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Thread: five things.....?

  1. #1
    Jun 2013

    Default five things.....?

    It's a great interview if humans continue to layer them a lot of chronic diseases that we see today, such as skin diseases, infectious diseases, to read and ponder ....

    - Nail trimming:
    Scientific research has shown that failure to cut the nail and prolong the cause of the accumulation of germs and dirt under it, and therefore cause infections and odors. The bacteria accumulated under the nails grow and multiply rapidly because of the conditions for it, then move to inside the human body during the food. Thus, the Prophet forbade mercy peace be upon him for prolonging the nails because of the resulting pollution and poisoning, and if prolonged may lead to a lot of inflammation in the ends of the fingers and cracks due to bleeding and trauma injuries.
    - Removing the pubic hair:
    It means removing the hair from around the masculine User In other words, shaving pubic hair, a delegate to the male and female and if so, for the Holy Prophet peace be upon him. Has been scientifically proven that this region accumulated sweat and secretions of the skin significantly and are prone to dirt contamination because of its proximity to the place of front and back passages. The neglect of shave pubic hair will help lead to hair abundance in this region and thus find germs and fungi fertile ground to grow it.
    This leads to infection of many chronic skin diseases. Thus, the process of removing hair from this area are cleared continuously, and become easier to remove when washing and microbes.

    - Plucking the armpit:
    For the reasons the former, we find that the area under the armpits where hair grows and increases sweating and secretions of the fat, the fungi and bacteria find a suitable place to live. Thus removing the hair from the underarms means to remove these bacteria remains pure, clean body.

    - Circumcision:
    Is removed or cut off excess skin that covers the User masculine men. If you do not remove this skin which will accumulate dirt and germs and bacteria grow and multiply until the cause of many diseases Calcelan and syphilis. With the continued accumulation and the growth of bacteria may become infected men with penile cancer, or the futility of the whole man is not circumcised will accumulate under the foreskin remains of urine and the magnitude of the bacteria and fungi may move this to the bladder and kidneys and cause many infections and excruciating pain. The matter becomes complicated if the bacteria moved to the wife during sex, causing a variety of infections may end infertility, or cancer of the uterus. As a result, there are many risks due to lack of circumcision: So the Prophet ordered us to peace be upon him promised that this matter of human nature by order of God.

    - Cut the mustache:

    The area above the nose, mouth and under the mustache is also a fertile ground to collect bacteria and transmitted easily to the inside of the mouth during eating and drinking. So it must Sa mustache to avoid this infection.
    Thus it is clear good effect to worship the believer and that is what we find ratifications him to tell the truth the Almighty: ((97) Whoever does righteousness, whether male or female, while he is a believer - We will surely cause him to live a good life, and We will surely give them their reward [in the Hereafter] according to the best of what they used to do) [Nahl: 97].

    The Prophet peace be upon him: (five of the instinct of circumcision, shaving the pubes, plucking the armpit hairs, cutting the nails, trimming the mustache) [Bukhari]. This should be a great talk on every believer to take it and apply it in his life. The scientifically proven benefits that accrue to the believer's application of the teachings of the Holy Prophet. Now, to enumerate some of the medical benefits of all that came in the Hadith.

    Glory to my Lord has great praise for the blessing of Islam, that Islam is the religion of all prophets and messengers, which urges us always on the purity and cleanliness

    انظر ماذا فعل مسلم مع نصرانيه داخل المصعد - الله اكبر !!!

    شاب أمريكي يشرح دماغ ملحد الفيديو الذي أسلم بسبه الكثير شاهد قبل الحذف

  2. #2
    Jun 2013


    Commitment to the teachings of the Hadith

    Indicates the direction in terms of sound natural instinct

    This is a proof of Islam to maintain cleanliness of internal and external to humans

    As for the woman

    Must remove all of her hair from her body through the easy way does not cause her pain, such as cream or waxing machine

    For men

    Five things existing in the Hadith

    Does not have to remove all body hair

    Because the hands and feet felt the appearance of manhood

    شيخ أمريكي مسلم يتحدث عن قرار زواج المثليين في أمريكا

    قصة مؤثرة جدا لطالبة أمريكية ملحدة اعتنقت الإسلام (An US Student Embraces Islam (A touching story

    قصة ممثلة اباحية امريكية اعتنقت الاسلام مؤثر جدا

  3. #3
    Jun 2013


    In the scientific study carried out by the University of University of Southern Queensland show that the beard extend the life of skin cells and maintain the freshness and vitality of the face and delay the symptoms of aging and protect against skin cancer caused by prolonged exposure to the sun!

    If we look at everything that came by Islam
    Must find the good health and happiness and for man and society. Here is modern science and through his experiences
    And by non-Muslim scholars, reveals the benefits of the beard,
    The Prophet, peace be upon him by fourteen centuries wanted us these benefits,
    worthy of the Holy Prophet respect and appreciation?

    Ex-Priest: Reverend Anthony Swamy Accepted Islam - I Tried to Convert Muslims to Christianity

    I Converted To Islam - A Drug Dealer Got Caught , Decided To End His Own Life &Then Found Islam !!

  4. #4
    Jun 2013


    In the past

    There was no shaving of hair in men

    also at the time of Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him


    There is legislation and became the Islamic laws

    So the Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him, such as Moses in the legislation, laws and enforcement and governance in his people

    On the contrary, with the Prophet Jesus peace be upon him was not the ruler of his people

    9/11 Really Made Me Consider God: Ex Atheist Darren "My Muslim Friends Were Not Terrorists" youtube

    From Atheism To Islam - A Physicist Who Worked As A Scientist In BMW,Jaguar,Ford ...Etc youtube

  5. #5
    Jun 2013


    Circumcision as prescribed by Islam involves cutting the foreskin covering the glans of the ***** only. Those who flay the skin surrounding the ***** or flay the entire *****, as is done in some savage countries, and claim in their ignorance that this is the circumcision prescribed in Islam, this is nothing but something prescribed by the Shaytaan and made attractive to the ignorant, and it is a torment to the one who is circumcised. It goes against the Sunnah of Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) and the Islamic sharee'ah which is based on ease and which enjoins preservation of life.

    It is haraam for a number of reasons, including the following:

    1 - The Sunnah mentions cutting off the foreskin covering the glans of the ***** only.

    2 - This is torture and mutilation, and the Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) forbade mutilation and torture of dumb beasts, committing outrages upon them or cutting off their limbs. It is more appropriate that tormenting the sons of Adam should be more forbidden, and a more serious sin.

    3 - This is contrary to the humanity and kindness encouraged by the Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) when he said, "Allaah has decreed humanity in all things."

