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by Peeta Mellark Published on 07 Jan 2011 12:33 PM
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Why I hate TV Tropes

[quote]Well, maybe "hate" is unfair. Or perhaps "TV Tropes" is, when the site isn't real...
by pepperlandgirl Published on 02 Nov 2009 02:05 PM
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Why NaNoWriMo Is Nobody's Friend

by Peeta Mellark Published on 31 Oct 2010 09:06 AM
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Why I Hate The Stand

[quote]If you haven't read Stephen King's [I]The Stand...
by pepperlandgirl Published on 14 Jul 2009 11:53 PM
Thrown Out of a Moving Vehicle.
This month prr debuts with (what appears to be) a controversial suggestion in the world of baseball. I'll adm...
by CatInASuit Published on 11 Nov 2011 06:06 AM

It seems special this year somehow. Although it is not a 100 years since the great war ended on Flanders fields, this time round it is 11/11/11 and given the time that has passed s...
by pepperlandgirl Published on 17 Aug 2009 01:01 PM
My friend and editor, Trace Edward Zaber, agreed to write two articles for the front page. Ravings of a Historical Nitpicker is...
by pepperlandgirl Published on 01 Aug 2009 12:23 AM
Normally I like to have some sort of comment or question for each article, but I don't know anything about baseball. I grasp that a bat is used to hit the ball, but everything beyond that? Pure jibberish to me. But it does make me wonder--[url=http:/...
by Calm Aunt Roal Published on 25 Aug 2010 10:54 AM
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The Adventures of Mello and Tuberat #7


<a href="http://www.mellophant.com/node/...
by Exy Published on 03 Mar 2010 02:01 PM
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No Greater Joy: Another child dead from Biblical child-rearing advice

[quote][INDENT]Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not depart from it. [I]Proverbs 22:6...
by Zuul Published on 11 Nov 2011 02:47 PM
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Science with Mrs. Murray: Mummifying an Apple

[quote]Mrs. Murray is a friend of mine who is a brilliant science teacher and is making a series of videos explaining different scientific con...
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