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Thread: How did the "Tom Cruise is gay" rumors get started?

  1. #1
    Mar 2009
    Salt Lake City

    Default How did the "Tom Cruise is gay" rumors get started?

    I am not much of a celebrity news person, and only see 5 or 6 movies per year. I watch TV occasionally, but not that much. I saw "Top Gun" and "Risky Business" when I was a kid, but besides his involvement with Scientology, know little about Tom Cruise's personal life.......

    That said, even I am well aware of the rumors that Cruise is gay, and that his multiple marriages were shams to protect his image and career; if I have heard this rumor, I'll bet that 90% of the public has also heard it.

    Now I have no strong feelings about Tom Cruise, (though he seems a bit arrogant, much like many famous actors, and the Scientology stuff is out there) but would like to know whare such a widespread rumor got started. Are there credible men who have gone public about having sex with him? Is it all a smear campaign? If it is baseless, why dosent he address it?

    Thanks, Matthew

  2. #2
    aka ivan the not-quite-as-terrible ivan astikov's avatar
    Feb 2009
    moston, UK.

    Default Re: How did the "Tom Cruise is gay" rumors get started?

    Unless he is rumoured to be eating the brains of babies, I suppose the "all publicity is good publicity" adage applies.
    To sleep, perchance to experience amygdalocortical activation and prefrontal deactivation.

  3. #3

    Default Re: How did the "Tom Cruise is gay" rumors get started?

    I never heard it. He seems heterosexual to me. He has been in some great films, but people really like to hate on him.

  4. #4
    aka ivan the not-quite-as-terrible ivan astikov's avatar
    Feb 2009
    moston, UK.

    Default Re: How did the "Tom Cruise is gay" rumors get started?

    I always wondered how he got overlooked to play one of the Time Bandits. He was born to be in that movie!
    To sleep, perchance to experience amygdalocortical activation and prefrontal deactivation.

  5. #5
    Feb 2009

    Default Re: How did the "Tom Cruise is gay" rumors get started?

    Q: I'll take Rumors for $1000, Alex.

    A: How did the "Tom Cruise is gay" rumors get started?


    Wot is latent homosexuals?

  6. #6
    aka ivan the not-quite-as-terrible ivan astikov's avatar
    Feb 2009
    moston, UK.

    Default Re: How did the "Tom Cruise is gay" rumors get started?

    Quote Originally posted by Winston Smith
    Q: I'll take Rumors for $1000, Alex.

    A: How did the "Tom Cruise is gay" rumors get started?


    Wot is latent homosexuals?
    Some kind of rubber practice? Oh, hang on! That's 'patent'... and applies to leather!

    As you were.
    To sleep, perchance to experience amygdalocortical activation and prefrontal deactivation.

  7. #7
    Mar 2009

    Default Re: How did the "Tom Cruise is gay" rumors get started?

    First I ever heard of the speculations was after Eyes Wide Shut, which I've never seen, cited as a reason for Cruise and Kidman's weird lack of sexual chemistry in the movie, despite the fact that they were married at the time.
    The poster formerly known as Jenaroph

  8. #8
    Libertarian Autocrat Vox Imperatoris's avatar
    Mar 2009
    Tuscaloosa, Alabama (♂)

    Default Re: How did the "Tom Cruise is gay" rumors get started?

    Quote Originally posted by ivan astikov
    Unless he is rumoured to be eating the brains of babies, I suppose the "all publicity is good publicity" adage applies.
    It worked for Oscar Wilde.

    And I've never heard these rumors, either, until now. I've heard many people on the internet say Top Gun was a really homoerotic movie, but not that Tom Cruise himself is gay.
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  9. #9
    Mar 2009

    Default Re: How did the "Tom Cruise is gay" rumors get started?

    Quote Originally posted by MPB in SLC
    If it is baseless, why dosent he address it?
    He has sued or threatened to sue multiple times over it.

    I don't think that generally helps his cause, though. Once you start filing lawsuits people are going to think you doth protest too much.

  10. #10
    Mar 2009
    Fort Worth, TX (Female)

    Default Re: How did the "Tom Cruise is gay" rumors get started?

    Besides the lawsuits Excalibre mentioned, his first wife (Mimi Rogers?) once said something to the effect that he would've made a great priest (or monk, I can't remember) when he was still a practicing Catholic. Also, his children with Nicole Kidman are adopted. And a lot of people look at his marriage to a woman twenty years his junior as a bit odd (even though it's far from unusual in Hollywood).

