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Thread: Star Trek RPG - Mission #4: "Codex Aelyrr"

  1. #1
    Member Elendil's Heir's avatar
    Sep 2009
    The North Coast

    Default Star Trek RPG - Mission #4: "Codex Aelyrr"

    Star Trek: The Yorktown Chronicles

    Setup thread:

    Mission #1: "On the Brink":
    Mission #2: "Primum Nil Nocere":
    Mission #3: "Some Other Side of Paradise":

    It is January 23, 2270.

    Capt. James T. Kirk and the starship Enterprise completed their historic, and soon to be legendary, five-year mission not long ago.

    The United Federation of Planets is strong, expanding, and prosperous. Some fifty worlds are now represented in the Federation Council, united in their commitment to peace, democracy, the rule of law, free trade and mutual protection. The Federation's longtime rivals, the Klingons and Romulans, are now loosely allied, but to date have not mounted a major, concerted challenge to Federation interests in the quadrant.

    Starfleet, the Federation's exploratory, scientific and military arm, has grown in the past few years. Twenty Constitution-class heavy cruisers remain its backbone, but a host of other vessels - light cruisers, destroyers, scouts, couriers, tugs, research and other specialized craft - have more than tripled the size of the Fleet. Starfleet is committed to extending its reach to every corner of the Galaxy granted to the Federation by treaty or unclaimed by others.

    It's a good time to be a Starfleet officer, and those aboard the USS Yorktown often find themselves on the front lines of the challenges now facing the Federation.

    So prepare yourself for adventure where no one has gone before....

  2. #2
    Member Elendil's Heir's avatar
    Sep 2009
    The North Coast


    Captain's Log, Stardate 6012.3. We are on course for Anubis at a steady Warp 6, and should arrive at 0917 hours tomorrow. Dr. Brold has confirmed that he, his assistants and his gadget will all be ready.

    It is 1600 hours. Kylah goes off-duty after an uneventful watch in the Communications Center; likewise Graham from a Security inventory and Collins from a stint on the Bridge. Rangin finishes his watch in the Xenobiology Lab and has 15 minutes before he's expected in Sickbay for psi testing. Dr. T'Var, having already received a request from Dr. Villa to also be in attendance, is en route.

  3. #3
    I'm the Cute one! =^.^= anyrose's avatar
    Feb 2009
    at my computer


    On her way to the gym, Collins messages Cooper "Mess Hall 3 at 18:00?". At the gym, she runs a dozen laps around the track, paces through some martial arts moves for 20 minutes, then swims several laps, before heading back to her cabin to shower and change into a clean uniform and head off to dinner.
    Last edited by anyrose; 05 Apr 2015 at 10:34 PM.

  4. #4
    Member Elendil's Heir's avatar
    Sep 2009
    The North Coast


    Cooper replies, Can't then, sorry. 1900 OK instead?

  5. #5
    I'm the Cute one! =^.^= anyrose's avatar
    Feb 2009
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    Collins replies "19:00 then." She briefly wonders what Ben needed the extra hour for, but doesn't dwell on it.
    Last edited by anyrose; 06 Apr 2015 at 09:16 AM.

  6. #6
    Administrator CatInASuit's avatar
    Feb 2009
    Coulsdon Cat Basket


    Rangin files his notes for the day leaving several bookmarks for items to follow up on. With only a fifteen minute break, he starts noting down a few things he would like to find out about Ens. Kylah.

    After a short while, he finishes up and heads for Sick Bay with a certain amount of trepidation, wanting to see what is in store for him but uncertain what Dr. Villa will find, if anything.
    In the land of the blind, the one-arm man is king.

  7. #7
    Member Elendil's Heir's avatar
    Sep 2009
    The North Coast


    Cooper responds, Great, thanks. See you then.

    Rangin arrives in Sickbay and Dr. Villa greets him. "I've asked Dr. T'Var to assist me with the tests," she says. "She should be here shortly. For the moment, have a seat, please."

  8. #8
    Administrator choie's avatar
    Mar 2012
    New York, NY


    After her watch ends, Kylah has the instinct to see if Velir is available to join her for dinner, but remembers he has the examination scheduled. Her worries about what might be going on with him start to consume her, battling for supremacy against her not-yet-completed message to her Guardian.

