A place for general discussion, idle chat and anything that doesn't seem to fit elsewhere like stray polls.
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[FR]eh putain, ce n'est q parler...
13 Nov 2017 05:33 AM
Welcome to Mellophant that was Domebo. We are a general interest message board and welcome all. We will attempt to answer General Factual Questions, hold debates, talk sports and games or play games, discuss the arts from the cultural to reality TV...
According to the latest research from WHO (the World Health Organization), there are more than a million people who die each year because of smoking. - 90% of people who die of lung disease died because of smoking, - 70% of people who die of...
Yeah, I had a fucked up dream two days ago. I was in a recording studio, at a session being led by a Hammond organist, with me on piano, and at least a drummer and guitarist. Very vivid, but not really a pants-down-at-the-prom thing. Just...
we in the blessed days the first of the month of Dhul Hijjah, which is held by the rites of the obligatory fifth of Islam and God willing I will explain to you all about that duty detail Hajj in Mecca and visit the grave of Mstafah Habib...
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eS1cm2Nlbtc Eid-Al-Fitr is one of the major holidays of Islam. It comes at the end of the holy month of Ramadan and celebrates the end of the fasting. The holiday comes on the first day of the 10th month in the...
The month of Ramadan is almost upon us, and its arrival is very important for all Muslims. He is something they hold dear, as they long for and await His arrival. They rejoice when it is near and give each other good tidings when it actually...
Congratulations to the Islamic nation on the advent of the holy month of Ramadan Allah has prescribed fasting for all the previous communities even if it was different in the way and the time of accomplishing it. Allah says: )يا أيها الذين...
Why does the laundry always end up on the floor next to the laundry basket, rather than in the laundry basket?
Yeah, so like RPG because the rules are one RL anecdote or observation per post, limit is one paragraph. Or whatever. And totally obey the rules, because whatever, something bad or something and it's totally super serious. And also try to...
Inspired by something some Ozzer said in a TNP, something about resolutions for new years or whatever bullshit. I was looking back at some stuff not too long ago about what I was thinking (substitute "whatever/whoever/whomever" for "I," it...
Hey everyone! :3 You know those characters you just click and connect with? Who you see yourself in to the point of it being scary, almost like the writers follow you around and write your lifestory? No, just me. Okay. Well, which fictional...
Yeah, so now I'm seriously anti-anti-anti-anti-mellow about new seasons of TV shows. I'll even include some ones still-on-the-radar-but-not-that-much-care. THIS IS AN OFFICIAL THREAD ABOUT REAL STUFF SO DON'T FUCK UP!!!!! Robot Chicken Bob's...
The month of Ramadan, 9th lunar month Ramadan begins on the 9th month of the lunar year. Also, traditionally, the beginning of Ramadan is decreed when a religious sees the first crescent moon. Fasting, which concerns both food and drink,...
Let me be the first to say that Facebook's "chat" window kind of.... depends on text size settings. OK fine. Whatever. I'm normally a very disciplined eater, when it comes to doing a "project," like eating 800 calories a day or whatever...
I've decided to augment the correct use of an umbrella, in rainy weather, with some sort of hat. I'm not going to wear a fedora, nor anything that looks too-outdoorsy...when I go hiking, I use my own gear, which is not, IMO, appropriate gear for a...
I invite Western people who do not know the Prophet Mohammed and deal dishonorable and absurd qualifiers, read the comments of European scientists and research related to the Koran and the Prophet; The prophet peace be upon him says: (day of...
Month of Return to Allah Ramadan has always been a positive turning point in the lives of many Muslims and non Muslims Narrated by Abu Hurairah, May Allah be Pleased with Him Interpreation of the Meaning: "The Prophet (Peace and Blessings of...
Sociological commentary optional. Yeah, and whatever, define "old" however you want. I hate that shit, like "eh bleh this is *my* thread I'm so special!" After all, isn't it forbidden to forbid, in an egalitarian society? Yeah, so what I was...
If there were a woman with these measurements, what (roughly) would she look like: 44 (DDD) 38 60
Meh. Went all the way out to a Walmart at just-before-midday in an exurb/suburb. Freeway driving all the way. Which I hate. But, I haven't forgotten how. I suppose it wasn't fruitless -- I desired a second mattress/boxspring cover to...
Manly Wade Wellman is the greatest name in the history of names.
Yeah, well, the subject title pretty much says it all. In no particular order: tailgaters fast-burning cigarettes faulty lighters tailgaters: no excuse is possible people who lead or participate in "group" anything: STFU
Just had to get this off my chest. WTF, Chrome? I'm used to using Firefox + UnMHT (it's an extension that lets one save multiple tabs in the MHT format for offline reading) + DownloadHelper for videos -- music or lectures or whatever. In...
