Our community pillory and troll petting zoo. Please don't feed them (too much.)
There's nothing wrong with eating pork. Who gives a shit what a bunch of dumb goat farmers thought two thousand years ago? Get a grip.
So, what do ye nerds do when ye aren't pulling the stump off yourselves in your parents basements? Any model train enthusiasts? Or plane spotters? Both are hobbies for losers btw. Just saying like.
Greetings. PixieBob here...your Large, Angry Cat. Your Christian Conservative Cat (but trained by Jesuits, so look out for twisted logic). I reserve this thread in the Cage for my most Trollish remarks so as to properly place them. Todays...
Look, I'm not really sorry if I've offended some of you guise, because it's your prerogative to be offended, but as a person who doesn't define himself by his intelligence, and whose only stereotype to overcome, is that of an idiot, you all come...
is now in session.
Over on messageboards like the TVTropes and Fanfic.net, if you want to comment on the Cybermen invasion of London, you are immediately referred to a 10,000 page UNIT Bible and other important works that you are meant to have read, in order for your...
I'm sure this has been a topic on many people's minds lately, and I was wondering - say you really liked to be spanked until your bum cheeks were the colour of Nicole Kidman's hair, and one day your partner threw down the trusty swishy cane and said...
Or how about these?
Here's another pair. Which pair do you prefer?
Dear Iron Man: How are you? I am fine. I see the DisMarvStanLee universe is expanding at an inflated-over-advertised-over-commercial-endorsed-in-the-movie rate. Lemme get some shit straight Iron Man: Iron Man is such a tough name! Like...
Why didn't you just ask me to take a break from the thread? Do you think I'm some sort of child that has to be made to stand in the corner, or something? This cage stinks of ferret shit! :Shake:
Having now found myself bored enough to finally research the question of what an unshaved pudenda looks like,* I've decided to proceed on with my other low-priority sex-ed question.** Male -> Female, vaginal penetration: 1) Penatratee on knees,...
Hi all. I will try to visit often while you're here. http://www.mellophant.com/forums/showthread.php?p=146095#post146095
How many times are you going to tell people that McNutty is the mole when it is a lie? I wonder how many people have read your lies in chat and believed you when all along it is a lie? 11-23-2009 20:13 <Exy> Oh wow, he's pretending that just...
hatesfreedom presents a spike lee joint in cooperation with magnolia productions : s m u g :
i like to post
Hi! It's October 2nd and that's the day for the Sleeps and Ferret Show. O hai Ferret. How's about a little kiss before the show starts? Are we ready? Thumbs up!
This is a sexy time to be alive, and you know it. That's why you ended up here in my forum. You don't have to make sense here, that is not required. You don't have to like the mods, or the chat whores, or the guys who like...
I sure
It is not clear to me if this thread can be found with ease, but it seemed to be a nice idea to have a location for newcomers and older members alike to introduce themselves and be welcomed. Thus, hello fresh meat! It is good to see you, and pay...
i cant see it
ok Sarah, I can't chate and I can't post in other forums LET ME OUT
Was mswas suspended for ranting about Mary Jo Kopechne? Yes--The Straight Dope Message Board bans anyone who challenges their comfortable, narrow, bourgeois view of the world--even crazy reactionaries like MsWas. He was a right-wing idiot, but...
This almost seems too good to be true...
The name mellophant just suddenly came out of a chat discussion and it was immediately written in stone. I think it's something the general population should weigh in on. Obviously, the admins here (Jim basically) has the final say, so this is to...
Hates asked me to set this thread up as a kind of speed dating pit where he could audition the talent and strut his funky stuff, so without further ado and delay, i give you, all the way from potato-eating Ireland.... THE NOLAN'S!!! (Dig those...
and i like it
"I love fucking cats. Their asses are super tight, and they appreciate my non-barbed penis. Don't you?"
Come on in and play but be warned, the Ferret Rules. Technically Hates is a "Sexy God Moderator" of the Ferret House: A Sexy God Moderator can edit posts and close and delete reports and can also view post details. Better than that, he's the...
To go along with the board repackaging, I have an idea for this subforum. I think there are a few things to be done - use it more (I may wind up here a few nights with my fellow chat bitches :lol: ) and make it more fun. If our beloved...
Thank you.
Did y'all miss me? :wink: Sorry I was gone for a while, looks like this place has gone to the dogs in my absence. What's the deal that I can't get here from work? Maybe there's something about it in the About forum.
Since AllWalker stuck him in Room 101 and now ferret wants to kick him out. :sad: This thread is your house, 8===D. I have built it for you. Everyone come and join the housewarming.
Just curious, Winston
This is my favorite thread.
I guess the powers that be have decided that democracy at DoMeBo doesn't work. But who is making the decisions now? Who made pepperlandgirl a mode? I guess I'm fine with it, as long as she remembers not to put porn on the front page. Maybe...
Jim, I like you both personally and in your role as a domebo mod... I appreciate that it was fairly rude to send you money and demand things of you but that is all it was - rudeness - any ulterior motives, if you could call them that, were...
Or indeed bored war... zotti's being ridiculous banning StS, shall we teach him a lesson? I say we all call up the chicago reader, which I just did, and leave him a message, which again I just did (just go to their switchboard and they have a nice...
Well the answer is that I would like you to send 1000 CAD to SmashTheState, we agreed in domebo chat that was the most sensible solution. At current exchange rates you will get about $50 for your trouble, which is fair enough. See http: //ot...
I don't know if this is the correct forum, but as you don't have one called The Clinic, I thought I'd ask my question here. Genital warts: should they be removed or do they give added stimulus to the vajayjay's inner corridor?
everybody loves Vox Gee whiz, thanks guys. Anyhoo, in the case of Rand Rover, I think it's because a lot of Dopes are crying baby fags.
Let my people go! ______________________________________________________________ Vagina, Vox Clitoris
I was unfairly boxed for nothing. I will destroy you all. We'll get the Giraffeboard Panda after you.
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