    She heads to the mess hall and orders a hamburger and fries, unconsciously recreating the meal she and Velir had on that lovely evening back on Starbase 27. Finding a small table where she sets down her tray before taking a seat, Kylah is too distracted by her thoughts to feel self-conscious about eating alone, or notice if anyone is paying attention to her.

  9. #9
    Administrator CatInASuit's avatar
    Feb 2009
    Coulsdon Cat Basket


    Rangin nods to Dr. Villa and silently sits down on the offered seat wondering what part Dr T'Var will play. As a Vulcan, she would have a much deeper insight into any ability. Then again, Rangin had no idea what kind of tests Dr Villa was going to put him though.

    Rangin leaned back in the chair and shook his head at the thoughts running through them. Whatever had happened with Palver was a fluke, nothing more and just good luck on his part caused by Kylah's brave action. Far be it that anything was different, in half an hour he would be walking out of the room, the same as before, with the same recognised psychic ability as a plate of mashed potato.
    In the land of the blind, the one-arm man is king.

  10. #10
    Member Elendil's Heir's avatar
    Sep 2009
    The North Coast


    Kylah has only taken a few bites when she hears a rumbled "May I join you?" and looks up to see a smiling Ens. Terrance Thayer "Two Tons" Rawlings, a tray heaped with food in one very large hand, standing there.

    Dr. Villa tells Rangin, "I expect the testing will take an hour or so. None of it is invasive."

  11. #11
    I'm the Cute one! =^.^= anyrose's avatar
    Feb 2009
    at my computer


    Collins gets to the mess hall in plenty of time. She spots Kylah across the room being approached by Ensign Rawlings. My good deed of the day. thinks Collins as she heads to that table. "There you are, roomie. I hope you haven't been waiting too long for me." She sits down facing Kylah, away from Rawlings, and winks and smiles at her. "We can continue that discussion from the other night now." She turns to look at Rawlings "Will you please excuse us, Ensign? It's kind of private."

  12. #12
    Administrator choie's avatar
    Mar 2012
    New York, NY


    Kylah is startled first by Rawlings' request, and then Collins's sudden appearance and odd behavior. We had no plans to meet. Have I forgotten something? She glances from Collins to Rawlings and back again. The other woman's wink makes her feel as if she is complicit in something, but Kylah cannot fathom what that would be. And yet she cannot accuse Collins of lying, that would be embarrassing to both parties.

    The strangeness of having been approached in such a friendly manner by two separate Security officers, of all people, is not lost on her. Perhaps there are rumors that I was responsible for Kjaerstad's demotion, and they are trying to gain my favor? This prospect amuses her but seems unlikely.

    "I... I am sorry, Mr. Rawlings," Kylah says, genuinely regretful because she would have liked to speak to him. "Once Lt. Collins and I are finished, maybe I can join you for..." She looks at his overflowing tray, then returns her focus to him with a tiny, tentative smile. "...For dessert?"

  13. #13
    I'm the Cute one! =^.^= anyrose's avatar
    Feb 2009
    at my computer


    Collins is a little nonplussed, but waits for Rawlings to leave before saying anything.
    Last edited by Elendil's Heir; 07 Apr 2015 at 01:49 PM. Reason: removed green text, as anyrose anticipated.

  14. #14
    Member Elendil's Heir's avatar
    Sep 2009
    The North Coast


    Rawlings doesn't seem put out. "Yes, I'd like that," he says to Kylah. He nods to Collins and moves off to another table, sitting down with several other Security officers.

  15. #15
    I'm the Cute one! =^.^= anyrose's avatar
    Feb 2009
    at my computer


    Once Rawlings sits at the other table, Collins apologizes to Kylah. "My bad." she says quietly "I only 'rescued' you because I thought you might have preferred to be alone, and being the genuinely nice person you are, and I mean that sincerely and in no way ironically, you wouldn't have turned him away. I had fully intended to leave after a few moments and let you be. I'm meeting Ben, uh, Ensign Cooper, anyway." Jeremi gets up. "I guess I should apologize to Rawlings, too." She looks around the room to see where he'd settled. Let's see what else I can mess up today. she thinks.

