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Thread: Some people. :(

  1. #1
    Oliphaunt The Original An Gadaí's avatar
    Mar 2009

  2. #2
    Elen síla lumenn' omentielvo What Exit?'s avatar
    Feb 2009
    Central NJ (near Bree)


    That hurts, where did the collection of jerks assemble?

  3. #3
    Oliphaunt The Original An Gadaí's avatar
    Mar 2009


    They're all grabs from facebook i do believe.

  4. #4
    Prehistoric Bitchslapper Sarahfeena's avatar
    Mar 2009


    God, people suck.

  5. #5
    A Groupie Marsilia's avatar
    Mar 2009


    Oh, humans. *sighs* The day after (or of) the quake and tsunami, Hurricane Katrina was a TT on Twitter. Same kind of mess.
    So, I'll whisper in the dark, hoping you'll hear me.

  6. #6
    Elephant Ramses's avatar
    Feb 2011
    Sacramento, CA


    Facebook page wallscrawl I engaged in:
    Names changed to protect the ridiculous.

    -RAMSES THE THIRD: Hundreds are dead. Hundreds more missing. Sorry to be a buzzkill.
    -RANDY MABO: .....we're aware.
    -RAMSES: ROFLCOPTERing human tragedy's just kind of tasteless.
    -RANDY: Not if you know the reason for the so-called roflcoptering. People are allowed to deal with death and tragedy however they like. I already expressed my sorrow, said my prayers. I intend to make a donation. I'm allowed to vent the negative emotions with a little silliness before they destroy me.
    -RAMSES: And I'm certainly allowed to recommend you grow up. This is public heckling in light of a huge tragedy. You know when you make a joke, and go "Too soon?" -- too soon.
    -TRACY: I feel like RANDY already expressed my opinion, but I'm going to try anyway.

    I'm sorry if I've offended you but his is how I deal with things sometimes. Just because I act silly, doesn't mean it's not hurting me, scaring me, or what have you....
    And I happen to be sort of obsessed with Japan.. so's you know.
    And in my opinion, I'm not needing to grow up, I'm just learning different ways of dealing with tragedies. If it offends you that much, then just don't read it. Because I'm not going to censor myself to please you, and I'm not going to argue with you about how one deals with being upset, or whatever it is you're trying to pick a fight about (or perhaps you're just giving advice? in which case, please and thank you, advice is always appreciated, but I was not *trying* to offend anyone).

    People deal with things like this in all sorts of ways. You have yours, and I have mine.
    -RAMSES: You decided to post in a public forum this uncensored coping mechanism of poking humor at a tragedy counting deaths in a total that you likely can not begin to fathom. If making Little Mermaid jokes in reference to a tragedy that isn't even... over yet, where people are STILL dying, is your coping mechanism, you could have done it in various ways:

    Out loud.
    In a journal.
    In email.
    Texted to someone who appreciates it.

    You did it in a public forum, while the tragedy is still underway and the body count is rising, where entire trains have gone missing. So yes. You have the right to document your pain however you like. If this is how you must cope, so be it; but your obsession with Japan does not excuse your mocking their deaths. I don't need you to please me. I'm simply trying to make a counterbalance so people who can not fathom this level of atrocity can pause, rather than ROFLing along, and realize what exactly they're doing.

    By posting in a public forum, you invite public response. Hello. I am public response.
    -RANDY: Well, you're part of "public response." you're 1/671 of the portion of the public that has access to Ivy's status. Whereas 9 people liked the status.

    You're talking about making a counterbalance? you mentioned there being a time and place fo...r things. Make the counterbalance on your wall, with your status. Or donate to the relief fund. Do something that makes a difference rather than picking on two people who are merely venting in a way that does no real harm to anyone.
    -RAMSES: I did make a comment on my wall: donate if you can. I changed my icon to reflect such. And I did donate to the relief fund. Once I did these things, I was curious how my friends responded. I was displeased by some of the response.

    Here I am.

    "Picking" on people.