  11. #11
    Mar 2009
    Salt Lake City

    Default Re: How did the "Tom Cruise is gay" rumors get started?

    Just for my tastes, I think that Mimi Rogers is by far the most attractive of his three wives. (they are all quite beautiful, but Mimi is stunning!!!)

  12. #12
    Mar 2009

    Default Re: How did the "Tom Cruise is gay" rumors get started?

    He's a male actor in Hollywood. That's really all you need for the gay rumors to start. You haven't really made it til people say you're gay.

  13. #13
    Mar 2009

    Default Re: How did the "Tom Cruise is gay" rumors get started?

    Mimi Rogers said that Tom Cruise was not interested in sex with her "to maintain the purity of his instrument." That is why they split. Ditto Nicole Kidman. There were rumors that they broke up because she got pregnant, and not by him, but miscarried. Add to this the fact that Scientology claims to be able to cure homosexuality via auditing, and that if he he admitted to being gay in order to be cured, the Church of Scientology would have power over him.

    One has to wonder why he suddenly got over his urge for celibacy now that he's married to Katie Holmes. The rumors about him were escalating post-Kidman, so... it seems pretty convenient. Word is (gossip, of course) that he "auditioned" other starlets to marry him before Katie, such as Scarlett Johannson, Kate Bosworth, and Jennifer Garner.

    I don't know if he's gay, nor why three really beautiful actresses would consent to marry someone who was not interested in them. Mysterious.

  14. #14
    Mar 2009
    Foxbase Alpha

    Default Re: How did the "Tom Cruise is gay" rumors get started?

    Weren't the rumors around before he married Mimi Rogers, though?

    It seems as though I've been hearing the "Tom Cruise is gay" thing since The Outsiders.

  15. #15
    Oliphaunt featherlou's avatar
    Feb 2009

    Default Re: How did the "Tom Cruise is gay" rumors get started?

    I asked this question once before (in a more general form - "Why do some people get the persistent gay rumours?"), and the best answer I received was that they are acting persistently gay. There are a ton of leading men in Hollywood who don't have persistent gay rumours, and a handful who do; Occam's Razor would have the simple reason being the true one.

  16. #16
    Mar 2009

    Default Re: How did the "Tom Cruise is gay" rumors get started?

    Quote Originally posted by featherlou
    I asked this question once before (in a more general form - "Why do some people get the persistent gay rumours?"), and the best answer I received was that they are acting persistently gay. There are a ton of leading men in Hollywood who don't have persistent gay rumours, and a handful who do; Occam's Razor would have the simple reason being the true one.
    Yeah, this is a good point. It's not to say that gay rumors are always, or even frequently, warranted, and I'm sure any man in Hollywood has been called gay by someone, somewhere, but Tom Cruise has been dogged by them a lot more than, say, Brad Pitt, or Colin Farrell, or Will Smith.

    And Tom Cruise may not ever have come out as gay, but he leaped right on out of the crazy closet. Maybe people kind of unconsciously picked up on some vibe in which he seemed uncomfortable in his own skin and just seized on one possible explanation.

  17. #17
    Mar 2009

    Default Re: How did the "Tom Cruise is gay" rumors get started?

    IIRC, his roles in "Top Gun" and "Interview with the Vampire" were pretty gay.

  18. #18
    my god, he's full of stars... OneCentStamp's avatar
    Mar 2009

    Default Re: How did the "Tom Cruise is gay" rumors get started?

    Quote Originally posted by Control-Z
    IIRC, his roles in "Top Gun" and "Interview with the Vampire" were pretty gay.
    Pretty gay? Top Gun is the gayest non-overtly gay movie in movie history other than 300.

    Interview was pretty subtextually gay, and it was an adaptation of a book which was overtly gay.

    "You laugh at me because I'm different; I laugh at you because I'm on nitrous."

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  19. #19
    Feb 2009
    Chicago, North Side

    Default Re: How did the "Tom Cruise is gay" rumors get started?

    The first time I heard about it was sometime during his marriage to Kidman. A friend of mine (not a friend of a friend, the actual person himself) told me his agent set him up on a lunch date with Kidman and Cruise. He was halfway through lunch when Kidman got up to use the restroom and he realized the foot in his crotch wasn't hers. That was the first I'd heard the "Kidman's a beard" theory.