  16. #16
    Administrator choie's avatar
    Mar 2012
    New York, NY


    Kylah is yet again taken aback by Collins's behavior--she has rarely spoken at such length to Kylah except during times of high emotion. And the compliments are utterly unexpected.

    "No, Lieutenant, you do not have to leave, unless you need to. I did not mind Mr. Rawlings's request--aside from one very bad error on his part, during the mission, we got along fairly well. He reminds me of--of a soldier I once knew back on Elas." She shrugs. "Still, considering the way the mission ended, I would not have thought he or any of your colleagues would wish to speak to me. So it was just unusual."

    Kylah hesitates, and then adds bluntly: "...As are your actions. I am grateful, it was very kind of you to attempt to 'rescue' me, regardless of whether I needed it. The fact that you were thinking of how I might feel... I would not expect such..." She does not finish with the word compassion, because that would be far more rude than Collins was to Rawlings.

    Instead she looks down at her tray for a moment. "No one has called me 'nice' before. I hope--I hope you do not feel obligated to say such things because of the bracelet. I owed you. You helped me when we were shopping, and I wanted you to have some pleasure and reward from the experience as well." She turns her face up to Collins. "We never have had a true conversation. I would like to, sometime. If you are meeting Ensign Cooper and will be spending the night with him--" Kylah flushes. "I am sorry, I do not mean to be prurient. I just meant if you will not be back in our quarters again tonight, perhaps we could talk some other time?"

  17. #17
    I'm the Cute one! =^.^= anyrose's avatar
    Feb 2009
    at my computer


    Collins turns back to Kylah and manages a smile. "Cooper won't be here until 19:00. I have a little time until he shows." She sits down again. Rawlings can wait. I can rub him the wrong way any old time.
    "and I am not acting this way because of the jewelry, which was beyond generous in any case. But we really got off on the wrong foot your first day on the ship. And the way the last two missions went, well, that certainly didn't help much."
    Collins offers her right hand. "Hi. I'm Jeremi Collins, from Earth. I graduated the Academy in '66. This is my third posting since graduation. And you are?" Collins smiles the broadest, most sincere smile she can manage despite the nagging sadness that still tags at her.
    Last edited by Elendil's Heir; 07 Apr 2015 at 08:52 PM. Reason: typo fix at anyrose's request

  18. #18
    Ape must not kill ape! general_urko's avatar
    May 2013


    Even after having had some time to rest, reflect, and put the mission behind him--perhaps because I'm less tired now, Graham thinks--he has a burning desire to beat the hell out of something.

    I'm sure Rangin would be surprised that I'm not thinking of a handcuffed suspect. He chuckles. Or him.

    He changes into workout gear, tapes up, and returns to the gym for the appointment with the heavy bag that he had intended for the morning.
    Last edited by general_urko; 07 Apr 2015 at 05:27 PM. Reason: typo

  19. #19
    Member Elendil's Heir's avatar
    Sep 2009
    The North Coast


    The heavy bag awaits, and Graham very satisfyingly pummels it.

    Dr. Villa glances at a bulkhead chrono. "Not sure what's keeping Dr. T'Var. Give me a moment, please, Ensign." She steps out of the room.

  20. #20
    Administrator choie's avatar
    Mar 2012
    New York, NY


    Hesitating because she cannot help but do so, Kylah performs a swift reading of Collins's emotions. She seems to be trying, and she also seems... unhappy for some reason.

    Of course she is, Kylah thinks in sudden self-rebuke, remembering her mother. Not to mention her own grief after her parents died. A loss is not something one forgets in three days.

    She lifts a hand and performs the human greeting of a handshake. "I am Kylah, from Elas," she says softly, maintaining the pretense that Collins began. "I graduated six months ago and this is my first posting. It is--good to meet you, Lieutenant."

    Kylah moistens her lips and, after a pause in which she tries to think of a new way to interact with this woman, offers a shy compliment of her own. "I admire you for having advanced to your rank at so young an age. May I ask what your other postings have been? And what led you to join Starfleet?"

  21. #21
    Ape must not kill ape! general_urko's avatar
    May 2013


    Graham's gratified to work up a good sweat. Perverse as he acknolwdges it may be, he's also gratified to have slightly sore and bloody knuckles.