Had this random thought: what's the most random combination of language fluency (for a native English speaker) you can cone up with? My combination: Arabic Spanish ASL
https://www.pinterest.com/pin/326229566749800161/ Yeah, I was looking for another francophone Canadien comic which was pretty funny, about how women get the short end in day-to-day inconveniences. Pinterest is basically impossible to find shit...
ركن المتحدثين الداعية محمد حجاب و زائرين فى الهايد بارك مترجم https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vNzMEVKt4pA الأخ عمران و عباس فى حوار مع مسيحيين ركن المتحدثين مترجم https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1SwXdiIkDwI&t=10s
Courtney 5'2, 125 30A/20/34 Barbara 5'7-1/2, 250 42D/38/58
3 classes during the semester: 1 online class 1 graduate level class (my limited experience is they meet 1x/wk) 1 Independent Study supervision
If you're applying to a college a relative is an alumnus of (not your parents), would you mention it in passing during your college essay?
Who was the first POTUS to have the modern educational experience? Modern= enter kindergarten in a school at age 5, graduate from HS at 18.
Hey people! Does anyone here have any collections of any sort? Any impressive collections of things. I collect figurines and plushies from movies and shows I love, mainly Steven Universe, Star Trek, and a lot of Disney, mainly the villains. My stuff...
Hello everyone. This is a topic that kind of interests me. I've watched videos and shows on this topic. Has anyone had an encounter with the supernatural? Like a ghost, a spirit, an angel, or a demon, anything? Would you say that is changed you? If...
Once driverless cars become the norm, will people need valid licenses to use them?
This is HW related but tangentially. For an assignment on the Magna Carta, I need to do a write up as if I were pitching a TV program to the history channel, and I'm trying to think up a good production company name. Anybody have any brilliant or...
A Congressman's HS aged son got suspended from HS (served 1 day in school suspension) for getting into a fistfight at school. On the whole, he's a good kid, just got provoked by bullies/jerks.
If Ike and FDR came back today, who would more likely recognize his party? I'd go with FDR. I'd wonder how surprised he'd be his party produced the first black POTUS and nominated te first woman. Ike would probably wonder WTH happened to his party.
The FF were BRILLIANT on the whole, so it's always flummoxed me that they never foresaw political parties. They assumed men who disagreed would be able to coexist and co-govern the country. The election of 1796 quickly put that notion to bed, and a...
How would you handle this situation: You're in a white-collar entry level interview, and have a long planned vacation that occurs the week you start (for purposes of this hypothetical a honeymoon). Am I correct that asking for immediate vacation...
If you can guesstimate how much your annual mortgage would be, how do you extrapolate how much house that buys?
Inspired by: I think she was there... I don't think she said or did much. They were all just standing there with annoyed weirded out looks on their faces. Well, there goes my "dreams" for tonight. At least that bastard Riker won't...oh...
I ordered and paid for a hamburger with my phone. Which, sure, welcome to the present, Pops, but it still made me happy that I'm doing better than the Jetsons.
How many times have you wondered if its really alright to eat that pickle and pastrami sandwich on the on public transport? Do you consider whether using BCC is acceptable if you really don't want to someone to know if you passing info on or what...
I haven't done this on the 'old' boards until now, so here's K.K. Fusion!
I was playing around with something, and got a unexpected result. I multiplied: 112.5 by 2.125 122.5 by 3.225 132.5 by 4.325 142.5 by 5.425 Added the answers, then divided by 4
I swear to fucking god and his friends on the goddamned cross. I have never seen a woman with as superb a body as this one: https://www.pornhub.com/view_video.php?viewkey=ph59f1b6bc2672e No. Never. And I have seen all porn ever, even...
Hello People! Froody here! Has anyone here ever seen Steven Universe? Yeah, the cartoon with potentially controversial LGBTQ undertones. Any SU fans here? I got into the show the December of 2016. I even have a Gemsona, cause I'm lame like that....
Why do certain colleges not award terminal MA/MS degrees? Is it because they're worried about losing the cheap labor of doctoral students? What if a student doesn't aspire to academia, but a BA/BS isn't enough education for their desired position?
Hi, This is a little cheeky as I haven't posted over here for ages, but some people might like to know I have released some of my written work on Amazon. The author name is "Douglas Porter", and it turns out there is another author or two by that...
suppose you had a mental health problem that made you delusional to a degree. anyway you create an imaginary being in your head. this being has real emotions, thoughts and intelligence. however your physical brain is mostly normal. one day you...
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