    Now, he could have been making it all up, of course. Or it could have been someone else's story he appropriated. But I remember being rather stunned at the idea at the time, and only afterwards hearing the wider rumors. But I was only 20 or so at the time, so I may just have been unaware before that.
    Whatever became of the moment when one first knew about death? There must have been one. A moment. In childhood. When it first occurred to you that you don't go on forever. Must have been shattering. Stamped into one's memory. And yet, I can't remember it.

  20. #20
    Mar 2009

    Default Re: How did the "Tom Cruise is gay" rumors get started?

    Quote Originally posted by rubystreak
    I don't know if he's gay, nor why three really beautiful actresses would consent to marry someone who was not interested in them. Mysterious.
    Oh come on.

    He's arguabley the most succesful actor box office wise of the past 25+ years. An actress attached to him is going to get more scripts thrown her way then she could read in her lifetime. Am I saying it's nothing but a business arrangement, there is no actual emotion or sex involved?

    Not entirely, but that is part of the dynamic going on with Cruise, but there is a sexual element.

  21. #21
    Elephant Claptree's avatar
    Mar 2009
    Göteborg, Sweden

    Default Re: How did the "Tom Cruise is gay" rumors get started?

    Well, his nickname is "The Gay Midget".

  22. #22
    Member rodak from zortron's avatar
    Mar 2009
    Atlanta Ga

    Default Re: How did the "Tom Cruise is gay" rumors get started?

    I'll cut to the chase. If it hasn't been said, my guess is wishful thinking...... He ain't gay.

    Let the wailing and gnashing of teeth begin.

    (oh and Katie's hot, btw :twisted: damn you Cruise! )
    "Klaatu barada nikto extra cheese."

  23. #23
    Mar 2009

    Default Re: How did the "Tom Cruise is gay" rumors get started?

    Quote Originally posted by rodak from zortron
    I'll cut to the chase. If it hasn't been said, my guess is wishful thinking...... He ain't gay.

    Let the wailing and gnashing of teeth begin.

    (oh and Katie's hot)
    I think it's much more jealousy. You have a good looking dude, who is an actor who makes a gazzilion dollars and could have any woman that he wants, and who hasn't had any run-ins with the law or drunk driving or drugs and people including many, many posters at both the Dope and here for some stupid reason are jealous of that and can't stand it.

  24. #24
    Mar 2009

    Default Re: How did the "Tom Cruise is gay" rumors get started?

    Quote Originally posted by rodak from zortron
    I'll cut to the chase. If it hasn't been said, my guess is wishful thinking......
    I know Tom Cruise was some kind of sex symbol at some point in the prehistoric past, back when Michael Jackson was an awesome musician and Madonna was going to lead our teenage girls to sexy, sexy perdition, but that's hardly an adequate explanation. Why would the gay rumors have held on as his sex appeal has basically disappeared, and why don't they attach themselves to other, sexier celebrities in the same way? Brad Pitt's probably close to the same age, and he's basically the standard for hot male movie star (to forestall protests: I agree, he's not particularly appealing to me either) but all this time and there's never been many rumors about him.

    (oh and Katie's hot)
    Katie's adorable, and I personally have enjoyed a bunch of movies she was in. I have a feeling hitching her wagon to the crazy train is not going to be a good career move for her in the long run, and I think it's too bad -- she seemed like an actress with a pretty good potential future before all this.

    Quote Originally posted by Misanthropic Contrarian
    people including many, many posters at both the Dope and here
    Yes, of course, because no one anywhere else has ever suggested that Tom Cruise was gay, have they?

  25. #25
    Mar 2009

    Default Re: How did the "Tom Cruise is gay" rumors get started?

    Quote Originally posted by Excalibre
    Quote Originally posted by rodak from zortron
    I'll cut to the chase. If it hasn't been said, my guess is wishful thinking......
    I know Tom Cruise was some kind of sex symbol at some point in the prehistoric past, back when Michael Jackson was an awesome musician and Madonna was going to lead our teenage girls to sexy, sexy perdition, but that's hardly an adequate explanation. Why would the gay rumors have held on as his sex appeal has basically disappeared, and why don't they attach themselves to other, sexier celebrities in the same way? Brad Pitt's probably close to the same age, and he's basically the standard for hot male movie star (to forestall protests: I agree, he's not particularly appealing to me either) but all this time and there's never been many rumors about him.