    Reminds you you're alive, I guess, he thinks.

    Afterward, breathing heavily, he wonders what to do: talking with Lt. Bennett would be nice, he thinks. He frowns, chastening himself: yeah, creepy old stalker guy, that's what every young, accomplished office needs.

    It would be...nice isn't the right word, but good...good to talk to Lizzy, too, he thinks. He doesn't bother to shower, just towels off, grabs a padd, and heads foe the mess, intending to replicate some food he can chow down on while writing a letter to his daughter.
    Last edited by general_urko; 07 Apr 2015 at 11:27 PM. Reason: added to 1st 2 lines

  22. #22
    Administrator CatInASuit's avatar
    Feb 2009
    Coulsdon Cat Basket


    Rangin sighs and leans back in the chair, letting his mind wander as his eyes glaze over the far wall. He tries to remember back to the last set of tests he did, mainly guessing at cards, but also some gentle psychic probing from a fairly kindly Vulcan. He wondered what would be different this time around.
    In the land of the blind, the one-arm man is king.

  23. #23
    I'm the Cute one! =^.^= anyrose's avatar
    Feb 2009
    at my computer


    Collins relaxes a bit. "Let's see, why did I sign up?" She seems to be asking herself as she repeats Kylah's question. "I've always been active. I wanted a career that would keep me fit, but pro-sports wasn't for me. Plus, the interstellar travel was appealing. Actually, I started late, after high school, because my academic scores weren't high enough. I had to take some college courses to get my scores up. My first posting was as Deputy Provost Marshal on Starbase 11 for three years, then I served a year on the Enterprise. Now I'm here. How about you?"
    Last edited by anyrose; 08 Apr 2015 at 07:26 AM.

  24. #24
    Administrator choie's avatar
    Mar 2012
    New York, NY


    Kylah listens attentively, although as Collins winds up, she starts to feel anxiety thrum through her when she realizes that she has invited similar questions about herself. Usually this would not be a problem with her roommate, who has rarely exhibited an interest in Kylah's life. But this Jeremi Collins is obviously making an admirable effort to change.

    The irony is that right now, Kylah wishes the old, self-absorbed Collins were sitting in front of her--although of course, the old Collins would never be sitting in front of her.

    When her question is turned back on her, Kylah makes sure that Collins remains the subject of the conversation. "It is impressive that you had such ambition and discipline--working hard to improve so you could reach your goal," she says. "Many others would have given up and chosen a less demanding field. But this seems to have been the right direction for your skills and interest in fitness. I remember... back during our previous mission... how well you fought those slime devils, even without a phaser. I wish I had such strength, but without a weapon I am useless."
    He chuckles in surprise when the leather strap on her otherwise naked thigh is revealed. "I'd heard Elasian women were deadly, but I never realized... Do you mind?" Easily he slips Kylah's knife from its leather sheath, then drops it on the floor beside the bed. She looks on, dizzy and paralyzed. It might as well be miles away...
    Kylah shudders and closes her eyes before her mind returns to the present. Then, embarrassed both by the unbidden memory and her clearly visible reaction, she stammers out an excuse. "Forgive me, all that violence on the station... it was overwhelming for me, I was not prepared for it. I still do not know what to expect on this ship, what sorts of missions to expect. But you handled yourself ably in battle. Have you had many such encounters? I know you have not been on the Yorktown very long, but you had been on at least one previous mission here, is that not so? May I ask what it was like?"
    Last edited by choie; 08 Apr 2015 at 02:53 PM.

  25. #25
    Member Elendil's Heir's avatar
    Sep 2009
    The North Coast


    Graham enters the mess hall and sees several people he knows. Kylah and Collins are talking intently and don't seem to have noticed him yet. Rawlings and several other Security men are at a table not far away. Another dozen or so crewmembers are also having early dinners.

    Dr. Villa doesn't immediately return; Rangin waits.

  26. #26
    Ape must not kill ape! general_urko's avatar
    May 2013


    On seeing several of his close colleagues to whom he feels he ought to stop by and say hello, Graham feels a bit self-conscious about his chafed and raw knuckles and wonders if he should have cleaned himself up a bit more.

    Well, futzing with them and perhaps getting blood on your clothes isn't going to make you look any better,
    he thinks.

