Too many women are coming forward at this point, Bill Cosby is very likely a dirty rapist. God damn that's disheartening.
Too many women are coming forward at this point, Bill Cosby is very likely a dirty rapist. God damn that's disheartening.
Last edited by Sarahfeena; 22 Nov 2014 at 05:08 PM.
Presumed innocent until proven guilty in a court of law, but yeesh, this does not look good.
Well, sure, I'm not suggesting to throw him in the clink (so far it seems he's safe anyway due to statute of limitations), but I think it would take a lot at this point to convince me he didn't do it.
We've just had a spate of similar things going on over here with people like Jimmy Saville and Rolf Harris. Celebrities in the public eye, who were very popular, but after several years have had multiple reports come out. Several of them played the, "but we all did it in those days" card.
If enough of those women have corroborating stories in which certain facts keep appearing like his modus operandi, then chances are he did do it.
No, I'm not surprised to see that his lawyer's spent a lot of time and energy hushing it up. That's there job. Of course, if that was the case, it would be nice if they could be done for being accessories to the event.
In the land of the blind, the one-arm man is king.
Yeah, the thing that keeps getting me is that the stories are really close, but not identical...they all definitely seem like it would be the work of one perpetrator, but not so similar that they sound like people telling copycat lies.
It's the way it worked on the British trial. The stories were similar enough in how they occurred that sheer weight of them were enough to tip the scales.
Though I don't think anyone has the same scale over here as Bill Cosby does over in the USA. I think the biggest problem he is going to have is the tarnished legacy left behind. He's not going to be remembered for all the shows he did, more the accusations he fought off.
In the land of the blind, the one-arm man is king.
You're probably right. I've been a Cosby fan for a long time (I can remember listening to a friend's comedy albums of Cosby when I was just a little kid), and now those memories of innocent laughs will always have an aftertaste.
All right, my only news comes from just random people around the water cooler, but "serial rapist"?
Come on. Do you people really think he's skulking around dark alleys?
C'mon. He's the Cos.
He may have been a typical politician- or judicial-style groper, but somehow I doubt he's some kind of serial rapist in the classic sense.
He might have been Clarence Thomased for all I know, not that I care.
Yeah, but that's what we said about Rolf Harris.
If he has done it multiple times to multiple women, it doesn't matter whether it was a random back alley or a presidential suite. If the label fits...
Actually here's a follw on question.
If he had done it, been caught and convicted at the start of his career, served out his time and then came back and did all the shows that people remember him for, would it still be as big of an issue?
Is it because the crime he committed was so bad, or the esteemed place he holds in common culture and the fall from grace that is causing the most reaction?
In the land of the blind, the one-arm man is king.
Well, man, I'm no apologist for date rapists -- in fact, I'm much in favor of making fun of them and in cases of no doubt, having them neutered. They forfeit the use of their dicks, afaic.
So, if the Cos was that kind of cat, I don't care, castrate him or cut his dick off. Don't care. Or make him wear Axe Body Spray. Which is probably worse.
An interesting point which bears the re-citation.
Me? I don't know. It's worth discussing, however -- I'd like to hear somebody with (a) more knowledge and (b) more smarts weigh in. ETA not talking about CIAS -- he's proved his acumen by asking the good question and I still relish his contributions.
Honestly I don't have any idea -- it seems like it could be a really nebulous cloud of questions without resolution, but I'd like to hear some opinions (informed or otherwise),
Last edited by Jizzelbin; 25 Nov 2014 at 01:57 AM.
The whole timing thing is weird to me -- why did that comedian's fairly old rant go viral all of a sudden, for example. The culture just seems to have these moments where things break/
As to whether he did it: Same as the others here, I have trouble believing that every one of these stories is a fabrication, no matter how much trouble I might have believing, say, Janice Dickinson.
If it had come out earlier in his career, it might've been explained away as "Boys will be boys." The Sixties and Seventies were different that way. If it was seen as criminal behavior, though, and he was tried, convicted and imprisoned, I suspect his career would never have recovered.
I am a big fan of his comedy though not his show. (Though I Spy was pretty good). The accusations are so numerous though it is hard to believe he is innocent. It sucks when people you admire turn out to be scum or worse.
I suppose that was CAIS's real question.
I don't know if I ever "admired" the Cos -- I'm a white kid grew up in white towns. I certainly know his albums and he is a cultural fixture.
fuck, maybe he is some kind of serial rapist, for all i know. I'm not going to look up some so-called "facts," but I would like to know were it my task to adjudicate.
Again, if he's a date rapist, then cut his balls off or spray him with date-rape Axe. Otherwise, if no one knows, who cares? It's not like he's fucking Mengele hiding in some third-world shit-hole. Bring him in on charges.
Well, it did kind of come out like 10 years ago, and even then people were reluctant to believe it, probably because he's a beloved figure. Certainly, people are more likely to believe someone like him than some random woman they don't know. Not to mention that it was squelched for various reasons. I think it's becoming a different world, where we don't have to rely on professional media outlets for information and opinion commentary can go viral.
I read some more about it, and I guess I change my mind, in part. He very likely is a sex offender, and possibly a rapist. Too bad. *Fat Albert* was one cool-ass cartoon. Well, nothing to be done about it now, I guess. What's that line from *Cape Fear* (original and remake): "the justice system is slow...."
That was a spurious thought which expresses in nuce everything wrong about everything about everybody.
"Too bad"? for whom? for we, the viewers at home?
OTOH that chain of ideas expresses what's wrong with American/UN/NATO overseas interventionism -- in the Balkans, in Somalia (crosses self), in Sudan and Chad. *Meaning* well, and *doing* well (as I guess some tabloid journalists suppose themselves to be doing in the name of scientia est virtus), is the same thing as doing jack shit, except maybe to a few.
I believe this trial by public to be (a) effective at (i) highlighting the ways in which intervening hamhandedly in private affairs may impair coalition-building (ii) bringing to light ways in which diplomacy may better be achieved in the future and (b) useful in demonstrating some facts of the US justice system (yes, I know, that's not a thing, but an abstraction) about which people may be better-informed.