    Who are ridiculing the loss of still-untold life.
    -RANDY: Who's ridiculing the loss of life? Not really sure I appreciate this judgment from you, who doesn't know me at all. I've dealt with a *lot* of death in my life, on both a massive and very personal scale. People sometimes need to joke or the grief will consume them.
    -CHRISTIAN SLANE: Ramses... all i gotta say, is look up the first amendment.. freedom of speech and freedom of press.. we have the right to publish whatever we feel we need to or want to anytime we want.. in other words, anybody can poke humor at anything, at... anytime, anyplace.. INLCUDING public forums.. whether or not it will be liked or diskliked is another story.. you could have just bypassed this status and been along your merry little day, but no.. you had to come in and critcize someone for exercising her freedoms that were given to her by the simple fact of being born in this country.. now, i understand that you might be offended or WHATEVER, but that doesnt change the fact that she has freedoms and rights.. so yea.. just thought id get my little two cents in there.. besides, its always good to make light of a situation.. positive or negative..

    and by the way i really dont like people that try to infringe upon other people's rights..
    -RAMSES: re: Randy, yes, I addressed that. The fact that this need to make tasteless jokes at the expense of horrific life was done -publically- was my complaint. As I said, if mocking the tragedy needed doing, it was equally viable to do it in a way that did not involve social media networking. Perhaps, as I said, by writing it down in an actual journal, emailing a friend who would appreciate the sentiment, saying it out loud, so on.

    re: Christian: I am aware. And I have the right to respond. That's what I said above. I disagree with the content here, for a variety of reasons, and postulate on them as Bad Taste, not Illegal or Criminal in action. You are in fact infringing upon my rights as much as I am on theirs; I am suggesting it was wrong for them to say this on a moral level. You are suggesting it's wrong for me to complain that they said this on an apparently a legal level.
    As per your suggestion that it is always good to make light of a situation, I also disagree.
    -TRACY: It's morally wrong for me to cope with a tragedy with laughter?
    -RAMSES: I'm saying that it's morally reprehensible to sing the Little Mermaid song as people die to a tsunami, yes.
    -CHRISTIAN: and, as Randy said, people have their own ways of dealing with things.. that should be the end of the argument right there.. and also, i wasnt talking about freedom of speech on a legal level, and i dont even know where that came from? but i... was just saying she has rights and she can express whatever she's thinking however the hell she wants.. all i can say is wow Ramses.. you are going to extreme lengths to try and get your point across.. ok, we get it, in YOUR eyes and YOUR eyes only out of the people that read this status so far, singing the little mermaid song is morally wrong.. to the people that like this status, its a way of dealing with something negative.. learn something about human psychology.. jeezzz..
    perfect example.. when my mom died, me and my sister looked back at the good times and laughed alot but also cried alot.. its just a way of coping with things... looking at the good that will come, and has come out of it..
    -RAMSES: The Freedom of Speech is a legal right. You cited it as the source for why I should STFU. I am exercising it as surely as she is. Your complaint was a legal one.

    I am aware of the need for people to distract themselves from horror. So go ahead and watch The Big Bang Theory. Enjoy a season of Flight of the Conchords. Don't sing intentionally sarcastic jaunty tunes while people continue to die. That's some of the worst kind of behavior humans can do: laugh as others suffer because it isn't happening to you.

    Here's the basic check for what you should do before posting something like this in public: imagine you're talking to someone in Sendai Japan who has family missing, and sing the Little Mermaid song to them. Will you get punched in the face? If the answer is yes, don't say this hateful shit.

    This is not comparable to what happened to your family. You didn't stand over her body doing defamatory impressions of her. If someone did, would you have appreciated it?
    -LAURIE VERITY: I'm sorry for jumping in like this, and I think the three of you have very valid points. Randy and Tracy, yes, there are ways to deal with this kind of thing. I tend to gravitate towards humour or jokes as well, but as Ramses mentioned, it's still happening. Right now. People are dying, people are missing, and there is chaos. If this was happening in your city, your hometown, to your loved ones, do you think this type of commentary at this point in time would be appropriate?

    As funny as your status is, I think bringing in humour to cope with something that probably does not affect you personally/directly (I don't know if it does), that is still occurring, is premature, at least on such a public forum. Not enough time has passed since it happened. No time has passed; it's still going on.