    He sighs and tries to look friendly. He approaches the table at which Collins and Kylah are sitting and clears his throat to try to get their attention before getting close enough to hear the details of what they are discussing. "L-T, Ens. Kylah, don't let me interrupt, just saying 'hello,' hope you're...ah, enjoying the down time."

  27. #27
    I'm the Cute one! =^.^= anyrose's avatar
    Feb 2009
    at my computer


    Collins looks up at Graham, smiles, looks to Kylah, and then back to Graham. "Join us, please. We were just talking about what drew us to Starfleet. How about you, Booker?"
    Last edited by anyrose; 08 Apr 2015 at 03:42 PM.

  28. #28
    Administrator choie's avatar
    Mar 2012
    New York, NY


    Graham's arrival puts Kylah more on alert. First Rawlings, then Collins, now Graham... Is the entire Security crew going to descend upon her? She has barely processed his presence before Collins invites him to join them. Apparently she has put herself in charge of all my meal companions today, she thinks with a flash of agitation.

    Still, when Kylah glances over to the table where Rawlings and the others are, the thought occurs to her that it might actually be beneficial to be seen with these two. After all, Graham and Collins seem to be respected and liked within their department, from Vargas on down. Their attitude toward her could be influential on their compatriots--and hopefully this will mean that the Security staff's disrespectful and outright life-threatening reactions to Kylah's orders on OCIII will not be repeated.

    Her gaze flickers back to Graham, knowing the awkwardness between them will not be easy to repair. She remains frightened of him. But she has dealt with many frightening people, and surely here on the ship she is safer. "Yes, Mr. Graham," she murmurs. "Please sit. You are not interrupting. I was just asking Lt. Collins about her previous missions on the Yorktown."
    Last edited by choie; 08 Apr 2015 at 04:20 PM.

  29. #29
    Ape must not kill ape! general_urko's avatar
    May 2013


    "Well I--" he's starting to reply by saying he doesn't want to interrupt them even before processing what Collins has said. Then Kylah adds what sounds like a sincere invitation, and Collins' words sink in.

    "I joined Starfleet to help people." He winces slightly, remembering the very specific incident that drew him specifically to Security. He clears his throat as he sits and places the padd on the table, adding a bit more quietly, "people who might not have anyone else there to help them."

  30. #30
    Administrator choie's avatar
    Mar 2012
    New York, NY


    Kylah looks at her plate. Her fingers reach for one of the now-chilled slabs of fried potato and absently tear it in half. "And have you?" she asks, at first aiming the words at her meal before lifting her gaze back to Graham. "Would you say you have helped those who are vulnerable?"

  31. #31
    Ape must not kill ape! general_urko's avatar
    May 2013


    Graham blinks once, taken aback by the question, and Kylah's gaze. But he doesn't need to think at all about the answer: he does not move, or even breathe, other than to say "Sometimes." Because it was true.

    And after a very brief pause, more softly, "Not enough." Because that's true, too.

    There's no sign of accusation that he can see in her voice, her demeanor, or her eyes, but Graham feels as if it the question and the answer would have felt far less damming if there had been.

  32. #32
    Administrator choie's avatar
    Mar 2012
    New York, NY


    Kylah watches him. "That is an honest answer. Helping some is more than many do, in my experience. Only paragons or mythical figures can be said to have helped enough. I daresay none of us is a paragon." Her observant eyes take Graham in, and she nods slightly toward his hands. "And mythical figures do not bleed. I would not like to have been on the receiving end of those bruised knuckles. Has there been some altercation on board?"
    Last edited by choie; 08 Apr 2015 at 06:17 PM.

  33. #33
    I'm the Cute one! =^.^= anyrose's avatar
    Feb 2009
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    Collins also notices Graham's knuckles, but the first thought that occurs to her is the old punchline you should have seen the other guy.

  34. #34
    Ape must not kill ape! general_urko's avatar
    May 2013


    "Oh, ah," Graham says, glancing at Kylah, then Collins, and then down at his hands. He rubs the knuckles of his right hand with his left, keenly conscious now of the pre-existing scars as well as the new inflammation. He looks back up smiles sheepishly, then puffs out his chest in exaggerated fashion. "Well, it was seriously one-sided, believe-you-me..."

