There's more, right?
*is excited*
A new story entry has been added:
The Adventures of Mello and Tuberat
There's more, right?
*is excited*
everything in nature is sort of gross when you look at it too closely. what is an apple? basically the uterus of a tree - terrifel
Dumbo likes that there is a cartoon elephant, but is a bit concerned about the intentions of the Bolivian terrorists...
Last edited by Dumbo; 11 Aug 2010 at 10:36 AM.
"Tuberat" is a funny word.
Ferrets prefer not to be called tuberats. That is highly insulting to ferrets. You should be ashamed.
Ferrets are of course in the weasel family and very closely related to the polecat.
Acceptable nicknames showing affection: Woozel, Squeezils, Carpet Shark, Toe Shark and Mini-Weasels.