    So you're saying that Cruise is ugly.

    Uh huh, sure. No, you're not the least bit jealous, no siree.

    Where is the evidence that his sex appeal has as you claim, "basically disappeared"?

  26. #26
    Mar 2009

    Default Re: How did the "Tom Cruise is gay" rumors get started?

    Quote Originally posted by Misanthropic Contrarian
    So you're saying that Cruise is ugly.

    Uh huh, sure. No, you're not the least bit jealous, no siree.
    Uh, I'd sure love to have that much money, won't pretend I'm not jealous of that. Also, I didn't actually say he was ugly, I said his sex appeal has pretty much disappeared -- you know, due to his obvious craziness. Just doesn't really seem like he's been popping up in a whole lot of "world's sexiest" features ever since the sofa jumping incident. I rarely find the time to read People or Entertainment Weekly these days, though, so I suppose my impression could easily be wrong.

    Quote Originally posted by Misanthropic Contrarian
    Where is the evidence that his sex appeal has as you claim, "basically disappeared"?
    I don't care that you find him sexy, and I don't see why it bothers you so much that I don't. Neither of us is very likely to ever meet him, so it's kind of a moot point.

    Sounds like you're taking this just a bit more seriously than everyone else, friend.

  27. #27
    Mar 2009

    Default Re: How did the "Tom Cruise is gay" rumors get started?

    Quote Originally posted by Misanthropic Contrarian
    Oh come on.

    He's arguabley the most succesful actor box office wise of the past 25+ years. An actress attached to him is going to get more scripts thrown her way then she could read in her lifetime. Am I saying it's nothing but a business arrangement, there is no actual emotion or sex involved?

    Not entirely, but that is part of the dynamic going on with Cruise, but there is a sexual element.
    Really? Did Mimi Rogers' career take off as a result of their marriage? I think Nicole Kidman was successful without Cruise, and I haven't noticed Katie Holmes getting a ton of good roles. Also, he was married to Kidman for a decade. I realize you're saying this is just business for them, but it seems like a long time to shackle yourself to a loveless marriage when you know the guy just isn't into you. Not to mention that for Kidman and Holmes, there are kids involved. It makes me think the lot of them are insane.

  28. #28
    Elephant Tuckerfan's avatar
    Feb 2009
    Gallatin, TN

    Default Re: How did the "Tom Cruise is gay" rumors get started?

    Quote Originally posted by rubystreak
    t makes me think the lot of them are insane.
    "Hollywood" and "insane" pretty much go together, I'd say. How else can you explain so many of the wretchedly stupid things which eminate from there?
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  29. #29
    Mar 2009
    Foxbase Alpha

    Default Re: How did the "Tom Cruise is gay" rumors get started?

    Observation: the longer Katie Holmes is with Tom Cruise, the more she looks like a boy.

  30. #30
    my god, he's full of stars... OneCentStamp's avatar
    Mar 2009

    Default Re: How did the "Tom Cruise is gay" rumors get started?

    Quote Originally posted by tunaman
    Observation: the longer Katie Holmes is with Tom Cruise, the more she looks like a boy.
    An vaguely elfin boy who spits out babies on demand: Tom's perfect match? :shock:
    "You laugh at me because I'm different; I laugh at you because I'm on nitrous."

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  31. #31
    Mar 2009

    Default Re: How did the "Tom Cruise is gay" rumors get started?

    About every male movie or music star who was (A) considered very attractive by females, (B) was not popular among males, and (C) was not particularly masculine had gay rumors about them. I think it's primarily jealousy. Tom Cruise may be confused about his sexuality, but the rumors pre-date all his public looniness.

  32. #32
    Registered user
    Mar 2009

    Default Re: How did the "Tom Cruise is gay" rumors get started?

    If there wern't gay rumors before Legend, there sure as heck would have been afterwards. Cruise plays some sort of male wood nymph, and manages to appear very gay, even by wood nymph standards.

    We are human after all...

    AKA meenie7

  33. #33
    my god, he's full of stars... OneCentStamp's avatar
    Mar 2009

    Default Re: How did the "Tom Cruise is gay" rumors get started?