    4 - This may lead to disease or death of the one who is circumcised, and that is not permissible because Allaah says (interpretation of the meaning):

    "And do not throw yourselves into destruction"

    [Al-Baqarah 2:195]

    "And do not kill yourselves (nor kill one another)"

    [Al-Nisa '4:29]

    اسلام امراة بسبب سلوك رجل ملتزم دينيا وبسبب ذكاء د.ذاكر نايك - جميل جدا

    س11 - لماذا تركعون للكعبة ان كنتم ضد عبادة الاصنام؟ || مفاهيم خاطئة عن الاسلام - ذاكر نايك


  6. #6
    Jun 2013


    س7 - حجاب المرأة ظلم واضطهاد || مفاهيم خاطئة عن الاسلام - ذاكر نايك

    يرد الدكتور ذاكر على شبهة العين الحمئة في سورة الكهف - Zakir Naik

  7. #7
    Jun 2013


    س10 - المسلمون يتصرفون كالحيوانات || مفاهيم خاطئة عن الاسلام - ذاكر نايك

    هل استنساخ الكائنات الحية يجعل الانسان مساوياً لله؟ - ذاكر نايك Zakir Naik

    Al-Bukhaari (6298) and Muslim (2370) narrated that Abu Hurayrah (may Allaah be pleased with him) said: The Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: "Ibraaheem (peace be upon him) circumcised himself when he was eighty years old, and he circumcised himself with an adze. "

    An adze (qadoom) is a carpenter's tool; it was also said that al-Qadoom is a place is Syria.

    Al-Haafiz ibn Hajar said:

    It is most likely that what is referred to in the hadeeth is the tool. Abu Ya'laa narrated that 'Ali ibn Rabaah said: "Ibraaheem was commanded to circumcise himself, so he circumcised himself with an adze and it was very painful for him. Then Allaah revealed to him saying," You rushed to do it before We told you what tool to use. "He said," O Lord, I did not want to delay obeying Your command. "

    Ibn al-Qayyim said:

    Circumcision was one of the things with which Allaah tested Ibraaheem, His Close Friend. He did them perfectly so Allaah made him a leader of mankind. It was narrated that he was the first one who was circumcised, as mentioned above. What it says in al-Saheeh is that Ibraaheem circumcised himself when he was eighty years old. After him, circumcision continued among the Messengers and their followers, even the Messiah. He was circumcised and the Christians affirm that, and do not deny that, as they also affirm that

  8. #8
    Jun 2013


    س5 - لماذا يسمح الاسلام للرجل بالزواج من 4؟ || مفاهيم خاطئة عن الاسلام - ذاكر نايك

    س19- لماذا نتبع الاسلام؟ ولا نتبع غيره - مفاهيم خاطئة عن الاسلام - ذاكر نايك

    . Yes, removal of body hair is not only permissible, it is required. For a man, the beard and eyebrows must be left alone; for a woman the eyebrows. The absolute removal of hair around the penis and testicles, vagina, anus and under-arm is a crucial element of Sunan al-Fitra. The hair must not grow beyond 40 days.

    Fitra is a code of requisite personal hygienic conduct for Muslims and Sunan al-Fitra is the code of requisite personal conduct to do with the body. The Sahih al-Bukhari explicitly states that all Muslims are required to pluck away the hairs that grown from the base of the naval through the genital area and behind to the anus—it goes on to say that the underarms must be removed of hair in a likewise fashion. Shaving with a razor is allowed instead of plucking or waxing,

    but laser hair removal might prove the most effective. Whilst other body hair apart from the genital and underarm area are not mentioned in any detail, the majority of Islamic scholars have understood and continue to hold that the complete removal of all body hair from the neck down to the soles of the feet is a required element of Sunan al-Fitra before one engages in a profound holy struggle—known in Arabic and now in English also,
    as jihad.

    There is the Greater and Lesser Jihad. The Greater Jihad is the internal spiritual struggle of the Muslim toward submission to Allah. The Lesser Jihad is Holy War against non-Muslims based on principle of belief. The greater jihad is the basis of one being obedient to Allah and is undertaken every minute of the day, every day of the year. Therefore it is necessary for men and women to make sure that every stalk of hair is removed from their bodies and that they remain hairless all the time.

  9. #9
    Jun 2013


    هل تحدث الدين عن الاحتباس الحراري ؟ - ذاكر نايك Zakir Naik

    هل حرف المغول الكتب الهندوسية ؟ - اجابة مذهلة من د.ذاكر نايك Dr.Zakir Naik

    The issue here
    That there are some women and girls

    They have a large clitoris and slightly high

    In that case requires circumcision
    By a very small

    This is to avoid falling into adultery in early age

    This makes her think of committing adultery with the other

    And circumcision in those cases
    Protection and prevention

    These very few cases when girls

    You're talking about something completely different
    You are talking about the peoples and tribes apply circumcision on girls
    Simply the application of the customs
    Without regard to the need for it or not

    Circumcision is not a basis for girls

    But very few cases that require

    This is a result of medical examination

    Not affected by the girl physically and psychologically

    Circumcision is Mandatory for men but for female but not obligatory.

    Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) is reported to have passed by a woman performing circumcision on a young girl. He instructed the woman by saying: "Cut off only the foreskin (outer fold of skin over the femalecore; the prepuce) but do not cut off deeply (i.e. the femalecore itself), for this is brighter for the face (of the girl) and more favourable with the husband."

  10. #10
    Jun 2013


    لماذا يخلق الله المعاقين والفقراء - د ذاكر نايك Dr Zakir Naik

    راهول المهندس اسئلة صعبة واجابات رائعة من د ذاكر نايك Dr Zakir Naik

  11. #11
    Jun 2013


    ما رأيك بتحطيم تمثال بوذا باميان في افغانستان ؟ - ذاكر نايك Dr Zakir Naik

    لماذا استغرق الله 6 ايام لخلق الكون وهو يستطيع خلق اي شئ فوراً ؟ ذاكر نايك Dr Zakir Naik