    He makes his hands into loose fists and puts his arms in a boxing pose, throwing a few very slight punches in the air--making sure that they are not directly toward either Kylah or Collins. "I spent a little time with the heavy bag just's good exercise, and, ah, therapeutic, I guess, for some of us."

    He shrugs. "I'd be happy to show either of you the ropes, if you want--although actually, L-T, I think we had a date--uh, I mean, an appointment--to spar, but we played basketball instead, a game which you handily won, as I recall."

    He addresses that last comment to Collins, but seeing Kylah out of the corner of his eye makes him think of Lizzy: What would I think about showing her how to work over the heavy bag? Why shouldn't I think it would be fine?

  35. #35
    I'm the Cute one! =^.^= anyrose's avatar
    Feb 2009
    at my computer


    "I think the odds would be slightly in your favor," Collins tells Graham, "in the ring. But I can certainly make you work for it." She looks at Kylah who seems to be increasingly uncomfortable. "Maybe just some martial arts for you, roomie?"

  36. #36
    Administrator choie's avatar
    Mar 2012
    New York, NY


    The thought of being tutored alone in a physical sport with Graham sends an alarmed flush to Kylah's face, and she tries to hide it by taking a sip of water. "Thank you, but it would do no good. I fear I did not do well in hand-to-hand combat training at the Academy," she says. "Our instructor said he doubted someone as weak as I would ever be capable of--of fending off an attacker on my own." And he was right. He was right. It was not even an attack but I could do nothing...

    Trembling, Kylah sets the cup down on her tray, some of the water splashing onto her hand. She wishes she were anywhere but at this table. "Excuse me, I--I just remembered a task I must complete for Lt. Thalen," she improvises. "I am glad we spoke, it was kind of you both to sit with me. Good evening." Without much grace she gets to her feet, collects her tray and leaves Collins and Graham behind.

    Once she has gotten rid of her things but before exiting the mess hall, she remembers her promise to Rawlings. She stares with some dread at the table of Security officers but forces herself toward them, her damp hands clasped.

    "I beg your pardon," she says, the words barely audible as she directs them to the general group at large. Then she gladly focuses on the largest man in the room. "Mr. Rawlings, I am very sorry, I forgot I have some work to finish and will not be able to join you for dessert. I hope you understand. Perhaps some other time?"
    Last edited by choie; 08 Apr 2015 at 11:14 PM.

  37. #37
    Member Elendil's Heir's avatar
    Sep 2009
    The North Coast


    Rawlings smiles easily. "That would be fine. 'Til next time, then." The other redshirts at the table don't seem to take any particular notice of her.

    Capt. Singh and Chief Engineer Cheverez enter the mess hall and go to the replicator slots together, talking intently all the while.

    In Sickbay, Dr. Villa returns to Rangin. She says, "Sorry to keep you waiting; Dr. T'Var has been unavoidably delayed. We'll begin without her, if that would suit you...?" She gestures towards a Sickbay bed.

  38. #38
    Administrator CatInASuit's avatar
    Feb 2009
    Coulsdon Cat Basket


    Roused from his daydream, Rangin's eyes move across to look at Dr Villa wondering where Dr T'Var was, not that it really mattered. He stands up and nods affably at Dr Villa, "That would be fine, though I still doubt you are going to find anything Doctor."

    As he heads towards the sickbay bed, he shivers slightly wondering what tests they are going to perform this time around. The last three missions he has been on he wound up with him in Sickbay, and he hopes that this time around it's a lot less painful than before.
    In the land of the blind, the one-arm man is king.

  39. #39
    Ape must not kill ape! general_urko's avatar
    May 2013


    Graham frowns and looks at the rapidly retreating Kylah, and then back to Collins.

    She took off so quickly he couldn't think of anything to say, and now he has the sense that if he were to try to catch up with her she'd probably break into a run to escape.

    "I'm sorry if I said something wrong, or messed up your dinner, LT..." After a brief pause he adds "Well, how are you doing, anyway?"

