeeds in offending a baseball fan somewhere, then I will have failed. My next column, for example, contains a very real possibility that would destroy the game entirely, make it unwatchable, and yet I think it (and all these ideas) has considerable merit and logic behind it. If you want to kill me as a result, cool. I'm only a bunch of electrons anyway.