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Thread: Mouse/Supermouse - What if it applies to humans?

  1. #1
    Administrator CatInASuit's avatar
    Feb 2009
    Coulsdon Cat Basket

    Default Mouse/Supermouse - What if it applies to humans?

    A new gene experiment on mice has managed to create a mouse that can run for longer and faster than its more natural counterpart. The idea behind it is to understand how they are affected and how to keep them healthy in old age and prevent damage to them. Assuming these experiments prove valid and can be applied to humans, how far should they be allowed to go.

    If everyone is allowed to benefit from it, will it improve things as it would be an area that we would have to not worry about?

    Would this ruin the point of sports in which people are supposed to be as natural as possible, or would the rules have to be amended to allow people to compete?

    Could it be made something available to everyone, or is it likely to wind up as a benefit for the rich and absent from the poor. Could it lead to a situation that procreation became more about making sure that particular genetic traits were kept, than anything to do with love and happiness?
    In the land of the blind, the one-arm man is king.

  2. #2
    The Queen Zuul's avatar
    Mar 2009


    I'm curious how they'd make the leap from genetically modifying mice to accomplishing the same thing through drugs for humans, which is what they say they want to do. I think it's a laudable goal, but seeing as how we're not made in labs like the gengineered mice, it's going to take a while before we see much benefit for us, won't it?

    I'd imagine that if something like this does make it to the market in our lifetimes, it won't be something professional athletes are allowed to use while competing.
    So now they are just dirt-covered English people in fur pelts with credit cards.

  3. #3
    Oliphaunt Rube E. Tewesday's avatar
    Feb 2009


    Ah, this is .

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