  40. #40
    I'm the Cute one! =^.^= anyrose's avatar
    Feb 2009
    at my computer


    "No, you didn't ruin anything, I was just talking with Kylah until Ben showed up." Collins is now suddenly tired and cranky. "I guess I'm doing okay. I'm still achy in the abdomen, and sad more than I'd like." She looks at Graham almost pleadingly "I'd like nothing better than to take a hit and retreat for a few hours." she admits. "I think the pull is stronger than it used to be because I know I can't ever have any ever again. Or at least not until I retire from Starfleet." She manages a smile.

  41. #41
    Ape must not kill ape! general_urko's avatar
    May 2013


    Graham nods, and tries to look supportive, but at the same time probably also comes across as just a bit stern.

    Well that's kind of how a 'big brother' should be, I suppose, he thinks.

    "I'm sure you've got a good long career ahead of you in Starfleet, L-T." After a brief pause, he adds. "And at least your head is in the right place--you know that this career isn't compatible with the...stuff."

    He returns a small smile and gives her two subtle thumbs up with his hands on the table. "Right?"
    Last edited by general_urko; 09 Apr 2015 at 12:36 PM. Reason: typo & added brother bit

  42. #42
    Jul 2010
    New York


    T'Var arrives in Sickbay. "I apologize for my tardiness," the doctor says. "My mental preparation took longer than expected."

  43. #43
    I'm the Cute one! =^.^= anyrose's avatar
    Feb 2009
    at my computer


    Collins clasps her hand over one of Graham's and says "Right. Bring on the DTs. I can get through it." she jokes. "Thank you." She glances around the mess hall. "You know," she says, "if I am stood up, we could settle that fight thing tonight."

  44. #44
    Member Elendil's Heir's avatar
    Sep 2009
    The North Coast


    Dr. Villa beams at Dr. T'Var. "Quite all right - glad you're here. We were just getting started."

    She hands a datapad to the Vulcan healer, and says to Rangin, "We already have your psi baseline numbers from your Starfleet entrance tests. Today I'd like to readminister the standard tests for aperception and Duke-Heidelburg quotients, which you've been through before, and then the Nairobi eight-part exam for extrasensory perception. I want to dig a little deeper to develop a TL adjusted psionic profile, cross-correlating with the Rhaandarite and Coridanite psionic-potential databases. If my theory holds, we should... well, let's not get ahead of ourselves. Depending on what we find, Dr. T'Var has said she's willing to perform a mind meld, if it might be useful. Does that sound all right to you, Ensign?"

  45. #45
    Ape must not kill ape! general_urko's avatar
    May 2013


    Graham shakes his head, although he's still smiling. "It would be serious tactical mistake on my part to accept that challenge when you were highly motivated to take out your frustration on an available male target," he replies to Collins.

    He pauses briefly. "Well speaking of... that Ben guy seemed solid. He treats you right?" He raises a hand to rub his forehead. "Uh, OK, sorry, that sounded like a question from a grandfather, not a big brother. But, ah, things are OK?"
    Last edited by general_urko; 09 Apr 2015 at 03:22 PM. Reason: made it clear he was speaking with Collins

  46. #46
    Administrator choie's avatar
    Mar 2012
    New York, NY


    As Kylah leaves the mess hall, she notices Singh and Cheverez. It is a surprise to see the captain--Kylah realizes that as far as she knows, Singh never attended any of the meetings relating to the investigation once Kylah and the others returned from OCIII.

    She led our debriefing with Vargas after the Sakathian mission. Why was this different?

    Of course, Kylah knows there are several answers to that question.

    She dismisses the thoughts and slips from the mess hall, hurrying back to her quarters and very glad she will be alone. It is a relief to return to the familiarity of her zither, which she retrieves before sitting on the edge of her bed. A bowl of water is by her side, ready for her fingers so that they may produce the notes. Fortunately, thanks to the quiet watch this afternoon, she had plenty of time to mentally compose the tune that will convey her music-based report.

    At last Kylah plays, refines, then plays the song again, this time recording it. The chords and melody are somewhat jarring due to the complexity of the encoded message, which must cram in the details of corruption, abuse of power, greed, and especially the unallied Hwuen race who might be swayed over to the Empire now that Hardin--their apparent contact and cohort within the Federation--is likely to be imprisoned.

    Despite the unusual range of the code's melodic transcription, the ancient zither's crystal strings vibrate so sweetly that the music is still relatively pleasing to hear. Not that it matters; the song will only ever be played once, for an audience of one.

