Small site notes and modly things that aren't big enough for their own threads go here.
Small site notes and modly things that aren't big enough for their own threads go here.
About the Crucible
I've expanded a bit on this forum description since it's been getting more activity recently. A debate forum is a nice thing to have, particularly when it's possible to actually debate in it.
The Ask the Expert forum has been folded into Questions and Answers.
When starting a new Ask the Expert thread report your OP to have the thread made a sticky. Ask the Expert threads will remain stickies until a month has passed without any activity.
So now they are just dirt-covered English people in fur pelts with credit cards.
Write Here, Write Now is now known as Creation Station. Instead of focusing purely on writing, it's open to anything creative users might have made. Art, crafts, household objects you built out of earwax. All that good stuff.