    - - Circumcision:
    - -
    - -
    - Abu Hurayrah may Allah be pleased with him said: The Messenger of Allah may Allah bless him and grant him peace: "_ fitrah is five or five of instinct _: circumcision, removing the pubic hair and, and plucking the armpit hairs, and trim the nails, and trimming the mustache." Sahih Al-Bukhari in dress 5889
    - in the hadeeth is that if you do these things by nature , which Allah gave to the slaves and get them out and mustahabb them to be in the best qualities and Ocharfha. Has been reported in some versions of the hadeeth: "Five of the Sunna " rather than instinct.
    - And circumcision: a source of circumcised any pieces, and you want to cut the skin that covers the glans of the penis, and the shaving is meant by the use of razor _ or any sharp object _ to remove pubic hair, a hair above the man, and round about, and as well as the hair around a woman's vagina.
    - The British Medical Journal published BMG _ and is the most famous medical journals _ an article on cancer of the penis and causes in 1987, according to this story: Cancer of the penis is very rare, and when the Jews in Islamic countries, where they are circumcised during childhood, and Statistics have proven Medical cancer of the penis when the Jews had not seen in nine patients but only in the whole world.
    - Among the factors predisposing to a cancer of the penis: balanitis, and what was the circumcision removes the foreskin of the basis of the circumcised men do not happen to have a narrowing of the foreskin, and it is extremely rare to happen balanitis have, and it seems to narrow the foreskin caused by retention of smegma and the discharge collects between the glans penis and foreskin in uncircumcised men, and has been proven that these substances actually carcinogenic.
    - The magazine published the National Cancer Institute study confirmed that the cancer of the penis is transmitted through sexual contact, and pointed out that the multi-sexual prostitutes lead to this. As stated in a report published by the Academy of children's diseases, which said that circumcision is an effective way to prevent cancer of the penis. And confirmed the American Journal of diseases of children to religious factors when Muslims and Jews that decide to follow the circumcision: Play a key factor in urging them to adopt this common sense and correct from Abu Hurayrah that Abraham circumcised, and to come is the son of eighty.

  12. #12
    Jun 2013


    - Circumcision:
    - Apart from those who require the procedure for medical reasons of course.
    - that's right
    - For health reasons in the first place
    - see here
    - 1.8 billion Muslims (and millions of Jews)

    - 575
    - Narrated Abu Huraira: Allah's Apostle said, "Abraham did his circumcision with an adze at the age of eighty." Sahih Bukhari

    ماسبب زيادة عدد المنظمات الارهابية التي تقاتل بأسم الاسلام - ذاكر نايك Zakir Naik

    لماذا يرفض المسلمون بعض طرق منع الحمل ؟ - ذاكر نايك Dr Zakir Naik

  13. #13
    Jun 2013


    صراع الحيوانات و طريقة ذبحها في الاسلام - ذاكر نايك Zakir Naik

    رفض الابوين للزواج في الاسلام - ذاكر نايك Zakir Naik

    - allah created Adam circumcised and born of the prophets circumcised seventeen
    - Create circumcised prophets seventeen: Adam and Seth and Idris, Noah, Sam and Lot, Joseph, Moses and Shoaib and Solomon and Hood and Saleh and Zechariah and Yahya and Isa and hanzala bin Safwan, and خاتمهم Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him.
    - Story of Ibrahim circumcision and Jesus, and Mohammed (peace be upon them) are listed

    - That Abraham first circumcised by his hands

    -And Abdul Muttalib circumcised him (Prophet Muhammad )on the seventh day

    even the Messiah. He was circumcised and the Christians affirm that, and do not deny that, as they also affirm that
    Christ, peace be upon him had been circumcised in childhood
    Listen carefully to the lecture(in luke 2;21)

    thank's to all

  14. #14
    Jun 2013


    اطفال يمتلكون كلا الاعضاء التناسلية - ماذا تقول عنهم ؟ - ذاكر نايك Zakir Naik

    مسيحية سألت عن محمد في الانجيل لتعتنق الاسلام بعد الاجابة - د ذاكر نايك Dr Zakir Naik

    لماذا امريكا والدول الاوربيه تكره الاسلام وتريد تدميره ؟ ذاكر نايك Dr Zakir Naik

  15. #15
    Jun 2013


    It is proved in the sound collections of Hadith of al-Bukhari and Muslim from Abu Hurairah (Radiya Allahu Anhu) that Allah's Messenger (Sallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam) said: "Five things are part of one's Fitra (human nature and disposition): Shaving the pubic hairs, circumcision, trimming the moustache, removing the hair under the arms and trimming the nails" .

    The above-named Hadith indicates that performing such acts constitutes part of human Fitra, which Allah has created in all human beings; it also urges them to do such acts so as to acquire the best and finest qualities of the human being.

    As mentioned above, trimming the nails means to pare them and to keep them short so as to prevent dirt from remaining under them; otherwise this constitutes a violation to the Sunnah of the Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam). He (Sallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam) stated that we should not leave them (acts of Fitra except circumcision) more than forty days as reported in a sound Hadith by Imam Muslim . This means that we are allowed to leave trimming the nails no more than forty days; otherwise it becomes disallowed.

    In addition, if leaving the nails to be long is just to imitate non-Muslim women, then it becomes a violation to Shari'a for two reasons: imitation and breaching the Prophet's (Sallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam) guidance.

  16. #16
    Jun 2013


    ما خطأ عيسى الذي جعله غير مؤهلاً لانقاذ البشرية رغم انه نبي ؟ رائع - ذاكر نايك Dr Zakir Naik

    حوار عن ضرب المرأة في الاسلام - ذاكر نايك Zakir Naik


    This same practice was done when a priest was dedicated to God. "Thus you shall do to them to cleanse them: Sprinkle water of purification on them, and let them shave all their body, and let them wash their clothes, and so make themselves clean" (Numbers 8:7).

    But if you anticipate revealing more of your intimate parts - that is, if someone (like your husband) is going to see you uncovered (i.e., without underwear) -- your genital area should be shaved or at least trimmed closely.

    Here's another biblical passage that addresses the issue of women shaving in the context of intimate relations: "Then you grew up, became tall and reached the age for fine ornaments; your breasts were formed and your hair had grown. Yet you were naked and bare." (Eze 16:7)

    The speaker is praising the attributes of a young woman who is ready to take a husband: as she has come of age into womanhood, she has developed shapely breasts and pubic hair. But in the next verse, she is described as naked and bare. Why would she be described as both naked and bare? Because naked means without clothes, while bare means without body hair. This wording indicates she has had her body hair, including her pubic hair, shaved off.

    In some cases, it's clear that the Lord has not only looked favorably on pubic shaving, but actually imposed it on His people:

    ...therefore the Lord will smite with a scab the crown of the head of the daughters of Zion, and Jehovah will lay bare their secret parts. (Isa 3:17)

    So far, we've only discussed female shaving, but males were not exempt. In Jer. 49:10, we read: "But I have made Esau bare, I have uncovered his secret places..."

    Shaving for Closeness

    Going completely bare is a way of being more fully naked before God and before your spouse. By shaving, you are lifting the veil of pubic hair that comes between your spouse and you, and in complete trust revealing the divine creation of your genitals to your spouse's loving eyes and touch.