    Quote Originally posted by Pashnish Ewing
    If there wern't gay rumors before Legend, there sure as heck would have been afterwards. Cruise plays some sort of male wood nymph, and manages to appear very gay, even by wood nymph standards.

    Without opening the clip (which I cannot at work), is he wearing what was probably intended as armor, but in fact looks like a gold miniskirt?
    "You laugh at me because I'm different; I laugh at you because I'm on nitrous."

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  34. #34
    Mar 2009
    Fort Worth, TX (Female)

    Default Re: How did the "Tom Cruise is gay" rumors get started?

    Quote Originally posted by Badtz Maru
    About every male movie or music star who was (A) considered very attractive by females, (B) was not popular among males, and (C) was not particularly masculine had gay rumors about them. I think it's primarily jealousy. Tom Cruise may be confused about his sexuality, but the rumors pre-date all his public looniness.
    I've never heard the same rumors about Brad Pitt, and I can't recall if they've ever been bandied about for Johnny Depp either. Both men are pretty boys. For that matter, I don't think I've ever heard serious rumors that DiCaprio was gay, and he's even more of a pretty boy and less masculine than either of the other two men. And even the Matt Damon rumors pretty much disappeared after he essentially said, "I'm not, but whatever. If you want to believe that, what do I care?"

    I don't think it's jealousy. It's either that he's so touchy about the subject he comes off as protesting too much and ends up keeping the rumor alive by his own actions, or there's some truth to it after all.

  35. #35
    Mar 2009
    Ciudad Gotica

    Default Re: How did the "Tom Cruise is gay" rumors get started?

    Like Vox said, I think it's because of Top Gun's homoeroticism. It doesn't explain how Val Kilmer dodged teh gay bullet but it sounds about right.

  36. #36
    my god, he's full of stars... OneCentStamp's avatar
    Mar 2009

    Default Re: How did the "Tom Cruise is gay" rumors get started?

    Quote Originally posted by Batman
    It doesn't explain how Val Kilmer dodged teh gay bullet but it sounds about right.
    It's not gay if you're the one doing the penetrating? :mrgreen:
    "You laugh at me because I'm different; I laugh at you because I'm on nitrous."

    find me at Goodreads

  37. #37
    Mar 2009

    Default Re: How did the "Tom Cruise is gay" rumors get started?

    Quote Originally posted by Batman
    Like Vox said, I think it's because of Top Gun's homoeroticism. It doesn't explain how Val Kilmer dodged teh gay bullet but it sounds about right.
    Val Kilmer was never as much of a sex symbol for females as Tom Cruise (or Richard Gere, or Rod Stewart). He's also played roles that guys like (i.e. in Top Secret and Real Genius), so he doesn't have the male animosity that Tom Cruise has picked up. If you go for my explanation for the reason for the rumors, it makes sense that he's never been picked on that way.

  38. #38
    Mar 2009

    Default Re: How did the "Tom Cruise is gay" rumors get started?

    I hate to state the obvious here, but maybe Tom Cruise is seen as gay because he was married to two gorgeous women and didn't sleep with either of them. He realized that was making him look bad, so he made sure that Wife #3 showed evidence that he did sleep with her. I'm not convinced.

  39. #39
    Mar 2009
    Ciudad Gotica

    Default Re: How did the "Tom Cruise is gay" rumors get started?

    He didn't sleep with any of them? He's deffinately gay. I would wreck Mimi Rogers.

  40. #40
    Message Board Terrorist
    Mar 2009
    Dallas, TX

    Default Re: How did the "Tom Cruise is gay" rumors get started?

    Quote Originally posted by rubystreak
    Really? Did Mimi Rogers' career take off as a result of their marriage? I think Nicole Kidman was successful without Cruise, and I haven't noticed Katie Holmes getting a ton of good roles. Also, he was married to Kidman for a decade. I realize you're saying this is just business for them, but it seems like a long time to shackle yourself to a loveless marriage when you know the guy just isn't into you. Not to mention that for Kidman and Holmes, there are kids involved. It makes me think the lot of them are insane.
    Her most recent role in Vickiy Cristina Barcelona notwithstanding, Penelope Cruz hasn't really had amazing roles thrown at her either.
    I am leaking awesome all over the floor, but don't worry, because it's awesome. -- Lord Chief Baron of the Exchequer

  41. #41
    Mar 2009

    Default Re: How did the "Tom Cruise is gay" rumors get started?