    You have every right to say whatever you want, of course, and everyone else also has the right to say if and why they disagree.
    -JAMES JESSE: Lol, dude my Aunt in Oregon called in the middle of the night last night and she was all like "OI... Theres a tsunami! Going to hit Washington! Go to new channel!" And I was like "Bah, it's alright. We live on a hill" and then she was like ..."8.9 ON THE RICHTER SCALE!" and then my dad answered and he said the same thing I said And then he said goodnight... And she called five minutes later and did the same thing x3 Oh, yeah... Sucks for Japan... ZOMG... No more awesome video games or tv shows or funny commercials o_o
    -RAMSES: I'm sure there will continue to be various stereotypically mocked industries for you to be self-interested in, James, not to worry.
    -JAMES: Thats not mockery bud. Those were simply just things that Japan is good at, and what I think of when I think of Japan.
    -LAURIE: ZOMG... real human beings take part in those industries.
    -RAMSES: Weird. When I think of Japan, I think of a society of people. One which is currently suffering a national tragedy. But man, I sure hope those funny commercials are OK.
    -JAMES: Mmkay, I'll just mourn the loss that Japan and several other nations are facing. That's bound to fix everything. (:
    -CHRISTIAN: Ramses, just shut up... trying to tell people what to say and if its wrong is jsut censorship... we have the FCC for that.. you know, the assholes that censor shit that doesnt need to be censored? yea.. those people.. leave the censoring to them and S..T..F..U!!!!
    -LAURIE: Wow. The lack of human compassion in this thread is frightening.

    Christian, Ramses is not saying that you CANNOT say these things. As he already told you, he is responding to you and others in a public forum by stating that he disagrees with ...some of the comments that have been made and WHY he disagrees by pointing out how tasteless some of them are. By telling him to shut up after he expressed his opinion more closely resembles censorship than anything he has said to you/others. What you're saying is hypocritical.

    Nobody is asking anyone to watch the news and weep and rage all day, but rather to consider the lives of your fellow man before making heartless, childish remarks. "Oh, yeah... Sucks for Japan... ZOMG... No more awesome video games or tv shows or funny commercials o_o"
    -AMANDA CLEMENS: I agree with Tracy and Ramses.
    I agree that however you want to express yourself and your feelings is great and is your right, but I also agree that making light of such a horrible situation isn't cool, and posting controversial statuses welcomes opinions.
    Tracy, you have every right to post whatever you want on *your* facebook. And I agree that sometimes making light of something hard makes things easier to cope with, but I think it went a tiny bit far. I feel like it's such a grave situation. I just feel like little mermaid jokes aren't cool right now. I know I wouldn't make a little mermaid joke and start rofling at a funeral, and we're talking about thousands of funerals of beautiful people. So although I respect your right to say whatever you want to say, and think that however you want to cope is fine, I agree that it's a bit offensive, but I understand. And I cheer you on for sticking up for your right. ♥
    -RAMSES: Grow up, Christian. People died. You're defending your pride. I'm defending human decency. Let's just ante up on that fact.
    Last edited by Ramses; 13 Mar 2011 at 12:17 AM.

  7. #7
    Elephant Ramses's avatar
    Feb 2011
    Sacramento, CA


    If I could neck-punch people through the internet, I would.

  8. #8
    Mi parolas esperanton malbone Trojan Man's avatar
    Mar 2010


    What an arsehole ('Christian', I mean).

  9. #9
    Elephant Ramses's avatar
    Feb 2011
    Sacramento, CA


    That's how I feel about most of them, really, Spitz.

  10. #10
    Elephant Ramses's avatar
    Feb 2011
    Sacramento, CA


    And as far as Pearl Harbor - what the hell, you human parasites? You'd think dropping two nuclear bombs was pretty good "vengeance" for Pearl Harbor, if we're talking making tallies in blood. Ridiculous. I hate humanity.

  11. #11
    Feb 2009


    Today in my Zen class we were discussing kshanti, which is supposed to be the practice of patience, forbearance, and forgiveness towards behavior that might not deserve it.

    People do make that difficult, don't they.

  12. #12
    Mi parolas esperanton malbone Trojan Man's avatar
    Mar 2010


    Quote Originally posted by Orual View post
    Today in my Zen class we were discussing kshanti, which is supposed to be the practice of patience, forbearance, and forgiveness towards behavior that might not deserve it.

    People do make that difficult, don't they.
    Patience, forbearance, and forgiveness are all great things, but I think sometimes not very practical. Maybe that says more about my failings than the things themselves, but I think Ramses did a top job.