  17. #17
    Jun 2013


    i love this vedio very much


    A Clean Shave

    As an added benefit for intimacy, pubic hair removal is also conducive to better genital hygiene. In the Old Testament, this was part of a purification ritual: "Have them shave their entire body and wash their clothing. Then they will be ceremonially clean." (Num 8:7)

    Even if you bathe daily, body hair still captures and holds odors, which can be distracting or unpleasant during lovemaking and especially oral sex. Shaving the pubic hair or keeping it trimmed short minimizes this and keeps you fresh for intimate moments, which your spouse will appreciate.

    Shaving can also be a way for a newly married woman to show her commitment to her new husband:

    "And suppose you see among the captives a beautiful woman, and you are attracted to her and want to marry her. If this happens, you may take her to your home, where she must shave her hair, cut her fingernails, and change all her clothes." (Deut 21:11-13)

    A freshly shaved pubic area can represent a fresh start in intimacy. Couples at any stage in their marriage can take advantage of this as a new beginning.

    In keeping with maintaining a neat appearance and good hygiene habits, and out of consideration for their spouses, it seems appropriate for both Christian men and women to either shave or neatly trim their pubic hair if they desire.

    Keeping this area well groomed is another way that husbands and wives can look and feel their best for each other. And by going completely hairless, they can experience an even closer degree of intimacy, with nothing to come between them as they become one flesh. If you and your spouse enjoy the look and feel of going bare, there's no need to feel a spiritual conflict.

    حقوق الشواذ والمثليين في الاسلام - ذاكر نايك Zakir Naik

    ياباني يدخل الاسلام بعد اجابة سؤاله - لماذا هناك جنة و نار ؟ - ذاكر نايك Zakir Naik

  18. #18
    Jun 2013


    Love & Life by Ahmed Saeed

    Media and Islam: War or Peace - Dr. Zakir Naik youtube

    Circumcision is in childhood always

    Circumcision occurs late in many times as a result of conversion to Islam

    "Circumcision of newborn boys (I.e., within the first month of life) brings numerous health benefits, including:

    1 – Protection against local infection in the penis, which may result from the presence of the foreskin, causing tightening of the foreskin, which may lead to retention of urine or infections of the glans (tip) of the penis – which require circumcision in order to treat these problems. In chronic cases, the child may be exposed to numerous diseases in the future, the most serious of which is cancer of the penis.

    2 – Infections of the urethra. Many studies have proven that uncircumcised boys are more exposed to infection of the urethra. In some studies the rate was 39 times more among uncircumcised boys. In other studies the rate was ten times more. Other studies showed that 95% of children who suffered from infections of the urethra were uncircumcised, whereas the rate among circumcised children did not exceed 5%.

    In children, infection of the urethra is serious in some cases. In the study by Wisewell on 88 children who suffered infections of the urethra, in 36 % of them, the same bacteria was found in the blood also. Three of them contracted meningitis, and two suffered renal failure. Two others died as a result of the spread of the micro-organisms throughout the body.

  19. #19
    Jun 2013


    مولاي صلي وسلم دائما ابدا _ماهر زين انجليزي

    الإرهابي الأول في العالم يحصل على جائزة نوبل للسلام مانديلا ! - د ذاكر نايك Dr Zakir Naik

    شاب يسأل ويلمح على زواج عائشة من النبي محمد وهي صغيرة - ذاكر نايك Dr Zakir Naik

    فتاة تسأل 3 اسئلة يجيبها الدكتور اجابة رائعة - ذاكر نايك Zakir Naik

  20. #20
    Jun 2013


    التحرر من العبودية سبب إسلام مارفنFreedom from slavery make Marvin converted to Islam

    لإعلام ضد الإسلام - د ذاكر نايك Dr Zakir Naik

    هل اصل الديانة السيخية اسلامي؟ اجابة جميلة من دكتور ذاكر نايك

    German Postal Service decided to issue a postage stamp reminds Germans that Christ underwent circumcision two thousand years ago when he was eight days old

    On January, eight days after the Holy Nativity of our Lord, we celebrate His Circumcision, one of the Feasts of the Lord, on which—in accordance with Hebrew tradition—He received the name "Jesus": "And when eight days were accomplished for the circumcising of the Child, His name was called Jesus, which was so named of the Angel before He was conceived in the womb" (St. Luke 2:21).

    The stamp shows which celebrates two hundred anniversary of the German Bible Society on September 11 / September page of the New Testament describes how Christ underwent circumcision.

    The stamp includes a quote from the Gospel of St. Luke stating "On the eighth day, when it's the time of circumcision, called the Christ child."

  21. #21
    Jun 2013


    أيهما أفضل الدفن أم الحرق"ذاكر نايك"- which is better burn or bury

    هل الجنس مباح مع العبيد - ذاكر نايك Dr Zakir Naik

    Circumcision is an initiation rite for Jewish newborn babies. This usually takes place in a ceremony called a Brit (or Bris) milah witnessed by family and community members. Milah is Hebrew for Covenant of Circumcision.

    The ritual is an ancient practice that has been carried out by Jewish parents for more than 3,000 years.

    Such is the importance of Brit milah that circumcision can take place on the Sabbath or a holy day even though the drawing of blood is not normally allowed on these days under Jewish law.

    According to the Torah (Genesis 17: 9-14), Abraham was commanded by God to circumcise himself, all male members of his household, his descendants and slaves in an everlasting covenant.

    This is my covenant, which you shall keep, between me and you and your descendants after you: Every male among you shall be circumcised. You shall be circumcised in the flesh of your foreskins and it shall be a sign of the covenant between me and you. He that is eight days old among you shall be circumcised; every male throughout your generations, whether born in your house, or bought with your money from any foreigner who is not of your offspring.

    Under Jewish law, failure to follow the commandment given to Abraham incurs the penalty of karet (being cut off from the rest of the community of God).

    The Torah (Genesis 16:14) also says: "Any uncircumcised male who is not circumcised in the flesh of his foreksin shall be cut off from his people; he has broken my covenant."
    The ceremony

    There are no special rules about where the ritual should take place. Most often it is held at the family's home but some people prefer it to be done in a synagogue.

    The ritual is performed by a mohel (circumciser), usually an observant Jew, on the eighth day after birth unless there are medical reasons to prevent it happening. The mohel is required to have studied the religious laws and have the surgical skills essential to the operation. In the UK, the Initiation Society of Great Britain and the London Beth Din (Jewish Ecclesiastical Court) oversee the training and examination of student mohels.

    The Bris is an important family celebration for Jewish people. It is required that the father and mohel must be present but it's usual for other family members to participate too.

