Please meet Dusty, our fosterling for the next month.
Please meet Dusty, our fosterling for the next month.
Aw, what a cute li'l fuzzbutt! Is this the first fosterling you've brought in since Dot?
So now they are just dirt-covered English people in fur pelts with credit cards.
Last edited by What Exit?; 08 Jun 2011 at 07:10 PM.
SQUEEEEEEEEEeeeeeeeEEEEEEEEeeeeeeEEEEEEEeeeeeeeee, of course.
I love when they're still at that pointy-tail age.
OMG nom nom nom I eat that kitty up.![]()
Does Dusty climb up peoples legs like she climbs up that bookshelf?
As an aside, the background of the kitty video looks eerily like our house in Hawaii: exact same carpet on the same kind of hardwood floor, and (apparently, if I'm seeing it correctly) precisely the same shade of yellow-painted wall. I don't know what the furniture is currently like, since the tenant has changed it around, but when we were there we had lots of very similar bookshelves crammed with books.
Are you my tenant?
Nope, still in Jersey.
I got rid of a third of my books and it is still overcrowded.
Dusty so far is not a leg climber.
Unbearable cuteness!
"I won't kill for money, and I won't marry for it. Other than that, I'm open to just about anything."
-Jim Rockford
Dusty is doing great. Up over two pounds and some interest in adoption already.
Of course a few more pics and 2 of Dot.
Dustys closeup
Dusty is Cute
Why is Dusty in my Food?
Dusty wore out Becky
Normal Dot
Dot the Balrog Kitty hating on the interloper.
Dot is the prettiest cat ever. LOVE seeing pictures of her.![]()
I always wondered what comes in a Pro Select Professional Equipment box. Now I know; a box full of cuteness.
I was going to say "I see she is a harlequin" but it appears I have misunderstood the meaning of that term all these years (I learned it in the pre-internet days, when misinformation abounded). Thanks to Google, I know she is actually a dilute calico.
That is correct, she is indeed a dilute calico, my daughter is a near expert at this point and that is how she identified Dusty.
Dusty may already have a adoption lined up for after she is fixed. My niece's sister-in-law is interested. I hope it happens that would be great.
I want Dusty. That is all.
Dusty is headed back to the shelter and after her surgery (to be fixed) she will head for her new home Friday. Pretty awesome.
We're two for two on successful fostering and adoptions.
I post her farewell pics soon a long with the new little foster kitten.
It is so odd, in a single month Dusty grew 3 times larger and went from a little baby kitten to a small cat. Dot's opinion went from "Interloper!" to "Where's my little buddy?"
The new guy is active, friendly and fully on solid food. He looks a little like Dot but stripes and not dots and regular ears rather then Elf ears.