  13. #13
    A Groupie Marsilia's avatar
    Mar 2009


    Quote Originally posted by spitz View post
    ...but I think Ramses did a top job.
    I don't, really. We wouldn't have terms like "gallows humor" if it weren't a common and viable reaction to fear, pain, sadness, etc.... Pointing out that it was in poor taste due to the scope of the tragedy was as far as he needed to go. Once it was put across that the "Little Mermaid jokes" were the way the OP and her friend were dealing, that was as far as his part of the conversation needed to go, IMO.
    So, I'll whisper in the dark, hoping you'll hear me.

  14. #14
    Elephant Ramses's avatar
    Feb 2011
    Sacramento, CA


    I've done Gallows Humor, Marsilia. But it's only acceptable when you're the one in the Gallows.

    If a girl in Sendai had said to another friend in Sendai, "Well, at least we can become bitching mermaids in New Atlantis," it'd be OK - it's a coping mechanism, really is, for trying to deal with the extraordinary circumstances.

    These people are in the Midwest in the United States, and I doubt seriously have any concept what it's like to watch your city be subsumed by water or see hundreds of bodies float by. Seriously doubt. The context matters in Gallows Humor.

    IMO, the OP's Little Mermaid schtick was called a coping mechanism as a fallback. An, "oh shit, we got caught" excuse. Her explanation for why it clearly matters to her is because she's obsessed with Japan.

    That's like if I'm really into cajun food, and so I feel like I'm "suffering there with you" during Katrina, enough so that I feel comfortable making hurricane jokes while people are still missing. No. Context matters.

  15. #15
    Mi parolas esperanton malbone Trojan Man's avatar
    Mar 2010


    Quote Originally posted by Ramses View post
    I've done Gallows Humor, Marsilia. But it's only acceptable when you're the one in the Gallows.

    If a girl in Sendai had said to another friend in Sendai, "Well, at least we can become bitching mermaids in New Atlantis," it'd be OK - it's a coping mechanism, really is, for trying to deal with the extraordinary circumstances.

    These people are in the Midwest in the United States, and I doubt seriously have any concept what it's like to watch your city be subsumed by water or see hundreds of bodies float by. Seriously doubt. The context matters in Gallows Humor.

    IMO, the OP's Little Mermaid schtick was called a coping mechanism as a fallback. An, "oh shit, we got caught" excuse. Her explanation for why it clearly matters to her is because she's obsessed with Japan.

    That's like if I'm really into cajun food, and so I feel like I'm "suffering there with you" during Katrina, enough so that I feel comfortable making hurricane jokes while people are still missing. No. Context matters.
    Absolutely. My last post was re: not only the 'jokes', but also this Christian tosser trying to turn it back on Ramses. Hiding behind the 1st Amendment, then attacking Ramses for enjoying the same 1st amendment rights. I think (don't know obviously, but think) Ramses would've let it drop far earlier if his '1st amendment rights' were respected.

    IOW, if you're gonna be a turd, at least own up to it.
    Last edited by Trojan Man; 13 Mar 2011 at 04:42 AM.

  16. #16
    Oliphaunt The Original An Gadaí's avatar
    Mar 2009


    Freedom of speech doesn't apply when talking about a website you don't own so even that argument is bullshit. Facebook could (and perhaps should, different argument) remove offensive posts if they wanted to. 1st amendment rights seem a bit silly too when you're talking on an international forum, which most of the internet is.

  17. #17
    A Groupie Marsilia's avatar
    Mar 2009


    Quote Originally posted by Ramses View post
    I've done Gallows Humor, Marsilia. But it's only acceptable when you're the one in the Gallows.

    If a girl in Sendai had said to another friend in Sendai, "Well, at least we can become bitching mermaids in New Atlantis," it'd be OK - it's a coping mechanism, really is, for trying to deal with the extraordinary circumstances.

    These people are in the Midwest in the United States, and I doubt seriously have any concept what it's like to watch your city be subsumed by water or see hundreds of bodies float by. Seriously doubt. The context matters in Gallows Humor.

    IMO, the OP's Little Mermaid schtick was called a coping mechanism as a fallback. An, "oh shit, we got caught" excuse. Her explanation for why it clearly matters to her is because she's obsessed with Japan.