    Traditionally, an empty chair is set aside in the room for the prophet Elijah, who oversees the proceedings and ensures the continuation of the ritual.

    The child may be brought into the room where the circumcision is to take place by the mother and other female family members.

    During the circumcision, the child is held on the lap of a person who has been chosen to act as sandek. The grandfather of the child or the family rabbi often takes this role and it is considered an honour to do this.

  22. #22
    Jun 2013



    We are Muslims, Christians and Jews

    Does not care

    Objection or approval of any person

    this is contrary to the prophetic Suuna and all prophets

    Because this is the circumcision and pubic hair,,,,and so on of the actions of the prophets
    We all follow that

    Supposed to control forty days set by the Messenger of Allah may Allah bless him and his family and him not be exceeded

    Literature of Literatures from the beloved abide by
    And that the limit time is exceeded become offend

    Muslims follow the commandments of Moses and Jesus, peace be upon them Always more than the Jews and the Christians
    What did Mr. Green from Texas say about Islam in America

    عدو الإسلام اللدود يقر بأن رب المسلمين اقوى من أمريكا G. Beck: Islamic faith is stronger than U.S

    لماذا لا يؤمن الاسلام بعبادة الاصنام ؟ - ذاكر نايك Dr Zakir Naik

  23. #23
    Jun 2013


    Allah says in the Quran what means

    {Glory be to Him Who made His servant to go on a night from the Sacred Mosque to the remote mosque of which We have blessed the precincts, so that We may show to him some of Our signs; surely He is the Hearing, the Seeing.} (Al-Israa' 17:1)

    There is no doubt that Al-Isra (the night journey) followed by Al-Miraj (the heavenly ascension) was one of the miracles in the life of our Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him). According to the most accepted view, it happened on the 27th of Rajab, the seventh month of the Hijri calendar, in the tenth year of Muhammad's prophethood.

    It is reported in Hadith literature, that the Messenger of Allah was carried from the Sacred Mosque in Makkah to the "Farthest Mosque" (Al-Masjid al-Aqsa) in Jerusalem on a creature called Al-Buraq in the company of the archangel Gabriel (peace be upon him). There he led a congregational prayer of the prophets of God.

    Then Gabriel took him to the heavens where he met the prophets Adam, John, Jesus, Idris, Aaron and Moses (peace be on them all). In the seventh heaven, he met Abraham (peace be on him).

    He was then brought to the Divine Presence. The details of this encounter are beautifully detailed in the beginning of surat An-Najm (52).

    Once again the buraq took off with the Prophet and Jibril. Once again it stopped, and the Prophet dismounted and prayed two rak^as. This was in Bayt Lahm, where Prophet ^Isa (Jesus) was born. Then the buraq continued with the Messenger of Allah until they entered the city of Jerusalem. There the Prophet went to Masjid al-Aqsa. Outside was a ring used by the Messengers of Allah to tie their animals. The Prophet tied his buraq to this ring. Then the Prophet entered the masjid where Allah assembled for him all the Prophets--from Adam to ^Isa. Prophet Muhammad moved forward and led them all in prayer. This is an indication the Prophet is higher in status than all the rest of the prophets and messengers.

    1- On Prophet Muhammad's journey from Masjid al-Haram to Masjid al-Aqsa, Allah enabled him to see some of His wondrous creations. Allah enabled the Prophet to see the world (dunya) like an old woman. However, this old woman was wearing a great deal of jewelry, and in this there is an indication signifying the reality of the world.

    2- Allah enabled the Prophet to see Iblis. The Prophet saw something on the side of the road which did not dare to stand in his way or speak to him. What the Prophet saw was Iblis. Originally, Iblis was a believer and lived with the angels in Paradise. When Allah ordered the angels to prostrate (sujud) to Prophet Adam, Iblis was ordered to prostrate to him as well. The angels prostrated to Adam in obedience to Allah, because angels do not disobey Allah. However, Iblis did not obey, and he objected to the order of Allah. He said, "You created me out of fire, and You created him out of clay. How do You order me to prostrate to him?" So this objection by Iblis to the order of Allah was the first blasphemy he committed.

    3- On his journey, the Prophet smelled a very nice odor. He asked Jibril about this pleasant scent and Jibril informed him this good smell was coming from the grave of the woman whose duty used to be to comb Pharaoh's daughter's hair. This woman was a good, pious believer. One day, as she was combing Pharaoh's daughter's hair, the comb fell from her hand. At this she said, ""Bismillah. "Pharaoh's daughter asked her, "Do you have a god other than my father?"

    The woman said, "Yes. My Lord and the Lord of your father is Allah." Pharaoh's daughter told her father what had happened. Pharaoh demanded this woman blaspheme and leave Islam, but she refused. At that, Pharaoh threatened to kill her children. He brought a great pot of water and built a great fire under it. When the water boiled, Pharaoh brought her children and started to drop them into that pot one after the other.

    Throughout all this, the woman remained steadfast to Islam, even when Pharaoh reached her youngest child--a little boy still breast feeding--but she felt pity for him. At that, Allah enabled this child to speak. He said to his mother, "O Mother, be patient. The torture of the Hereafter is far more severe than the torture of this life, and do not be reluctant, because you are right." At this the woman requested Pharaoh collect her bones and the bones of her children and bury them in the same grave.
    Pharaoh promised her that--then dropped her into that boiling water. She died as a martyr. The good odor the Prophet smelled coming from her grave is an indication of her high status.

    4- During his trip, the Prophet saw people who were planting and reaping in two days. Jibril told the Prophet, "These were the people who fight for the sake of Allah (mujahidun). ")."

    5- The Prophet also saw people whose lips and tongues were clipped with scissors made of fire. Jibril told the Prophet, "These are the speakers of sedition (fitna) who call people to misguidance."

    6- He also saw a bull which exited a very small outlet, then was trying in vain to return through that small outlet. Jibril told the Prophet, "This is the example of the bad word--once spoken, it cannot be returned."

    7- The Prophet saw people grazing like animals, with very little clothing on their private parts. Jibril told the Prophet, "These are the ones who refused to pay zakat. "."

    8- The Prophet saw angels smashing some people's heads with rocks. These heads would return to the shape they had been, and then the angels would smash their heads again--and so on. Jibril told the Prophet, "These are the ones whose heads felt too heavy to perform prayer--the ones who used to sleep without praying."

    9- On his journey the Prophet saw people who were competing to eat some rotten meat--ignoring meat that was sliced and unspoiled. Jibril told the Prophet, "These are people from your nation who leave out that which is permissible (halal), and consume that which is forbidden ((haram). "This reference was to the fornicators, that is, the ones who left out the permissible (marriage) and committed sins (fornication).