    Now there is nothing left but to write to that intended listener. Kylah rises slowly, holding her tricorder as warily as if it is an unpredictable weapon. And so it is. Certainly the encoded message now inside it can be used by dangerous people in ways she might revile. Never before has she felt as torn as she does now, pondering the gravity of what she is doing. She imagines the captain whose face she saw just a little while ago. And Velir. What would he think of her, if he knew? She closes her eyes against the thought.

    But soon her eyes are wide open again, determined. There is no point in such wavering. This is her first duty. She may have sworn an oath to the Federation, but there is a higher fealty she owes her planet, her family, and especially the man who practically raised her. And of course, it is not just her honor at stake.

    Sitting at her computer, Kylah takes a deep breath and begins, as always: Honored Guardian Aldaan...
    Last edited by choie; 09 Apr 2015 at 04:29 PM.

  47. #47
    I'm the Cute one! =^.^= anyrose's avatar
    Feb 2009
    at my computer


    "Oh, yes," Jeremi replies, "Ben's been great. He was very understanding and supportive. I half expected him to dump me after the," she pauses. She needs to say it out loud, to really accept it, but part of her wants to pretend it never happened, "miscarriage. But he's stood by me. I don't know where things will go from here, but he makes me happy." As she says the last bit, it occurs to her that she doesn't retain that happiness when she's not with him. Gotta be the hormones settling, or the withdrawal. He does make me happy. she tries to convince herself.

    "What about, you? Any romances on the horizon?" She smiles at Graham the way an annoying kid sister would.
    Last edited by anyrose; 09 Apr 2015 at 10:07 PM.

  48. #48
    Administrator CatInASuit's avatar
    Feb 2009
    Coulsdon Cat Basket


    "Well Doctor, I'm exceedingly interested to see if we can find something out, I'm more used to dealing with test subjects than being one. However, given my previous ability scores, and the general psychic potential of both Rhaandarite and Coridinate being near-zero certainties, I'm not expecting anything to be different. Then again, we won't know unless we look."

    Rangin nods at Dr T'Var feeling slightly relieved. The couple of times they worked together had been quite pleasant and they seemed to have a fair amount in common, so to have her around for this left him feeling more at ease at until he remembers why they are there.

    "I do have one point of concern about this though," he comments as he sits on the sickbay bed. "I hate to point this out, but if Fellim Palver was able to control our minds and perceptions..." Rangin chews on his lip as he thinks over the politest way to put a delicate matter, "I'm sorry Dr T'Var, but have you tried a mind meld since then and could there be any further effects we don't know about? "

    Rangin looks back and forth from one Dr to the other, trying to gauge their thoughts, but if they were like any other physician they would be proffering an air of confidence no matter what they surmised.

    Rangin shrugs knowing it doesn't matter and that the tests will go ahead. He lies down on the bed staring at the lights overhead, which now fill his vision, and getting ready to clear his thoughts.
    In the land of the blind, the one-arm man is king.

  49. #49
    Ape must not kill ape! general_urko's avatar
    May 2013


    Graham scoffs , replying before he thinks to make an excuse for needing to be somewhere else.

    "Not bloody likely, I'm sure," he says. He blushes slightly. "You know, it's funny. Stupid really. Down on OC3 I got Lt. Bennett some perfume--kind of a gift to celebrate her promotion." He shakes his head. "I'm sure she'll wear it well on a date with some handsome, young future admiral." He shrugs. "As well she should."

    He clears his throat. "Anyway, she seemed to appreciate it, and it seemed like a good idea down on the planet."

    Down on the planet. Something nagging at the back of his mind comes into focus - what Kylah had said before she...fled...just now: 'I would ever be capable of--of fending off an attacker on my own.' And she was talking about...who?

  50. #50
    I'm the Cute one! =^.^= anyrose's avatar
    Feb 2009
    at my computer


    "Don't sell yourself short, Booker" Collins tries to be reassuring "I say go for it. Nothing ventured, you know." She is talking to Graham but looking around for Ben. Okay, this is not me. Me doesn't wait for a guy. "Y'know what? I'm hungry. I'm gonna get some grub. Will you stick around?"

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