    That's like if I'm really into cajun food, and so I feel like I'm "suffering there with you" during Katrina, enough so that I feel comfortable making hurricane jokes while people are still missing. No. Context matters.
    Sorry, dude. Survived Katrina. Lost everything I owned, too. An Atlantis joke from somebody who's into Coastal culture (Cajun food, jazz music, or even "boobs for beads" or Anne Rive novels) seems far less offensive than the fundies who tried to say it was God's wrath for letting Ellen be grand marshal for a parade. Context absolutely matters, as does the intent of those who actually make the comments.
    So, I'll whisper in the dark, hoping you'll hear me.

  18. #18
    Prehistoric Bitchslapper Sarahfeena's avatar
    Mar 2009


    I noticed that "Pearl Harbor" was actually trending on twitter last night.

  19. #19
    A Groupie Marsilia's avatar
    Mar 2009


    Fucking Twitterverse.
    So, I'll whisper in the dark, hoping you'll hear me.

  20. #20
    I've had better days, but I don't care! hatesfreedom's avatar
    Mar 2009


    That's what you get for killing dolphins. Posiden gets pissed.

  21. #21
    Member Elendil's Heir's avatar
    Sep 2009
    The North Coast


    I bet Poseidon gets even more pissed if you misspell his name.

  22. #22
    I've had better days, but I don't care! hatesfreedom's avatar
    Mar 2009


    Holy Zues, one of their nuclear reactors went up.

  23. #23
    Elen síla lumenn' omentielvo What Exit?'s avatar
    Feb 2009
    Central NJ (near Bree)


    3 have had explosions and one might be breached. Was there a new horror today?

  24. #24
    I've had better days, but I don't care! hatesfreedom's avatar
    Mar 2009


    Just the mounting horror that it won't be easily fixed and they're right below chernobyl now instead of three-mile island. Really awful stuff.

  25. #25
    Elen síla lumenn' omentielvo What Exit?'s avatar
    Feb 2009
    Central NJ (near Bree)


    Yep, they passed three-mile island yesterday from what I can tell but are still well below Chernobyl for now. I really hope it stays that way. I think they are down to a volunteer crew at the plants pulling a Spock (as in Wrath of Khan) trying to prevent the bigger disaster. What I read was almost all personnel are gone now and that would indicate the remaining crew will be exceeding any safe dosage before they are done and clearly they must know what they are doing. I hope they are making their sacrifice in a successful heroic act. They will probably live long enough to be properly lauded for it at least.

    I found more on it at CNN:
    "Their situation is not great," said David Brenner, director of the Center for Radiological Research at Columbia University. "It's pretty clear that they will be getting very high doses of radiation. There's certainly the potential for lethal doses of radiation. They know it, and I think you have to call these people heroes."
    Last edited by What Exit?; 15 Mar 2011 at 01:02 PM.

  26. #26
    aka ivan the not-quite-as-terrible ivan astikov's avatar
    Feb 2009
    moston, UK.


    It occurred to me when the 1st reactor went up that all these places should be constructed within some kind of sealed dome.

    Let's hope the right lessons are learned from this disaster.
    To sleep, perchance to experience amygdalocortical activation and prefrontal deactivation.

  27. #27
    I've had better days, but I don't care! hatesfreedom's avatar
    Mar 2009


    Quote Originally posted by ivan astikov View post
    It occurred to me when the 1st reactor went up that all these places should be constructed within some kind of sealed dome.

    Let's hope the right lessons are learned from this disaster.
    I'm pretty certain they are constructed inside a hardened dome, which surrounds other safety cages. That said, I didn't realize how little I knew about nuclear power plants until this happened. Now I know what pebble bed reactors are, but still not much else on how you manage and control the entire operation of a plant. I'm sure we'll all learn quite a lot from it.

  28. #28
    Prehistoric Bitchslapper Sarahfeena's avatar
    Mar 2009


    Yeah, hopefully the people who design the things will learn a bit, too. At least that good might come out of this.

  29. #29
    Elen síla lumenn' omentielvo What Exit?'s avatar
    Feb 2009
    Central NJ (near Bree)


    Well true, but part of the problem is the design is known to not be anywhere near as good as it should be but the plant is old. Like all of the plants in the US. We have old plants and older plants. The newer safer designs have more redundancy, more use gravity for safety and better containment. These older plants take a lot to cause problems but when disaster strikes, they really are not safe.