    10- Also, the Prophet saw people who were drinking from the fluid coming from the bodies of the fornicators, (water mixed with blood). Jibril indicated to the Prophet these were the ones who were drinking the alcohol which is prohibited in this world.

    11- The Prophet saw people scratching their faces and chests with brass finger nails. Jibril said, "These are the examples of those who commit gossip ((ghibah). ")."


    يابانية تسأل كيف انتقل محمد من مكة الى القدس باليلة انها كذبة واضحه - اجابة ذاكر نايك

    Isra and Miraj (Night Journey) - Shaykh Hamza Yusuf

  24. #24
    Aged Turtle Wizard Clothahump's avatar
    Feb 2009
    Houston, TX


    Hmmm....rather than post this stuff, let's discuss why Islam demands that its believers go out and murder those who are not believers. I'd really like to hear somebody try to justify that.
    Political correctness will be the death of our country.

  25. #25
    Jun 2013


    Yes, my dear brother
    This is a good question.

    The truth
    Islam, Christianity and Judaism
    Source of the divine and one
    Been corrupted Torah and the Gospels
    Find different opinions
    God says in the Holy Qur'an
    (71) O People of the Scripture, why do you confuse the truth with falsehood and conceal the truth while you know [it]?

    (157) Those who follow the Messenger, the unlettered prophet, whom they find written in what they have of the Torah and the Gospel, who enjoins upon them what is right and forbids them what is wrong and makes lawful for them the good things and prohibits for them the evil and relieves them of their burden and the shackles which were upon them. So they who have believed in him, honored him, supported him and followed the light which was sent down with him - it is those who will be the successful.

    On the contrary,-
    Reconstruction and find life in Islam
    God says in the Holy Qur'an
    (32) Because of that, We decreed upon the Children of Israel that whoever kills a soul unless for a soul or for corruption [done] in the land – it is as if he had slain mankind entirely. And whoever saves one – it is as if he had saved mankind entirely. And our messengers had certainly come to them with clear proofs. Then indeed many of them, [even] after that, throughout the land, were transgressors.

    (68) And those who do not invoke with Allah another deity or kill the soul which Allah has forbidden [to be killed], except by right, and do not commit unlawful sexual intercourse. And whoever should do that will meet a penalty
    (69) Multiplied for him is the punishment on the Day of Resurrection, and he will abide therein humiliated
    (70) Except for those who repent, believe and do righteous work. For them Allah will replace their evil deeds with good. And ever is Allah Forgiving and Merciful
    (71) And he who repents and does righteousness does indeed turn to Allah with [accepted] repentance

    -Look at the Crusades
    Killed millions of people, women and children without mercy
    Under the name of Christ
    Jesus is innocent of that

    On the contrary,
    Prophet Muhammad in the wars
    Order the believers
    Not killing women, children and non-burn destruction of houses and trees

    Added to that-
    Theft of Research Science and Muslims
    And attributed to themselves by deception and lying

    فيلم وثائقي بريطاني عن علماء المسلمين و العرب



    Terrorism has nothing to do with Islam

    Different teams

    Shiites and other

    The Christian and Jewish (Zionist)
    The basis of terrorism in the world

    Jihad is Completely different

    - At the beginning of the Islamic Dawa
    There is no fighting
    Peaceful invitation to the oneness of God

    Legislation to fight
    Came after an polytheists attack
    On the blood and symptoms and Muslim money

    Kill the infidels and the polytheists in the Holy Qur'an for several specific reasons and specific conditions

    If someone assaults you and kill your children and your relatives and your package from your country by force
    What will you do?

    This exactly happened in the time of Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him

    Polytheists and infidels tortured new Muslims unjustly

    Killing infidels owners of the Messenger of Allah, without the right

    Prevent the infidels from Muslim food and drink without the right

    Infidels and take their money home without the right

    Get out the infidels of Mecca, the Prophet without the right

    Imagine with me all these terrible acts occurred

    Only because they are Muslims

    Therefore, the revelation came through Jibreel to the Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him

    State in the Holy Qur'an

    Must fight the polytheists as mohammed they killed unduly

    You mohammed you have the right to kill them

    36. Verily, the number of months with Allah is twelve months (in a year), so was it ordained by Allah on the Day when He created the heavens and the earth; of them four are Sacred, (i.e. the 1st, the 7th, the 11th and the 12th months of the Islamic calendar). That is the right religion, so wrong not yourselves therein, and fight against the Mushrikun (polytheists, pagans, idolaters, disbelievers in the Oneness of Allah) collectively , as they fight against you collectively. But know that Allah is with those who are Al-Muttaqun

    The peaceful infidels should not fight them or kill them at all

    We have to talk to them about the message of Islam to respect

    8. Allah does not forbid you to deal justly and kindly with those who fought not against you on account of religion and did not drive you out of your homes. Verily, Allah loves those who deal with equity.

    Depends on circumstances. Its only defensive. When life is at risk and to save them.

    Dont you have military in your country for defense? Or they are use for mass murdering?

    If people dont use Qur'an for their purpose and maintain exactly, then it offer only peace, nothing else.

    32. Because of that We ordained for the Children of Israel that if anyone killed a person not in retaliation of murder, or (and) to spread mischief in the land - it would be as if he killed all mankind, and if anyone saved a life, it would be as if he saved the life of all mankind. And indeed, there came to them Our Messengers with clear proofs, evidences, and signs, even then after that many of them continued to exceed the limits (e.g. by doing oppression unjustly and exceeding beyond the limits set by Allah by committing the major sins) in the land!.

    Surah Al-Ma'idah

    thank you

  26. #26
    Jun 2013


    بكاء بنت الرئيس السابق جورج بوش لحظة نطقها شهادة الإسلام

    استمر يبحث عن الدين الحقيقي و لكن لم يجده الا بعد ان حضر محاضرة دكتور ذاكر نايك

    بروفيسور يهودى يعترف.. الأنبياء جميعهم مسلمون منذ آدم حتى محمد

  27. #27
    Jun 2013


    Circumcision is prescribed for both males and females. The correct view is that circumcision is obligatory for males and that it is one of the symbols of Islam, and that circumcision of women is mustahabb but not obligatory.
    (222), Indeed, Allah loves those who are constantly repentant and loves those who purify themselves. "
    The issue here
    That there are some women and girls

    They have a large clitoris and slightly high

    In that case requires circumcision
    By a very small
    There are reports in the Sunnah which indicate that circumcision for women is prescribed in Islam. In Madeenah there was a woman who circumcised women and the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said to her: “Do not go to the extreme in cutting; that is better for the woman and more liked by the husband.” Narrated by Abu Dawood (5271), classed as saheeh by Shaykh al-Albaani in Saheeh Abi Dawood.

