I do not wish to make threads for each, nor do I have knowledge of in which forum each thread would go.

Nevertheless, I have strong idea for several worthy thread that go in you place of making posts.

oh yeah, so, stop talking funny, so like -- ok I'll do the illiterate style of list-making.

(i) LOGIC PUZZLES. It happens I have evolved from the slime of the lambda calculus to thinking more about combinators at the same time my eldest nephew has taken up bird-admiring. Wonderfully, there are a number of interesting and (to me) difficult puzzles about birds and combinators in American philosopher Smullyan's book *To Mock a Mockingbird*.

It took me a long time using pencil and paper over my own desk to even figure out what beta reduction did, and now I am vindicated that there is a fun little thing to do with it.

(ii) Douglas Hoftsadter, who, as you know, is kind of an interloper into abstract sciences, but wrote a funny book that got a prize. Avital Ronell, in her book *The Test Drive* mildly chastises Hofstadter for his illiteracy, but I, as a non-professional, kind of think his little rants are cute. Oh yeah, he had some funny stuff about his vegetarianism in his autobio.

(iii) I don't like disappeared posts, and neither does anybody else, with anything to say.