    All 6 plants at the site are probably all useless now. Reactors 1-3 are absolutely done as power plants.

  30. #30
    The Queen Zuul's avatar
    Mar 2009


    Quote Originally posted by Marsilia View post
    Quote Originally posted by spitz View post
    ...but I think Ramses did a top job.
    I don't, really. We wouldn't have terms like "gallows humor" if it weren't a common and viable reaction to fear, pain, sadness, etc.... Pointing out that it was in poor taste due to the scope of the tragedy was as far as he needed to go. Once it was put across that the "Little Mermaid jokes" were the way the OP and her friend were dealing, that was as far as his part of the conversation needed to go, IMO.
    Meh. If somebody's being a dick, I'm going to call them on being a dick. Being a pampered white American "Japanophile" doesn't mean you're actually so suffering over what's happened in Japan that any stupid thing you say is okay. Fetishizing a country does not give you a right to shit on their tragedies to make you feel better.

  31. #31
    I've had better days, but I don't care! hatesfreedom's avatar
    Mar 2009


    One of my least favorite sub cultures is the american "Japanophile". True story.

  32. #32
    Elephant Ramses's avatar
    Feb 2011
    Sacramento, CA

  33. #33
    The Queen Zuul's avatar
    Mar 2009


    I've got some pocky (it's pinku).
    I think they love it, I say "me too"
    I sit here watching when there's nothing else to do.
    Oh their mouths are tiny. Their eyes are round.
    Their hair is crazy and colored like clowns.
    I often fap to it when there's no one else around.

    I've got some anime, I've got some anime.
    I'd like a million frames tattooed on all my cells.
    I want an artist to paint my fist anime
    So then I can get inside it as well.
    Gundam Wing's got me going up and going down
    And turning in and turning 'round

    I'm turning Wapanese
    I think I'm turning Wapanese
    I really think so
    Turning Wapanese
    I think I'm turning Wapanese
    I really think so
    I'm turning Wapanese
    I think I'm turning Wapanese
    I really think so
    Turning Wapanese
    I think I'm turning Wapanese
    I really think so

  34. #34
    Oliphaunt The Original An Gadaí's avatar
    Mar 2009


    It's easy to ridicule that whole weeaboo stuff but I dislike the racial element to the criticism, especially in that link above. Japanese people aren't born with a gene that makes them like anime/manga, it's just a part of their culture, and an easily understood one by most younger Anglophone people. It's not as if, either, Japanese culture exists in a vacuum with zero American or whatever influence on it. Loads of Japanese people seem to be kings and queens of taking a subculture and ramping it up to the max.

    However, it is funny to imagine that people think that liking anime/manga some how marks them out as unusual or eccentric. I'm nearly 30 and since I was a little kid those elements were always in the pop culture mix, increasingly so as I've got older and less interested in it. Indeed when I was 12/13 I used to get a certain degree of ridicule for liking anime/manga. Zomg I was a teenage weeaboo.

  35. #35
    The Queen Zuul's avatar
    Mar 2009


    It's Encyclopedia Dramatica. It's entire purpose is to be offensive. Observe the article on babies. You're not actually supposed to take the definitions there seriously.

    Considering that I watch anime and have read a few manga series, I'm not one to judge Americans for liking things from Japan. What I do judge is people who fetishize another culture, describe themselves as "Japanophiles" and then use that as an excuse to be dicks. The ones I dislike are those who make these racist idealizations of Asian cultures (most especially Asian women) and then seem to think that this gives them some kind of claim on those cultures and people. It doesn't. I mean, hey, appropriate whatever pop culture you like, I'm all for that. Just don't be a moron about it.

  36. #36
    Elephant Ramses's avatar
    Feb 2011
    Sacramento, CA


    Well, first off, the Encyclopedia Dramatica does its best to offend. It's a very violently trolling response to the hordes of 4chan; made up mostly from the hordes of 4chan trolling itself.

    But amusingly, they actually do include the journalistic reverse-point in their racially-charged mockery that points out that most Japanese under 50 are Reverse Weeaboos because of their obsession with Western culture and even subcultures; such as, in fact, the aptly named Westerns...

    But yeah. Take anything on Elcyclopedia Dramatica with a grain of salt at best. They have a nice article on Indigo Children too.
    Last edited by Ramses; 23 Mar 2011 at 04:22 PM.