    Female circumcision has not been prescribed for no reason, rather there is wisdom behind it and it brings many benefits.

    Mentioning some of these benefits

    The secretions of the labia minora accumulate in uncircumcised women and turn rancid, so they develop an unpleasant odour which may lead to infections of the vagina or urethra. I have seen many cases of sickness caused by the lack of circumcision.

    Circumcision reduces excessive sensitivity of the clitoris which may cause it to increase in size to 3 centimeters when aroused, which is very annoying to the husband, especially at the time of intercourse.

    Another benefit of circumcision is that it prevents stimulation of the clitoris which makes it grow large in such a manner that it causes pain.

    Circumcision prevents spasms of the clitoris which are a kind of inflammation.

    Circumcision reduces excessive sexual desire.

    in the case of Pharaonic circumcision which is where the clitoris is excised completely. This does in fact lead to frigidity but it is contrary to the kind of circumcision enjoined by the Prophet of mercy (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) when he said: “Do not destroy” i.e., do not uproot or excise. This alone is evidence that speaks for itself, because medicine at that time knew very little about this sensitive organ (the clitoris) and its nerves.

    كيف ولد النبي محمد صلى الله عليه وسلم - د ذاكر نايك Zakir naik

    د. ذاكر نايك يثبت لبنت مسيحية بالدليل أن المسلمين هم من يتبعون تعاليم المسيح

  28. #28
    Jun 2013


    رائد الفضاء ( نيل أرمسترونج ) يرفض أن يحلف على الكتاب المقدس , شاهد لماذا

    عبادة الاصنام عند الهنودسيين محرمة - ذاكر نايك Dr Zakir Naik

    dear brothers

    It's that simple

    If you are a Jew will follow the teachings of Moses, peace be upon him

    If you are a Christian you will follow the teachings of Jesus, peace be upon him

    As well as Jewish and Christian will follow the teachings of Jesus, peace be upon him
    Jesus Christ, peace be upon him a prophet for Jews only

    And also the true teachings of the Torah and the Gospel perfectly matched to the teachings of Islam

    So it is simple and does not require twisting and turning and fraud

    Jewish and Christian here understand very well what i want to say



    http://www.youtube youtube.com.com/watch?v=USf19uKMTdA
    http://www. /watch?v=ZEN1vuCrJHw

    also Christian

    Jhn 14:6 Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.

    see here the true meaning

    he Is the founder of Christianity
    Have nothing to do with the true gospel

    ---The truth
    Islam, Christianity and Judaism
    Source of the one divine
    Been corrupted Torah and the Gospels
    Find different opinions
    God says in the Holy Qur'an
    (71) O People of the Scripture, why do you confuse the truth with falsehood and conceal the truth while you know [it]?

    (157) Those who follow the Messenger, the unlettered prophet, whom they find written in what they have of the Torah and the Gospel, who enjoins upon them what is right and forbids them what is wrong and makes lawful for them the good things and prohibits for them the evil and relieves them of their burden and the shackles which were upon them. So they who have believed in him, honored him, supported him and followed the light which was sent down with him - it is those who will be the successful.


    The pagan, atheist, and so on

    Does not recognize anything

    Here a different kind of dialogue

    allah guide all

  29. #29
    Jun 2013


    At the beginning of it
    qibla in the past in the direction of Jerusalem (qibla prophets and messengers, including the Jews)
    Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him wanted Alqibla In the direction of Kaaba
    Wants it and feels it
    Raises his head to the sky and look without saying anything
    allah says in the Holy Qur'an
    (144) We have certainly seen the turning of your face, [O Muammad], toward the heaven, and We will surely turn you to a qiblah with which you will be pleased. So turn your face toward al-Masjid al-îar m. And wherever you [believers] are, turn your faces toward it [in prayer]. Indeed, those who have been given the Scripture well know that it is the truth from their Lord. And Allah is not unaware of what they do.

    This is from allah
    Transformation of all Muslims in the direction of the Kaaba immediately
    This demonstrates the obedience of slaves to allah

    ▶ بشرى مجيء النبي محمد في كتب الديانات السابقة لذاكر نايك - YouTube

    Allah's Apostle prayed facing Baitul-Maqdis for sixteen or seventeen months but he loved to face the Ka'ba (at Mecca) so Allah revealed: "Verily, We have seen the turning of your face to the heaven!" (2:144) So the Prophet faced the Ka'ba and the fools amongst the people namely "the Jews" said, "What has turned them from their Qibla (Bait-ul-Maqdis) which they formerly observed"" (Allah revealed): "Say: 'To Allah belongs the East and the West. He guides whom he will to a straight path'." (2:142) A man prayed with the Prophet (facing the Ka'ba) and went out. He saw some of the Ansar praying the 'Asr prayer with their faces towards Bait-ul-Maqdis, he said, "I bear witness that I prayed with Allah's Apostle facing the Ka'ba." So all the people turned their faces towards the Ka'ba.

    Note that it says for 16 or 17 months (not 13 years or so when Islam was propagated). This was the second year of the prophet in Madina (2nd Hiji). This would mean the Masj-al-Aqsa qibla was specifically made Qibla in Madina after the prophet migrated

    ▶ القرآن هو المعجزة و دليل النبوة للدكتور ذاكر نايك - YouTube

    The place of the Dome of the Rock is told to be the place from which the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) ascended to heaven at the night of Israa and Miraj, hence its importance.

    The First Qibla of Islam was toward Bitul-Maqdis, which is now in Jerusalem. Muslims used to pray Salat towards this Qibla, until this Ayat is revealed:

    We have certainly seen the turning of your face, [O Muhammad], toward the heaven, and We will surely turn you to a qiblah with which you will be pleased. So turn your face toward al-Masjid al-Haram. And wherever you [believers] are, turn your faces toward it [in prayer]. Indeed, those who have been given the Scripture well know that it is the truth from their Lord. And Allah is not unaware of what they do 1

    This hadith From Anas (R.A) which is recorded in Sahih Muslim is saying this:

    Anas reported: The Messenger of Allah (may peace be upon him) used to pray towards Bait-ul-Maqdis, that it was revealed (to him):" Indeed We see the turning of the face to heaven, wherefore We shall assuredly cause thee to turn towards Qibla which shall please thee. So turn thy face towards the sacred Mosque (Ka'ba)" (ii. 144). A person from Banu Salama was going; (he found the people) in ruk'u (while) praying the dawn prayer and they had said one rak'ah. He said in a loud voice: Listen! the Qibla has been changed and they turned towards (the new) Qibla (Ka'ba) in that very state.

