This is silly. Real non-primary votes will not be cast for 15 months. How can anyone elect someone who is wiling to spend two years running for office?
All the being said, what do you think at this point?
I can't vote for Bush. I can't get over the Terry Shivo case.
I will vote for Trump in the Pennsylvania closed primary, just to make trouble. I can't vote for him in the general election.
I can't vote for Walker because of his anti-union stance.
I can't vote for Cruz because he is from Texas.
I can't vote for O'Malley because he is much too pro-police and ruined Baltimore.
I can't vote for Huckabee. I like a religious candidate, but he is right-wing Christian and I am left-wing Christian.
I can't vote for Santorum. Although he is the best speaker of the bunch, he says the worst things.
I can't vote for Christie. I used to like him, and I would have voted for him if the election was held in 2014, but his gruff wears on you after a while.
I can't vote for Perry. He is from Texas.
I won't vote for Jindal. I don't respect a man so obviously running for Veep.
I won't vote for Ru Paul. But is nice he is back in men's clothes.
I can't vote for Hilary, she is just seems to be too frail. She does not look healthy. I would not want to bet she makes it to election day. Besides we have had enough Clinton.
I could vote for Biden, although he is too pro-police for my taste.
I could vote for Sanders.