  37. #37
    Oliphaunt The Original An Gadaí's avatar
    Mar 2009


    I know what that site is like, but what's written there reflects the attitude of many online, with just a bit more candour and malice than others would display. I'm aware that a huge amount of people who would complain about wapanese would in some way have an interest in Japanese culture etc. Ah, it's a continuum that really grinds my gears in general. Beneath the light hearted japery of mocking people who take silly things too seriously, it has a racist subtext that one should stick with their "own", that cultural barriers that fall largely on racial lines cannot or should not be crossed. I'm not accusing anyone here of doing that but like threads on SDMB where people give out about white kids "acting black" it rubs me up the wrong way.

  38. #38
    Mi parolas esperanton malbone Trojan Man's avatar
    Mar 2010


    I keep seeing reference to '4chan' everywhere in cyberspace. What is it?

  39. #39
    Elephant Ramses's avatar
    Feb 2011
    Sacramento, CA


    ...you know Mos Eisley, right?
    "The Mos Eisley spaceport. You will never find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy. We must be cautious...."

    That's 4chan on the internet. More memes invented there than anywhere on the internet. Trolls and ridiculousness and horror. HORROR. Shit that would terrify Cthulhu. TEENAGERS GONE WILD.

    4chan.org. DON'T GO.

  40. #40
    Mi parolas esperanton malbone Trojan Man's avatar
    Mar 2010


    Ramses, you're assuming I'm familiar with things I'm not familiar with.

    * What is Mos Eisley?
    * What is Cthulhu?

  41. #41
    Elephant Ramses's avatar
    Feb 2011
    Sacramento, CA


    What... is... Cthulhu?

    What... is... Mos Eisley?

    I... I don't even...

    Just... don't go there to 4chan.org.

    ...then read some H.P. Lovecraft... and watch Star Wars...

  42. #42
    Mi parolas esperanton malbone Trojan Man's avatar
    Mar 2010


    Star Wars... that was a sci-fi movie?

    OK, Ramses isn't making a lot of sense... so...

    What is 4chan, anyone? And if it's important for some reason, what are Cthulhu and Mos Eisley?

  43. #43
    Wanna cuddle? RabbitMage's avatar
    Mar 2009
    The buttcleft of California


    Spitz, I'm afraid I'm going to have to revoke your internet card.

  44. #44
    Elephant Ramses's avatar
    Feb 2011
    Sacramento, CA


    I think he's trolling us.

  45. #45
    Mi parolas esperanton malbone Trojan Man's avatar
    Mar 2010


    Quote Originally posted by Ramses View post
    I think he's trolling us.
    I'm not trolling anyone! I know there are several Star Wars movies, that follow a sci-fi theme of sorts. Also Star Trek, which is better or worse, depending on what type of nerd you are. The rest has left me whooshed.

  46. #46
    Mi parolas esperanton malbone Trojan Man's avatar
    Mar 2010


    Quote Originally posted by RabbitMage View post
    Spitz, I'm afraid I'm going to have to revoke your internet card.
    Sorry dude, I'm on wireless

  47. #47
    Administrator CatInASuit's avatar
    Feb 2009
    Coulsdon Cat Basket


    Quote Originally posted by spitz View post
    I'm not trolling anyone! I know there are several Star Wars movies, that follow a sci-fi theme of sorts. Also Star Trek, which is better or worse, depending on what type of nerd you are. The rest has left me whooshed.
    and a million geeks get the call to arms to defends Star Wars vs Star Trek or possibly the other way around
    In the land of the blind, the one-arm man is king.

  48. #48
    Jan 2010
    in a house


    I was on 4chan when I saw that Liz Taylor had died. This was before any of the news sites had it posted.

    I'm not saying you should go to 4chan for your daily news, but you will learn new things there.

  49. #49
    Elen síla lumenn' omentielvo What Exit?'s avatar
    Feb 2009
    Central NJ (near Bree)


    I didn't know Mos Eisley either but I am that other type of nerd. Only like Original Star Trek really. Star Wars just was not very good to me.

  50. #50
    Mi parolas esperanton malbone Trojan Man's avatar
    Mar 2010


    Back to the OP: Some people indeed http://au.news.yahoo.com/queensland/...vandal-jailed/

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