    Before the Quran came from Allah the Bible (new & old testament) came from Allah . According to the old testament people were required to pray towards Jerusalem.

    The origin of this is based in the Bible as below...

    "If thy people go out to battle against their enemy, whithersoever thou shalt send them, and shall pray unto the LORD toward the city ( Jerusalem ) which thou hast chosen, and toward the house ( Baitul Makdas ) that I have built for thy name" [ 1 Kings 8:44 ]

    So Mulsims were following that direction because that was the last known direction of prayer given by Allah until He changed it in the Quran towards Mecca based on the verse below...

    "From whencesoever Thou startest forth, turn Thy face in the direction of the sacred Mosque; that is indeed the truth from the Lord. And Allah is not unmindful of what ye do." [Quran 2:149

    Change Of Qibla From Jerusalem To Kaaba By Nouman Ali

    Concept of Aqeeda e Risalat in the light of Incident of Change of Qibla by Tahir ul Qadri


  30. #30
    Jun 2013


    How to proof the #Afterlife To an #atheist كيف تثبت #الآخرة لـ#ملحد

    حكم المرتد في الاسلام - ذاكر نايك Dr Zakir Naik about killing murtad in islam

  31. #31
    Jun 2013


    Among the miracles that were granted to the Prophet, sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam, as divine support for his Da‘wah (call) and a means of uplifting his status, was the speech of inanimate objects and animals to him. This matter had a great effect on souls, stimulated minds and drew people's attention to the Da‘wah. It also proved to people that the Da‘wah was true and real and supported by arguments and evidence. Therefore, it was only appropriate for sensible people to accept it and follow the great religion of Islam which brings them benefits, wards off harm, elevates their position among nations and guarantees for them happiness in both worlds.

    Indeed, inanimate objects and animals spoke: food exalted Allaah The Almighty, stones and trees saluted the Prophet, sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam, the trunk of a palm tree yearned for him, and a camel complained to him. These miracles and lessons certainly occurred and were authentically narrated so that they would be believed and accepted - even if they might contradict human reason.

    Among the inanimate objects that Allah The Almighty made to speak to the Prophet, sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam, was food. Once, while it was being eaten, some food exalted Allaah The Almighty and the Companions heard its exaltation. ‘Abdullaah ibn Mas‘ood said,"We were with the Messenger of Allaah, sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam, on a journey, and we ran short of water. He said: ‘Bring the remaining water with you.’People brought a utensil containing a little water. He dipped his hand in it and said:'Come to the blessed water - and the Blessing is from Allaah!’ I saw the water flowing from among the fingers of the Messenger, sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam, and we certainly heard the food glorifying Allaah when it was being eaten [by him]." [Al-Bukhaari]

    In Al-Fat’h, Al-Haafith Ibn Hajar mentioned that grapes, ripe dates and gravel all exalted Allaah The Almighty.

    It is also mentioned in this regard that stones, mountains and trees would greet the Prophet, sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam. It was narrated on the authority of Jaabir ibn Samurah that the Prophet, sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam, said: "I recognize a stone in Makkah which would salute me before my commissioning as a Prophet. I still recognize it." [Muslim]

    As another example, ‘Ali ibn Abi Taalib said,“I was once with the Prophet, sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam, in Makkah and we went out to some location. Every mountain and tree which the Prophet, sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam, passed by would salute him,[(saying], 'Peace be upon you, O Messenger of Allaah.''' [At-Tirmithi and Ad-Daarimi. Saheeh - Al-Albaani]

    Moreover, the tree-trunk which the Prophet, sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam, would stand beside while giving his Khutbah (Friday sermon) was one of the inanimate objects which talked to the Prophet, sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam. Ibn ‘Umar said,“The Prophet, sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam, would deliver his Khutbah while standing beside a trunk (of a palm-tree). When he had the pulpit made, he used it instead. The trunk therefore began weeping, and so the Prophet went to it and rubbed his hand over it [to stop it crying]." [Al-Bukhaari]

    Another wording states, "The trunk bellowed like a bull such that the mosque shook." [Ad-Daarimi]

    A third wording states, "The trunk bellowed until it cracked and split." [Ahmad]

    Also, the speech of animals was another miracle with which Allaah The Almighty honored His Prophet, sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam. There was a camel who complained to the Prophet, sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam, about the injustice of its owner. ‘Abdullaah ibn Ja‘far said,The Prophet, sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam, let me ride behind him one day and told me something in secret which I will not divulge to anyone. The Prophet, sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam, would mostly prefer to relieve himself whilst hiding behind a high object or in a garden of small palm-trees. He once entered a garden that belonged to a man from Al-Ansaar. There he found a camel which moaned and shed tears when it saw the Prophet, sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam. The Prophet, sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam, went to it and rubbed the top and bottom of its ears, and it consequently stopped moaning. The Prophet, sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam, then asked:'Who is the owner of this camel? Whose camel is this?'A young man from the Ansaar [helpers] came and said, ‘It is mine, O Messenger of Allaah.’ Thereupon, the Prophet, sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam, said:‘Will you not fear Allaah with regard to this beast which Allaah The Almighty caused you to possess? It complained to me that you starve it and exhaust it."” [Ahmad and Abu Dawood. Al-Albaani - Saheeh]

    Exalted is Allaah who made inanimate objects and animals speak to the Prophet, sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam, and made this a miracle that proved the veracity of his Prophethood and Da‘wah!

    Prophet Muhammad(P) also provided us through his Hadith (sayings) with a number of prophecies about future events.

    Sahih Bukhari Volume 009, Book 092, Hadith Number 379.

    Narrated By Abu Huraira : The Prophet said, "There was no prophet among the prophets but was given miracles because of which people had security or had belief, but what I was given was the Divine Inspiration which Allah revealed to me. So I hope that my followers will be more than those of any other prophet on the Day of Resurrection."
    سبب عدم بدء سورة التوبة بالبسملة - ذاكر نايك Zakir Naik محاضرات د.ذاكر نايك مترجم Zakir Naik

    د. ذاكر نايك يثبت لبنت مسيحية بالدليل أن المسلمين هم من يتبعون تعاليم المسيح

  32. #32
    Jun 2013



    لماذا لا يسمح للمرأة ان تطلق زوجها في الاسلام ؟ - ذاكر نايك Dr Zakir Naik

    تعريف الاله من غير القرآن - ذاكر نايك Zakir Naik

    رجل جرب الاديان كلها وفي الاخير اعتنق الاسلام لانه وجد الحقيقه ذاكر نايك Dr Zakir Naik

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