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Thread: A little friend I caught up with yesterday!

  1. #1
    Mi parolas esperanton malbone Trojan Man's avatar
    Mar 2010

    Default A little friend I caught up with yesterday!

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    I was walking along a creek near where I live, and almost accidentally stood on this little fella. He was enjoying the warm sun and he blended in so well with the ground, I didn't see him until he scuttled a few meters and looked at me like "Dude! I thought we was friends!". I apologised and explained that I didn't see him. I sat down and gave him some food, we had a chat (a currowong joined us briefly), and he posed for a few happy snaps. Made my day!

  2. #2
    Member Elendil's Heir's avatar
    Sep 2009
    The North Coast


    Nice! What kind of lizard is that?

    There is a small rabbit that appears in our backyard from time to time. Earlier this week I was able, by moving very slowly and quietly, to get within six feet or so before he went bounding off. I could then still see the depression in the grass where he had been stretched out.

  3. #3
    Mi parolas esperanton malbone Trojan Man's avatar
    Mar 2010


    It's a juvenile water dragon. It's much bigger parents were on a nearby log, watching, making sure I wasn't going to hurt their little one. A little bit of trust earned!

    That's cool about the rabbit. The way you were telling me you hadn't seen a lizard for a long time, I was starting to think you lived in a concrete bunker

    One animal I'd love to visit my yard is a squirrel. I guess Americans see them as a nuisance, because they're so common. I have a type of parrot that visits daily, which I think has the personality of a squirrel. They are crazy, so I'm in good company!

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