    Quote Originally posted by MarissaW
    Her most recent role in Vickiy Cristina Barcelona notwithstanding, Penelope Cruz hasn't really had amazing roles thrown at her either.
    I'm pretty sure she worked steadily even pre-Cruise, though. Whereas I doubt I would have ever even heard of Mimi Rogers had it not been via Mr. Cruise.

  42. #42
    Mar 2009

    Default Re: How did the "Tom Cruise is gay" rumors get started?

    People are saying that he's gay because they're jealous that he was in Top Gun and that ladies thought he was attractive? Gimme a break. If all the previous counterexamples haven't convince you, then what about Harrison Ford? The guy was Han Solo AND Indiana Jones, for christ's sake!

    I obviously don't know whether the guy is gay or not, but the "the rumors persist because he's gay" explanation is a hell of a lot more plausible than the "people are just jealous" explanation.

  43. #43
    Registered user
    Aug 2012


    Other actors and people who work together probably keep their secrets, but what about makeup people, security guards and people like that. I heard from a friend who was an extra on a Tom Cruise movie that he was getting quite close to another guy on the set. But isn't that how rumors start?

  44. #44
    Member Elendil's Heir's avatar
    Sep 2009
    The North Coast


    Rumors can start from nothing, absolutely nothing at all - and they can be motivated or perpetuated for any number of different reasons. I don't know if Tom Cruise is gay and I frankly don't care. Scientology and couch-jumping aside, he's a pretty talented actor and I enjoy most of his films. Watch him in Born on the Fourth of July, Risky Business, Top Gun, Mission: Impossible, Tropic Thunder and Valkyrie, and tell me he doesn't have some acting chops.

  45. #45
    The Queen Zuul's avatar
    Mar 2009


    I had heard he was in Tropic Thunder. I kept waiting for him to show up until, finally, I realized who he was playing. The makeup wasn't even all that complex, but he so thoroughly inhabited his character that he disappeared. I think he's one of those actors whose own fame has kept people from realizing his talent, because they just see Tom Cruise whenever they look at him.

    I don't put much stock in rumors, because gossip isn't any of my business. And when one of those rumors turns out to be true, people then hold it up as proof that "the rumors are always true", completely ignoring anyone who was rumored to be gay who hasn't come out, because "they just haven't come out yet."

    It just seems like a waste of effort and attention. There are benefits as far as role models go for bullied kids when someone chooses to come out, but rumors always seem to have an edge of bigotry to them.
    So now they are just dirt-covered English people in fur pelts with credit cards.

  46. #46
    Administrator CatInASuit's avatar
    Feb 2009
    Coulsdon Cat Basket


    How much of an impact on his career would it have if he came out as bisexual? Would it really make a difference at this point?
    In the land of the blind, the one-arm man is king.

  47. #47
    The Queen Zuul's avatar
    Mar 2009


    I don't think it would change how the public feels, no. The Church of Scientology is anti-homosexual, though. That's where he'd be hurt.
    So now they are just dirt-covered English people in fur pelts with credit cards.

  48. #48
    Registered user
    Feb 2014

    Default Gay rumors

    I think one of the reasons rumors have spread concerning Mr. Cruise's sexuality has to do with his involvement in the "Church" of Scientology. There has been more than one example of members and clergy involved in religious organizations that practice bigotry based on a persons God-given sexual orientation that end up caught with their pants down with members of the same sex. It's the ultimate form of hypocrisy.
    Admittedly, I'm not aware of any members of the "Church of Scientology who have been caught in a similar situation. However, what I do find strange and amusing is Tom Cruise's need to go on the defensive and proclaim to the world his extreme love and obsession with vagina's. I am, of course, paraphrasing the statements he's made defending his hetrosexuality. In my opinion, if he is so straight why get so upset and sue anyone who dares insinuate that he may enjoy the occasional penis?! He should have simply said he would be proud if he were a gay man, but being straight is no more of a choice than being gay, and he happens to be a proud straight man. Instead he denies being gay everytime it's brought up, sues those who accuse him and basically fuels the rumors himself with his peculiar actions. This leads to people making comments such as "he doth protest too much!"
    I think if he is indeed gay, we will never know for sure as long as he's associated with the "Church" of Scientology. Unless the "Church" decides to stop it's practice of descrimination and bigotry toward the LGBT community.

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